View Full Version : cm9 with 8 round mag

03-29-2014, 11:16 PM
Anybody have a picture of a cm9 with a 8 round mag in it all i have found is pics of 7 round mags

03-30-2014, 09:48 AM
Put your pistol on the table ,slide your stock mag in it but leave it sticking out 1 1/8th" and you'll know what it looks like. I have used a 8 rounder for 4 years as backup carry mag for my cm9 and cw9 . It was also the extra breakin mag for a cw9 and my cm9 along with the 7 rounder for the cw9. Been 100% reliable for me but others have problems so guess theres some trial and error to see if it works well in yours.

03-30-2014, 01:30 PM
Check in here:
some really good info on cm9 8rnd. mags.;)