View Full Version : Permission to Purchase Ammo

Longitude Zero
04-03-2014, 11:40 AM
I have said this for years. We have a Constitutional Right to firearms. The same DOES NOT APPLY TO AMMUNITION. Ammo restrictions are how they are going to put the screws to us.


04-03-2014, 10:03 PM
Yep......Kalifornia has legislation regarding ammo sales pending in the house( SB 53, AB 187, AB 760). It seems some people outside Kalifornia are beating us too the punch. Do you think those of us that do not reload should reconsider this? Is reloading gonna be a solution for the near future?

04-03-2014, 10:20 PM
Something I am not understanding here. It would seem like ammo would be considered part of the gun, so equally covered by the 2nd amendment. I am sure the writers of the amendment saw it that way. But then again, we live in a strange world.

04-03-2014, 11:25 PM
Yep......Kalifornia has legislation regarding ammo sales pending in the house( SB 53, AB 187, AB 760). It seems some people outside Kalifornia are beating us too the punch. Do you think those of us that do not reload should reconsider this? Is reloading gonna be a solution for the near future?

They'll go after reload components too, already are near as I can tell. Muzzle loader on hand might be a good thing.

04-03-2014, 11:54 PM
They'll go after reload components too, already are near as I can tell. Muzzle loader on hand might be a good thing.
Yeah I agree, but do you think there will be a few year lag time before legislation catches up? I guess it is a moot point because reloading supplies will be $$$ making it very hard to reload IF you can get the supplies. I am starting to feel closed in...know what I mean.

04-04-2014, 06:31 AM
Relax guys. All of you have my permission to buy all of the ammo you want. In the mean time do yourselves a favor and VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT OF OFFICE!!!! Simple, isn't it.

04-04-2014, 09:08 AM
Relax guys. All of you have my permission to buy all of the ammo you want. In the mean time do yourselves a favor and VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT OF OFFICE!!!! Simple, isn't it.
I was having a discussion about the condition of our country with 3 neighbors over the back fence yesterday. All 3 conservative Republicans and retired as I am. All went well until I mentioned we need to get conservatives in control of the senate and get Harry Reid out. They all got a blank look on their faces. The comment they made was "Who is Harry Reid?" I totally agree with Muggsy. But we got a problem folks.

04-04-2014, 09:27 AM
Logic and the founders intent are irrelevant to today's clowns. Lead floats and cork sinks now.

Longitude Zero
04-04-2014, 10:27 AM
Something I am not understanding here. It would seem like ammo would be considered part of the gun, so equally covered by the 2nd amendment. I am sure the writers of the amendment saw it that way. But then again, we live in a strange world.

By a strict interpretation of the wording arms does not include ammo. I am sure that is what the Founders thought but it is not what they wrote and the writing is what controls.

04-04-2014, 11:48 AM
I see what you are saying. It would be interesting how the POTUS would see it. Who knows. We might find out!

04-04-2014, 02:12 PM
God I am thankful to live in Kansas, where conservatives are a majority, except for Lawrence, (Home of KU), Johnson County (Kansas City, KS), and Wichita is about equally divided. But the rest of the state is very conservative. I don't know how in the hell that libtard be-otch Kathleen Sebelius got elected Governor, my guess it was due to name recognition, she was previously the State Insurance Examiner. Dan Glickman was the last Democrat (I think) we sent to Washington, and who has had a string of cushy jobs since being voted out. First he was Clinton Secretary of Agriculture. Then he did a stint as Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_Picture_Association_of_America) (MPAA) from 2004–2010. And now is serves on the board of directors of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Mercantile_Exchange), MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAZON:_A_Jewish_Response_to_Hunger) and the board of Friends of the World Food Program (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Food_Programme). He also serves on the Council on American Politics, which brings leaders from the forefront of today's political and communications arena together to address issues facing the growth and enrichment of GW’s Graduate School of Political Management (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_University_Graduate_School_of_Po litical_Management) where he also teaches courses. Once you get voted out of Congress, you have plenty of opportunities to make a boatload of money. Plus his pension.
Man it must be nice to lose your job, and end up doing so well.

