View Full Version : Freedom Flotilla and Peace Activists

06-02-2010, 08:45 AM
Well, score another victory for the "peace-loving Muslims". The "Freedom Flotilla" was an outright provocative attempt to get the reactions they wanted from the Israelis. Just look at the "outrage" and "protests" from the usual suspects. The "World" is shocked by the Israeli "brutality and overreaction!"... another successful P.R. event staged by the "peace-loving" TERRORISTS.

If you watch the Israeli videos and thermal imaging, you can see the "peace activists" waiting and then swarming the the Israelis as they rappel down to the deck. They are attacked and overwhelmed by mobs of pipe/rod wielding "peace activists" who also produce and use firebombs and stun grenades. Other weapons employed are knives and slingshots with large bags of about .70 caliber marbles for ammo... hardly rose-petals.

I have no doubt, that had crowd suppressants like CS and tear gas been used before the Israelis boarded the ships, plenty of "peace activists" would have produced gas masks.

Then you have the other "innocent" participants... women, children, even an ex-US diplomat, and other "useful idiots" and "victims"... "We were just minding our own business trying to bring humanitarian relief supplies with our 'peace activists' "... another name for relief fighters or terrorist reinforcements.

Who can doubt the next "freedom flotillas" will have "freedom fighter" reinforcements and weapons... guns, munitions, and other peaceful articles for the peace-loving Palestinians and Hamas.

If the Israeli boarding party had not been finally given permission to fire in self-defense, there no doubt, would be dead and kidnapped Israelis being paraded in front of the sympathetic media.

This whole event was orchestrated and all of the "outrage" and spontaneous protests were planned, staged, and launched by professional activists(anything but "peace-loving") and their "useful idiots"... just like the Left does here in our country.


mr surveyor
06-02-2010, 09:02 AM
It amazes me that so few Jewish Americans really support Israel, and the majority tend to vote to the left.

I am a firm believer in supporting Israel, and also think that the entire humanitarian aid thing was staged. The useful idiot, former American diplomat, all but admitted that in a Fox News interview with Gretta last night. Israel has a long standing policy on commerce coming into Gaza..... "you send ships, we inspect the cargo....period".

This is just another well orchestrated attack on Israel through the willing idiots of the media and all the useful peacenic idiots that could care less about Israel.

I really believe that the day America turns her back on Israel will be the day we achieve third world status (which won't be a very lofty leap as we stand today)


06-02-2010, 09:10 AM
One would think we should have learned a lesson or two from history. If you don't learn from it you will most certainly relive it! :mad:

The majority of the world and the US is included have a vast number of blundering, brain dead, oblivious idoits who do the bidding of those who want to control the unkowing and mis informed. This is all looking more and more like Europe pre- WWII when Hitler roe to power.

The arabs have been at war for thousands of year with themselves as well as the Christian world. We has better wake up and fast to there double dealing and jihadist ways. We are selling out our Christain/jewish beliefs and founding priciples to those who would comsum us.

Instead of chastizing our allies we should be backing them and take a stand, ney go after those sorry sand fleas, because strength is all they understand.

Michael W.
06-02-2010, 12:01 PM
Watch the WHOLE vid here....not just the clips that the media is

Chilling Video: Israeli Soldiers Beaten by "Peace" Activists - HUMAN EVENTS (http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=37281)


06-02-2010, 12:18 PM
One would think we should have learned a lesson or two from history. If you don't learn from it you will most certainly relive it! :mad:

The majority of the world and the US is included have a vast number of blundering, brain dead, oblivious idoits who do the bidding of those who want to control the unkowing and mis informed. This is all looking more and more like Europe pre- WWII when Hitler roe to power.

The arabs have been at war for thousands of year with themselves as well as the Christian world. We has better wake up and fast to there double dealing and jihadist ways. We are selling out our Christain/jewish beliefs and founding priciples to those who would comsum us.

Instead of chastizing our allies we should be backing them and take a stand, ney go after those sorry sand fleas, because strength is all they understand.
You are absolutely correct however as long as one of the sand fleas inhabits the white house I don't see it happening. Hopefully the bleedin hearts will learn their lesson and we can start fresh in 2012. Clean sweep the house and senate, fumigate, no incumbants allowed back in the building. Prepare for the revolution. You know I'm going down, I'm so politically incorrect I should be in Sheriff Joes jail!

06-02-2010, 02:13 PM
Obama is the first US President to shun Israel. He doesn't do it publicly but he has let them know he's pro Palestinian. This is NOT in our best interest. Hopefully Americans will begin to wise up this fall and continue in the next 2 years to make this president a one termer. Maybe the charisma will wear thin if not off by the next election.

06-02-2010, 04:59 PM
I have the deepest respect for the Israeli's, and the shaft that they get from the world is nothing short of staggering. For these sheet heads to call Islam the religion of peace is a slap in the face, they (even the meek and mild ones) are trying to conquer the world, for in their eyes there is only the nation of Islam. Look at the places where sharia has been imposed, quietly, and secretly (Britain, and most of Europe). So the ragtops that scream death to all are the obvious ones. All want to rule the world. The Israelites are the only ones left in the world to actively pursue their interests and do what they need to do, with out world consensus much less permission. I too agree that it is time to oust these clowns that are running this show right into the ground, failing at that, we can ride this ship to the ground, or we can do something about it.

