View Full Version : G-Code Incog vs N82

03-29-2014, 05:06 PM
I have a Remora for pocket carry of my CW380 (once I get it broken in). Thanks to those who posted info about their sale.

I am looking for a holster for my CW9. Have it down to the G-Code and N82. Advantage of the G-Code is the ride height can be adjusted. That doesn't seem to be the case with the N82. I'd hate to get the holster and then it doesn't ride at a height that I find comfortable.

Advantage of the N82 is that there is material between the gun grip and your body. The N82 seems like it would be more comfortable.

If it matters, I am about 5ft - 7in, 150lbs.

Any info or ideas you have on the G-Code vs N82?


03-29-2014, 05:08 PM
I think I just answered my own question - G-Code doesn't make a holster for the CW9.

04-08-2014, 05:08 AM
Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity. :) (Written by someone with experience.)

04-10-2014, 07:03 PM
The N82 is comfortable right from the start. I bought the entry level "Original" and it does just fine for me. The N82 original is flexible and allows me to use it with a variety of firearms. I rotate between different options and some become uncomfortable by the end of the day, especially when new and not broken in.

04-11-2014, 08:58 AM
I bought a N82 for my CM9, then drove to Florida and back (2 twelve hour days behind the wheel each way) carrying the holster/CM9 and it was more comfortable than my OWB holster for it. I carried the CM9 for a week in Florida wearing shorts and a t shirt, with the t shirt tucked in between the holster and my pants. Nobody noticed, or at least if they did it was Florida and nobody cared.

I bought the N82 professional model. You do have to rotate the gun ever so slightly to draw as the polycarbonate part of the holster holds the gun in place. There are some people that don't like that feature. I prefer it as it gives the gun a bit more retention security. I've been carrying a Safariland Raptor holster at work for the last 10 years which is a level III holster where you need to make a couple movements to draw, so the little twist on the N82 is nothing for me.