View Full Version : CW 9 Trigger bottoms out before firing

03-30-2014, 02:09 PM
Hey all - First time post long time lurker. What is going on with Kahr lately? I have a CW 9, which is my 5th Kahr pistol. I've never had one in the past that has such a late trigger break.
I've searched and I've seen the threads about the guy on here with the same issue on his CW 45 but the thread got off track and there wasn't a resolution.

My CW 9 trigger has to be pulled all the way back until it stops and then I have to give it more pressure before the striker releases. I've seen this on other Kahr guns in the P and CW series at a couple different GS in my area.

I have checked everything and cleaned everything and it does seem a tad better it's still not what i'm accustomed to from Kahr products. It has severely affected my accuracy with the pistol. I've completely disassembled the slide and cleaned every part and every nook and cranny and it didn't change a thing.

So my question is, is the issue with the trigger bar or the cocking cam? Kahr sells the cocking cam on their website for about 6 bucks. From looking at the one in my gun compared to my other Kahrs seem to look the same.

So that would leave the trigger bar.......I have see statements on the web about it maybe being out of Sync. What does that mean?

There is a Kahr armorer at my local Gander Mt so I may speak with him and see what he thinks. If he gives me any useful information I will post here for anyone else having this frustrating issue.

03-30-2014, 06:38 PM
Your gun needs to go back to Kahr for service. Contact the service department for a return authorization number and request that they send you a prepaid mailing label, so that you don't have to eat the shipping costs. This is a well known problem that requires a factory fix.

04-09-2014, 08:48 AM
Yup send it back to Kahr. All the CW9s sitting on display in my LGS exhibit similar behavior. I'm just lucky I found a used one with a good trigger

04-09-2014, 02:56 PM
Hey all - First time post long time lurker. What is going on with Kahr lately? I have a CW 9, which is my 5th Kahr pistol. I've never had one in the past that has such a late trigger break.
I've searched and I've seen the threads about the guy on here with the same issue on his CW 45 but the thread got off track and there wasn't a resolution.

My CW 9 trigger has to be pulled all the way back until it stops and then I have to give it more pressure before the striker releases. I've seen this on other Kahr guns in the P and CW series at a couple different GS in my area.

I have checked everything and cleaned everything and it does seem a tad better it's still not what i'm accustomed to from Kahr products. It has severely affected my accuracy with the pistol. I've completely disassembled the slide and cleaned every part and every nook and cranny and it didn't change a thing.

So my question is, is the issue with the trigger bar or the cocking cam? Kahr sells the cocking cam on their website for about 6 bucks. From looking at the one in my gun compared to my other Kahrs seem to look the same.

So that would leave the trigger bar.......I have see statements on the web about it maybe being out of Sync. What does that mean?

There is a Kahr armorer at my local Gander Mt so I may speak with him and see what he thinks. If he gives me any useful information I will post here for anyone else having this frustrating issue.

the gun back, u have a out of spec/adjustment trigger bar. certainly not the cocking cam. Don't let any gander mt guy no matter who he is fokk with ur gun. My bet is u know more about kahrs that he does. Kahr made it, let them fix it. What muggsy said is the way to go. call and ask for Jay, state ur case and ask for a prepaid mailer. Its a new gun. I don't know what kahr does when they say they adjusted the trigger bar, It could be a replacement or it could be some adjustment aonly they know how to do. Let them fix it.:Amflag2:

04-09-2014, 08:35 PM
My CW45 had the same issue. I flushed the entire trigger mechanism with oil before the second range trip. Things were better ... except for the first shot after sitting on the bench while changing targets in 32f (0C) temps. Another flush with a different lube, zero friction, and next trip was just fine.

My cm9 was good from the start. It was the display model, so lots of (suspected) dry fires before I got there. The cw45 was in the box in back, still in plastic and covered in shipping oil. I should have just dry fired it more before range trip 1.

Sending it back is probably the right thing to do. Break in seems to be working for me, and it can always be sent in later if the problem returns.

05-16-2014, 11:58 PM
Just got my brand new CW45 home today and I have the same trigger issue. Called Kahr told them the problem and they asked for serial number then sent me a shipping label. So I got it home in the morning and sent it back in the afternoon lol.
Glad I found this forum as I have been learning a lot about Kahrs

05-17-2014, 09:32 AM
After looking into things in my own Kahrs, I'd first do a simple check to make sure the striker unlocking piece is able to be fully depressed into its recess so that its flush with the inner face of the slide.

That area is open to the striker channel, which has been known to get filthy. Any filth that prohibits full depression of that sliding part is going to make for a weird trigger response.

05-18-2014, 08:00 AM
Jocko, you are right on. I know a bunch of us out here are starting to get concerned about quality control out of the factory. I love Kahrs, own 3 of them, and plan to buy more. But i really wonder how a weapon can come out of the box from the factory with problems like this. Kahr is spending a lot of money repairing brand new guns. And i applaud them because they do take care of issues - have for me three times. But i really think they have a QC issue.