View Full Version : P380 Range Report

Joe from Texas
03-31-2014, 12:58 PM
Hi All,

I'm new to kahrtalk.com as I just purchased my very first Kahr pistol. There was a lot of back and forth in my mind trying to decide if I should purchase a Kahr or not based on what I have read on the internet. The determining factor was that I was listening to Gun Talk and Tom G. said you can read it on the internet but what is your experience with it?

I figured lets bite the bullet and get one because ergonomics and the look is just great on the pistol. I ended up buying a P380 from Davidson's online and the transaction was smooth and fast. I went with the factory installed night sight version. I had no idea that they had changed the packaging because when I picked it up, it came in a nice hard box with 3 magazines, 2 6 round and 1 7 round. I saw on the website this is something new post SHOT show for the P series.

Before going to the range I cleaned the gun with CLP and lubed with Wilson Combat Universal, I added a crimson trace LG 433 and a talon grip and off I went. I brought along with me 200 rounds of PMC bronze FMJ ammo and crossed my fingers when I first pulled the trigger.

The gun functioned flawlessly through the first 200 rounds. There were 3 issues of what I would classify as user error. About 50 rounds in during use of the same 7 round magazine I had the gun lock back with rounds in the magazine. With the gun being so small I believe I was riding the slide stop pushing it up which caused the gun to lock open with rounds in the magazine.

The other failure I had was that the slide closed but no round was chambered. I had loaded the gun and dropped the mag to top it off. Fired the first round the slide closed and click with no boom. Turns out I didn't seat the magazine all the way.

Other than my screw ups the gun ran as well as any other gun I have. Its a real delight to shoot and i can't wait to go again next weekend.

http://s30.postimg.org/5q4v6fe19/photo.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/5q4v6fe19/)

Bill K
03-31-2014, 01:25 PM
Welcome to the forum!

Sounds like you got a good one, that's great.

04-02-2014, 11:36 AM
Glad to hear you admit that the only failures were possibly the fault of the operator. It takes a man of character to do that. If at any time the gun is at fault, let us know and we'll help you to straighten it out. You are more than welcome here.

04-02-2014, 11:48 AM
Nice report, glad its functioning well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-02-2014, 12:30 PM
joe from texas. welcome abaord. I would say beware of muggsy, but he has already beaten me to the punch, but his post to you no doubt will be the nieceest you will ever get from him. Not to say he is our forum executioner but he works in the federal prison here in TYerre Haute where we execute peole all the time and he doe sit for FREE. So he gets some kind of a rise from it. Persoally the gals at hooters will get more of a rise from me than what muggsy is doing but anyway, welcome tot he forum. U should still read the kahr lube cvhart and the propper prepping thread on the kahr tech forum. It is helpfful. that little gun is a real jewel to shoot when it is doing what it is designe dto do..

04-02-2014, 02:23 PM
Welcome, Joe. New Kahrs are tight, so keep it clean (including the magazine) and lubed. Second the suggestion to look at the stickys in the New Member Area sub-forum starting with Proper Prep, Lube Diagram and wintrout's Welcome and Links. The other stickys are worth looking at also but typically deal with issues you may not have.

04-10-2014, 07:54 AM
Joe from Texas, I have to warn you that Jocko is prone to exaggerate. I haven't executed anyone in years. At least no one that anyone noticed. Jocko is the true black sheep herder on this forum and I know what Texans think of sheep herders. Be that as it may, welcome aboard.

04-12-2014, 07:18 AM
Welcome Joe From Texas, and I'm glad to hear of your fruitful range outing with the P380.

I, too, had a similarly productive first outing with my new P380 this week and can happily report absolutely no issues whatsoever, but with one caveat; I only put about 50 rounds downrange.

This is far fewer than the recommended 200-round break-in threshold Kahr and all the forum members here advise, but SADLY it's all I could get my hands on so I went with it anyway.

I will also look into Hogue grips for my new gun as my hands are large and the gun just feels too narrow for me to grip tightly.

But all in all, I was relieved that everything I put into the magazine came out the other end in the proper fashion. For those who are interested, I shot 25 rnds. of Sig Sauer Elite Performance and 25 rnds. of Hornady Critical Defense, all without any issues.