View Full Version : PM45 problems?
ohio lock
04-02-2014, 11:37 AM
Just took my new PM45 for a 300 round ride. Mostly good, and I recognize the 200 round breakin period. I have some thoughts maybe someone could comment on.
I noticed on the 2nd round of each magazine (I have 3) that it would either stovepipe or jam. This happened roughly 50% of the time. My oldest son was hitting the mag release with his thumb and causing this, but my youngest was having the same problem and claims he wasn't. He holds his thumb higher. I noticed it happened to me, but not as frequently.
One nice thing is no broken followers on any of the mags. Maybe Kahr is fixing the problem before it leaves their place.
Any thoughts, comments, suggestions? I am open for business.:amflag:
04-02-2014, 11:45 AM
if you shoot it left handed you are sure to eliminate you as the cause of magazine button pressing and bumping the slide stop during firing. if you're shooting it left handed when those malfunctions occur, it is the gun, not you.
04-02-2014, 12:04 PM
I've not heard of any 45's breaking followers, predominately 40's with a few 9's mixed in.
Might look at the take down lever and make sure the bullets are contacting it just a smidge. Some have to remove just a tiny little bit depending on what flavor or ammo is used. Ball generally clears but........
04-02-2014, 12:28 PM
My P45 and P40 took 650 rnds to break in all the way. The stovepipes cleared up after 500+ rounds. So shoot it much more and clean it every 250-300 rnds then let us know how it goes. Also make triple sure you have a good combat grip on it.
04-02-2014, 12:47 PM
Not sure how critical the grip is, other than not touching the controls. I shot my PM45 strong hand, weak hand, solid grip, limp wristed, and nothing made it fail to feed or fire.
04-02-2014, 12:58 PM
Mine doesn't fail per se but if I get sloppy on the grip it ejects the brass directly into my forehead. Kind of a hey stupid, wake up we're shooting here kind of a wake up call.
04-02-2014, 12:59 PM
Just took my new PM45 for a 300 round ride. Mostly good, and I recognize the 200 round breakin period. I have some thoughts maybe someone could comment on.
I noticed on the 2nd round of each magazine (I have 3) that it would either stovepipe or jam. This happened roughly 50% of the time. My oldest son was hitting the mag release with his thumb and causing this, but my youngest was having the same problem and claims he wasn't. He holds his thumb higher. I noticed it happened to me, but not as frequently.
One nice thing is no broken followers on any of the mags. Maybe Kahr is fixing the problem before it leaves their place.
Any thoughts, comments, suggestions? I am open for business.:amflag:
could be the follower grabbing on the magaazine release button. That is the exact politioon for that t5o happen. It can cause this issue. in the propper prep thread on the kahr tech section, it address es thais and how to check and how to fix it. simple as ABC. I just reworked one of my spare followers in my PMJ9. It grabbed badly at round to. Mind u I never had any issuyes with that gun either but this is sumpin that in my mind I knew was not right, sdo I corrected it myself. Rembmer thegun can't coun,t so sumpin is causing rond #2 to act up and this is where to start looking. If u have a dremel, it will take 5 minutesd to recess that area where the follower comes into the magazine tube window. If u have a file, then it takes longer. U can't hurt a damn thing by toing this and the worst u can do is ruin a follow, the best u cvan do is eliminate this area of grabbing. Keep us posted.
More room in the kahr 45's so busted followers are not an issue and the 40 cal kahrs are more prone due to the extreme power and recoil. Just not so with that slow a$$ 45. Just sayin:Amflag2: They are lucky to bust a ole in pper, let alone bust a hard polymer follower.:behindsofa:
04-02-2014, 01:01 PM
Professor? Isn't it the second to last round, not the second round from the top?
The follower would still be pretty low at round 2.
Just like my gun I can't count too gud either.
04-02-2014, 01:07 PM
Clean the inside of the mag, and the mag spring, and the follower. There could be packing grease making it stick. Mine came packed in tons of sticky goo.
04-02-2014, 01:07 PM
u wanna bet!!1
check it then apublic apology would be in order. I don't have all fokking kday eithger. I have a flock of 500 sheep that have to be serviced/tended to..
evidently u have never checked ur followers or u would have been able to count. If in doubt please contact muggsy, as he is my hit man..I refuse to hammer the man with the button.
04-02-2014, 01:08 PM
04-02-2014, 01:32 PM
Well I apologize profusely. I looked at the proper prep thread and didn't find much useful specifically about this other than a mention.
I looked at the CW45 fixes and miracle cures and found mention and photo's but he specifically mentions with 2 rounds left in the magazine which supports my feeble thinking on the matter.
With a full mag, the 2nd round from the top the follower is still deep in the magazine and not contacting anything.
But I'm sorry anyhow.
04-02-2014, 01:41 PM
04-02-2014, 01:54 PM
Well I apologize profusely. I looked at the proper prep thread and didn't find much useful specifically about this other than a mention.
I looked at the CW45 fixes and miracle cures and found mention and photo's but he specifically mentions with 2 rounds left in the magazine which supports my feeble thinking on the matter.
With a full mag, the 2nd round from the top the follower is still deep in the magazine and not contacting anything.