04-05-2014, 07:39 AM
When they come for my ammo I'm going to give them all of the ammo that I've got for as long as I'm able to squeeze the trigger. I'm what you call one of those law abiding citizens until then. (you will note the absence of a smiley face.) :mad:

04-05-2014, 08:13 AM
I was having a discussion about the condition of our country with 3 neighbors over the back fence yesterday. All 3 conservative Republicans and retired as I am. All went well until I mentioned we need to get conservatives in control of the senate and get Harry Reid out. They all got a blank look on their faces. The comment they made was "Who is Harry Reid?" I totally agree with Muggsy. But we got a problem folks.

It's up to us to educate our children, friends and neighbors or the liberal media will do it for us.

Longitude Zero
04-05-2014, 10:31 AM
It's up to us to educate our children, friends and neighbors or the liberal media will do it for us.

In the hunting community that battle is rapidly being lost. The number of hunting licenses and permits has been declining for over 20 years overall. In my state as the older landowners die off the kids and grandkids are not allowing hunting of any kind. It is a battle on many fronts.

04-05-2014, 11:44 AM
I was having a discussion about the condition of our country with 3 neighbors over the back fence yesterday. All 3 conservative Republicans and retired as I am. All went well until I mentioned we need to get conservatives in control of the senate and get Harry Reid out. They all got a blank look on their faces. The comment they made was "Who is Harry Reid?" I totally agree with Muggsy. But we got a problem folks.
Reid is an anomaly. I consider Nevada a semi free state and Mormons are generally a conservative group. Not sure how Reid got where he is.

04-05-2014, 12:08 PM
I was born and raised in Nevada. Most of my family is still there. The rural folks all voted against him but Vegas and Reno control the majority of the vote. Both liberal havens. Both supporters of gambling and legal prostitution. Organized crime has had control of both places simce day one. He was a poor boy from Searchlight, Nev. He is now a multimillionaire. On a senator's pay? Hmmm! I wonder how he stays in power? The rural areas had bumper stickers on their vehicles that said "Anybody Butt Harry."

Longitude Zero
04-05-2014, 01:03 PM
As long as Harry keeps his NRA rating he knows he is a show in. Just because a legislator has a good NRA rating is NOT sufficient reason to keep them in office. Sadly this is one area the NRA has a blindspot on as they rate legislators only on their firearms quotient and not their overall performance. Even uber liberals who are pro gun keep getting the nod when they need to get the bump.

05-15-2014, 11:48 PM
Technically "arms" doesn't have to be a firearm either much less the ammo. "Arms" could be anything that would or could be considered a weapon... In which case, the right to keep arms could be you with a machete or a broadsword. Remember, Obama was a constitutional law professor or something to that effect. He can find the loop holes. The constitution is open to interpretation... It just depends on who the overall authority is that decides how it's interpreted.

You can keep your weapons... But it says nothing about ammo. Back when that was implemented, there was no real "ammo"... You had a ball, powder and a patch. It would be like regulating gunpowder back in the day. That was the only part of the weapon that couldn't just be substituted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-16-2014, 09:48 AM
This is why a friend of mine (the one responsible for me getting my gun) buys in bulk (plus it's a little cheaper that way) and buys 1000rds per gun each time he buys. Which knowing him means there is 15-18K rounds in his house. Hope there is never a fire at his house!

05-16-2014, 10:09 AM
^^^^ I'm sure the POTUS sees this issue as an opportunity to forward his agenda. He doesn't care what the founders meant as long as he sees a crack to ram his socialist ideals through. And he's already working on it. I too am feeling closed in. We need to vote the BA$TARDS out as soon as possible.

See you at the booth!

05-16-2014, 10:43 AM
Try doing a law license search on king obama.
You won't find that he has a license. Weird.

05-16-2014, 12:26 PM
One would think that ammo is an essential part of any firearm, and therefore should be included in out 2nd Amendment protection. Of course that's using logic, which the Dimwits in Congress seem to be sorely lacking in.