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03-31-2014, 04:48 AM
Where to Keep Your Emergency Supplies

March 31, 2014 by Lee Flynn
1 1 0 7
Where to Keep Your Emergency Supplies
Forward-thinking homeowners, or even renters, generally have some emergency supplies on hand. A typical kit includes a certain supply of safe drinking water, food, medical supplies, identification, candles or flashlights, blankets and weapons. If you are short on space and don’t know how to store your emergency kits, you may find yourself in a desperate situation in an emergency. Here are the places where you should keep your emergency supplies.

A store of food is of the utmost importance when considering emergencies. The food storage items should be non-perishable, meaning in cans or shrink-wrapped packages. Good choices are canned vegetables or soups that can be eaten at room temperature, shrink-wrapped crackers, cookies and granola bars. Store your food in a cool, dry place with steady temperatures. Make sure to keep a can opener in with your canned goods. Check the cans periodically for expiration dates and rotate your stash so you’ll always find something safe in an emergency. Toss any dented or bulging cans. If you have grain or wheat products in boxes, place those in sealed paper bags so pests cannot reach them.

Safe drinking water is vital to survival in an emergency. The recommended amount is a gallon of water per person per day, preferably in sealed jugs to maintain purity. You should keep the water in the same place as your food. Iodine droplets, boiling or water purification tablets can be used in an emergency if you’re unsure whether your water is safe. While these purification methods will help clean water of bacterial contaminants, they cannot protect against chemical contamination; so be sure you know what you’re up against before drinking purified water.
Medical Supplies

Most people keep first-aid supplies in their bathroom, but if you have a safe place like a panic room, cellar or bunker, you should keep all your emergency supplies together. Check your supplies periodically to ensure they’re still safe to use; they should be stored in a cool, dry place where they are unlikely to become contaminated or get wet. While it’s tempting to put them under the sink in the bathroom, they should be kept in the same cool, dry place as your food and water.
Weapons And Ammunition

For optimal safety, weapons should always be kept unloaded and locked away in an approved gun safe. Only adults should have access to the weapons, and children should be taught to alert adults to the presence of any firearms. A safe is the best place for long-term storage, as it prevents accidental discharge, theft and rust or other harm due to humidity. You should have a solid supply of good ammo, and it should also be kept in a cool, dry place; it will keep practically forever in the right environment.
Light And Heat Sources

Flashlights, candles, matches and blankets should also be part of your emergency kit. You should have at least one very high quality flashlight and a several days’ supply of corresponding batteries. Blankets can be stored just about anywhere; but be sure they’re safe from moths, rodents and dampness. Baking soda and cedar chips in the storage area can protect blankets; and, of course, you have to keep your candles and matches dry so they will ignite. Sealing them in plastic is the best way to keep them safe.
While it’s important to have an emergency kit in the home, it’s also a good idea to have one outside the home, too — in your car, your cellar, your shed or wherever you may find yourself in an emergency. The same rules apply: Keep them safe, dry and cool. You may want to put important documents like your car’s title, medical documents and your home’s deed in a fire-safe box or in a safe deposit box at the bank, in case of a fire. Using these tips, you and your family can survive an emergency and its aftermath.


03-31-2014, 07:24 AM
I don't keep emergency supplies. I plan to pick them up on my way from the people who do. I travel light and half fast. :)

03-31-2014, 09:54 AM
I don't keep emergency supplies. I plan to pick them up on my way from the people who do. I travel light and half fast. :)

Muggs, you are the man that says, "be prepared".

03-31-2014, 10:35 AM
Funny story. Us city employees were required to go thru a CERT class a few years ago, for awhile we had to do a refresher annually. Citizen Emergency Response Team or something like that.

It's for like disaster stuff. How to search, and mark buildings that you've searched, first aid and all kinds of stuff. It was good except it was mandatory which to me means it sucked.

Anyhow we had to put together a little pack with our flashlight, hard hat, goggles, minimal first aid stuff, a light rain jacket, some like granola bars or some such things.

During the course one of our homework assignments was to discuss with family and determine other useful or necessary items to add to our little packs.

All three of my kids almost similtaneously said throw in 4 boxes of 45 and throw all that other crap away.

03-31-2014, 10:43 AM
Muggs, you are the man that says, "be prepared".

At my age being prepared means positioning yourself close to the men's room. :)

03-31-2014, 02:25 PM
At my age being prepared means positioning yourself close to the men's room. :)

As I get older I am finding I spend more time there too.

03-31-2014, 02:46 PM
I posted this in the past... Dilbert from 07-31-2011:



03-31-2014, 03:13 PM
I don't keep emergency supplies. I plan to pick them up on my way from the people who do. I travel light and half fast. :)

is always prepaed. I keep no less than 12 dozen Trojans size X-Larege at home. 1 dozen in my car, 4 dozen on my bike. 3 shoved up in the cavity of my trusty PMJ9. Is that what ur referringf to about bein prepared or should I aybe buy soe food to. I have signs made in case I have to beg on the exchanges off these highways. says: I will fokk for food"

03-31-2014, 03:31 PM
Geez, Jocko, you are prepared. That's at least a ten year supply of condoms at your current rate of use. You should live so long. Fellas I have it on good authority that Jocko always does it twice and he like the one in the spring the best. :)

03-31-2014, 03:36 PM
I can't comment for I ama gone. Just sayin

03-31-2014, 08:06 PM
Great info. Thanks.

04-01-2014, 07:46 AM
No one, but no one has an MB to match this one. Kahr talk rules!

Longitude Zero
04-01-2014, 11:56 AM
I don't keep emergency supplies. I plan to pick them up on my way from the people who do. I travel light and half fast. :)

Me too. These so called preppers that build these impressive bunkers are so easy to defeat it is silly. I will be the one appropriating the supplies others have laid in.