But I'm sorry anyhow.
ownig a slow a$$ 45 kahr, U might be right with that magazine. but if u testou the 9 and 40 cal mags the second round in a fully loaded magazine will bring tha tollwer directly in the mag tube cut out window. In myK9 7 round mag it is kthe 3rd round that brings that follower into the window. so not knowing what thge hell the 45 mags are, then u might be right . I was more referring tothe 9 and 40 cal mags and I guess I should emphasis that it is in the 6 round mags asol So I guess colonel no apology is needed, for u certainly know your 45
's. God onlyt knows how many of those slow a$4 gusn u have.
04-02-2014, 01:59 PM
I guess I am kinda confused but neverhaving a 45 kahr, I would not know either, so Ihave learned sumpin toeday and from the mistro to..
the last paragrahp in the propper prep thread addresses this follower issue in depth,I did state also round 2-3, so I must have tested the 7 rund 9mm magazines, but I ust say I never tested the 45 magazine. At what round colonel does it comeinto that wondor. I would think atround 3 .
04-02-2014, 02:44 PM
good one!
Jocko.... you're servicing sheep?
04-02-2014, 04:31 PM
It's mainly a "lube" job... helps with "regularity".
ohio lock
04-02-2014, 04:38 PM
Thanks for all the good insights. It is the 2nd round from a fully loaded 5 round magazine. I don't like the extended mags, looks like dirt at the bottom of a beautiful gun, IMHO.
We tried it left handed as I recall and none of us had this happen, so it must be we are hitting the mag release with our thumbs.
Did a thorough cleaning and it appears perfect, no polymer damage or anything. And it does shoot nice, real nice. I also noticed after cleaning it that the mag release is softening up just a bit, which is good. It now drops the magazine fully. The nice thing about these Kahr's is they are built tight. I like a tight fit.
We are still talking about guns, aren't we? lol
04-02-2014, 05:07 PM
Hi ohio lock, Glad you're getting to know your pistol and it's shooting pretty good, it will only get better with use....You can disassemble the magazine which is a good idea on a new gun and do a little fluff and buff which will only help things...You can take some very fine wet/dry sand paper and hit the feed lips and any rough areas you may find inside along with giving the outside of the follower a good polish in the areas where it slides inside the mag...Use some spray cleaner (most here use non chlorinated auto brake cleaner to clean their pistols with as it wont hurt the polymer) spray out the inside of the mag real good to get any grit out and some even give it a coat of wax to slick it up inside and out....
Reassemble the mag making sure the spring is in the correct position under the follower and try it again to see if that helps....Welcome to the gang and if you have any other issues feel free to ask away.....Oh and Muggsy will be along pretty soon to cuss you out and you should receive your official Jocko decoder ring in the mail so you will be a full member of the crew....
04-02-2014, 05:20 PM
u wanna bet!!1
check it then apublic apology would be in order. I don't have all fokking kday eithger. I have a flock of 500 sheep that have to be serviced/tended to..
evidently u have never checked ur followers or u would have been able to count. If in doubt please contact muggsy, as he is my hit man..I refuse to hammer the man with the button.
Sorry Jocko, but I think that Bawanna has you by the short hairs. That's what you get for pickin on me for my .380 mag safety error. It yer turn in the barrel. And yes, I'm still a dick. :)
04-02-2014, 05:22 PM
Sorry Jocko, but I think that Bawanna has you by the short hairs. That's what you get for pickin on me for my .380 mag safety error. It yer turn in the barrel. And yes, I'm still a dick. :)
Must of got my check huh?
And they say you can't buy mano mano love? Ha.
04-02-2014, 05:24 PM
I thought you told me the check was in the mail? I'm sure you'd rather owe it to me than to cheat me out of it. Did I ever tell you about my days as a soldier of fortune?
04-02-2014, 06:12 PM
Thanks for all the good insights. It is the 2nd round from a fully loaded 5 round magazine. I don't like the extended mags, looks like dirt at the bottom of a beautiful gun, IMHO.
We tried it left handed as I recall and none of us had this happen, so it must be we are hitting the mag release with our thumbs.
Did a thorough cleaning and it appears perfect, no polymer damage or anything. And it does shoot nice, real nice. I also noticed after cleaning it that the mag release is softening up just a bit, which is good. It now drops the magazine fully. The nice thing about these Kahr's is they are built tight. I like a tight fit.
We are still talking about guns, aren't we? lol
5 round magazine, load all 5 rounds and then pop two out and see where that follower is still at. I would think at round 2/3 it would appear in that magazine tube window where the mag release button goes into. Just curious, as the colonel hammered me like a professional carpenter and then my best and loyal friiend muggsy entered into this and back the colonel. I am devestate and I nee dto recoup my integrity, so u can be of somehelp. U can even lie if u want and I will back you.
04-02-2014, 06:13 PM
Jocko.... you're servicing sheep?
dogs!!! Just sayin:7:
04-02-2014, 09:46 PM
Well I have to get down on my knees and bow to his Jockoness.
I took the much loved PM45 to the bench to verify or disprove this follower mag release interaction.
It took a handful of Advil with all the math involved but I determined that the mag holds 5. Check. So take two out and # 3 is in the mag release window, leaving two left. So in a nut shell its two off the top or two left in the bottom. But being the half man that I am I have to defer to heir jockoness. He's right, I'm wrong.
This happening far far too often of late. I was pretty broke up the last time I was wrong, I think it was 1968, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
So Jocko, your right and I suck. Picture a derelict on the floor bowing. Tough on the knees but it's gotta be done.
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