View Full Version : Well, I guess it's as ready as it ever will be.....

03-30-2014, 06:59 PM
I got my new CM9 last Friday night. As promised, I set the gun aside and devoured the manual. Then I tore it apart. Barrel pin was plenty snug, but I got it out. Apart she came. I scrubbed all the gunk out of it, dried it, and oiled it. I am a firm believer in TW25B, thanks to SIG Sauer. So the rails got greased as well. I racked the slide about 200-300 times Friday night. Loaded the mag and set it aside. Worked a gunshow all day Saturday. Racked the slide another 100 times last night, and then tore it apart. Cleaned all the lube and gunk out of it, cleaned and lubed it, and then reassembled. Racked it another 100 times after the gunshow today. Cleaned and reassembled again. This gun is about as prepped as I think I can get it. Have read that it is ill advised to run carry ammo through Kahrs when they are this new, so when I break it in this week, WWB will be on the menu.

I guess I can't believe guys can put these things together wrong. Maybe being a mechanic helps. Recoil spring is in correctly, barrel seated, on and on. I really don't know what else I can do to ease the run in. Mag has been loaded since Friday night.

Well, we'll see at some point this week if I got it right.

03-30-2014, 07:24 PM
GOYBD and test it.

03-30-2014, 07:49 PM
good luck, hope it works for you.

03-30-2014, 07:51 PM
Your gonna wear it out before you ever shoot it.

Actually its not that it's ill advised to shoot carry ammo, they would probably actually run better since they like a full power load especially at first when everything is tight. It's just wasteful and expensive to start with carry ammo.

Your correct in that you've done more than enough, certainly far more than I ever did on any of my 3. Or any other brand for that matter, and certainly way more than most who aren't fortunate enough to stumble onto our little oasis forum here and seek tips.

Odds are yours would run just fine straight out of the box. But you and all of us already feel better that you've gotten to know your gun well, started a relationship. Now it's time to take her on her first real date to the put out or get out shooting range and consumate your marriage.

03-30-2014, 07:56 PM

I guess I can't believe guys can put these things together wrong. Maybe being a mechanic helps.

I agree, I thought the same thing. Prob doesn't help that I am a mechanic too.

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