View Full Version : What the gun grabbers need to hear.

03-31-2014, 08:52 PM
This story will hit their emotional side. The side that makes them hate guns. You can't argue facts with anti-gunners, as it's all emotional to them. Facts don't mean much, when you have dead children tugging at their hearts. This kind of thing shows that people's lives were saved by a CC permit holder.
From: http://www.ijreview.com/2014/03/125342-armed-man-gathers-people-together-dollar-general-breakroom-concealed-carry-holder-saves/

When Kevin Mclaughlin entered (http://hotair.com/archives/2014/03/30/video-gunman-invades-dollar-general-meets-concealed-carry-permit-holder/) the Dollar General in Orrville, Alabama, he probably didn’t expect it would be the last thing he would ever do. Brandishing a pistol, the man began herding people into the breakroom. But concealed permit holder Marlo Ellis waited until the right moment to gun down the potential murderer, which led many to call him a ‘Good Samaritan’ and a true hero (http://www.selmatimesjournal.com/2014/01/18/customer-hailed-as-a-hero-in-orrville-shooting/).

The man is not set to be charged with any crime for defending himself and others against the masked gunman.

Surely, this isn’t the sort of thing liberals have in mind when they seek to ban firearms. But people who feel a responsibility to protect themselves and others are well aware that there are bad people out there, both inside and outside of government, and know that firearms not only end lives, but can also save them.

04-01-2014, 03:02 AM
Sadly,These stories are intentionally left out of the Mass Media.

04-01-2014, 05:41 AM
Hey theTman, thanks for the post!
I've forwarded it to a bunch of folks…..on both sides of the issue!

04-01-2014, 06:20 AM
If emotions worked, you could just show them a picture of disarmed holocaust survivors and they'd get it. But they won't get it.

It's about control, not about guns! It's not even about crime, or the left would show some actual disdain for the urban thug culture instead of glorifying it.

04-01-2014, 06:32 AM
+1 John. Clear thinking there. Emotional issue for some, control issue for others.

04-01-2014, 07:59 PM
If emotions worked, you could just show them a picture of disarmed holocaust survivors and they'd get it. But they won't get it.

It's about control, not about guns! It's not even about crime, or the left would show some actual disdain for the urban thug culture instead of glorifying it.

I agree JohnR

04-02-2014, 12:21 PM
Yes, control plays a big part of it. I think the control issue is found in your politicians, and those Libtard intellectuals that know what's best for everyone. The emotional side is your average anti-gun mom, or dad, that just thinks guns have one purpose, to kill people. I think their are more emotional based anti-gun people, than those that want to control us. I could be mistaken.

04-02-2014, 12:45 PM
On that note, you are right, which is why propaganda works. There are too many voters who just never put a millisecond of thought into the whole subject of firearms, and may only have heard an authority figure (politician or other public figure) call for gun control and be easily swayed by pure propaganda.

04-02-2014, 01:35 PM
Our founding Fathers knew history and knew all about government control and they didn't want that for this country. That's why they designed a government of checks and balances
(unfortunately there's a lot of unconstitutional activity going on right now) and why they included the second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights are considered things that are "self evident", i.e. a natural right, however, they still needed to be spelled out because there is always danger of government infringement!!

04-02-2014, 01:40 PM
They were self evident to Enlightenment era folks who'd been oppressed in their native land, but to the sheeple here numbed by generations of handouts and lies, it's not self-evident at all.

04-02-2014, 01:46 PM
They were self evident to Enlightenment era folks who'd been oppressed in their native land, but to the sheeple here numbed by generations of handouts and lies, it's not self-evident at all.

You are OH so correct!
They need to teach history properly.

Oops,…..is that common core????????