Chief Joseph
06-02-2010, 05:08 PM
The worlds reaction is disgusting. I fear for Israel, surrounded by 3rd world neanderthals bent on killing them all, pounded by Jew hating socialists throughout europe and now this scumbag in chief we have and his minions are against them. I pray our fellow Americans wake up from their stupor at having elected these bozo's. The lame stream media refuses to play the videos from the Israelis or the video footage of the terrorists showing they planned on becoming martyrs. So north korea sinks a south korea vessel and everyone including china wants restraint, yet they are all ready to condemn Israel for defending themselves. How did this country get so upside down so fast.

06-02-2010, 05:42 PM
It's all about PR, not about helping the people:

"Israel has attempted to deliver humanitarian aid from an international flotilla to Gaza, but Hamas -- which controls the territory -- has refused to accept the cargo, the Israel Defense Forces said Wednesday."

Full story at: http://articles.cnn.com/2010-06-02/world/israel.palestinians.aid_1_gaza-blockade-rafah-terminal-free-gaza-movement?_s=PM:WORLD

06-02-2010, 06:43 PM
Are you people serious?

So you all side with Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza and their slow starvation of all the innocent Palestinians?

I feel like you guys would have agreed with the defendants at Neuremburg and said they were innocent because they were just following orders.

This was piracy and murder. Israel has no legal right to block Gaza from any shipments at all.

Please cite for the the international law that allows Israel's actions. If you can't then you proudly support criminals.

I get the feeling you would feel differently if the situations were reversed.

Let's ignore the blatant racism by some of you fucktards and focus on the real legal issues and not your bigotry.

06-02-2010, 06:59 PM
Are you people serious?

So you all side with Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza and their slow starvation of all the innocent Palestinians?

I feel like you guys would have agreed with the defendants at Neuremburg and said they were innocent because they were just following orders.

This was piracy and murder. Israel has no legal right to block Gaza from any shipments at all.

Please cite for the the international law that allows Israel's actions. If you can't then you proudly support criminals.

I get the feeling you would feel differently if the situations were reversed.

Let's ignore the blatant racism by some of you fucktards and focus on the real legal issues and not your bigotry.

And just when I was gonna ask to add you to my friends list. You probably recognize me for what I am quite clearly, wish you could see the real picture over there and here.

Little Dragon
06-02-2010, 07:05 PM
Are you people serious?

So you all side with Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza and their slow starvation of all the innocent Palestinians?

I feel like you guys would have agreed with the defendants at Nuremberg and said they were innocent because they were just following orders.

This was piracy and murder. Israel has no legal right to block Gaza from any shipments at all.

Please cite for the the international law that allows Israel's actions. If you can't then you proudly support criminals.

I get the feeling you would feel differently if the situations were reversed.

Let's ignore the blatant racism by some of you fucktards and focus on the real legal issues and not your bigotry.

You sir are a retard, and the reason America is going downhill! Every sovereign nation has the right to defend its boarders, that's the problem with America right now, we are not defending our boarders to make people like you happy. I would rather you be unhappy and my family safe!

06-02-2010, 07:30 PM
I have the deepest respect for the Israeli's, and the shaft that they get from the world is nothing short of staggering. For these sheet heads to call Islam the religion of peace is a slap in the face, they (even the meek and mild ones) are trying to conquer the world, for in their eyes there is only the nation of Islam. Look at the places where sharia has been imposed, quietly, and secretly (Britain, and most of Europe). So the ragtops that scream death to all are the obvious ones. All want to rule the world. The Israelites are the only ones left in the world to actively pursue their interests and do what they need to do, with out world consensus much less permission. I too agree that it is time to oust these clowns that are running this show right into the ground, failing at that, we can ride this ship to the ground, or we can do something about it.

Islam is a religion of peace, if you do everything they want you to do. But if you don't then they cut off your hand, your head or whatever sharia law dictates.:eek:

Israel absolutely has the right to defend itself, and you don't need an international law that states that. If some group was attacking the USA and coming through Mexico to do it, I'd hope we'd damn well do something about it.

06-02-2010, 07:32 PM
May I suggest we all take about 10 steps back, take a few good deep cleansing breaths and give some consideration to our future post. No need to resort to name calling. The subject at hand is a serious one, that will effect our childrens and probably our futures as well.
I'd suggest just leaving this thread in a time capsule but it's actually too important to just leave behind.
Little Dragon, your truely on the money and thats exactly whats happening to our country just to please a bunch of soft hearted lets take care of everyone commune dwellers. Well gosh darn, there I go calling names again, I'm gonna just leave this one well enough alone.
Fnick, I got my fire suit on and I'm actually kind of sensitive but I know you want to throw some flaming arrows at me, so you feel free to do that. I anticipate it, I expect it, and you deserve your chance to do it so I"ll just take my medicine with as much of a smile on my face as I can muster.
I do admire your guts to come out and say what you did even if I don't understand where it's coming from or why you hate your country so much. I should be a profiler but I'm not, so I won't. Anyhow fire at will.

ok bye.

Chief Joseph
06-02-2010, 08:16 PM
You sir are a retard, and the reason America is going downhill! Every sovereign nation has the right to defend its boarders, that's the problem with America right now, we are not defending our boarders to make people like you happy. I would rather you be unhappy and my family safe!

I could not agree more. I'm sure fnick is only here as a leftist trouble maker. I know nobama or soros pays for people like him/her to infiltrate forums and cause trouble. I don't think he joined because he has a love of guns or khars, only to antagonize. Don't feed the troll, we pretty much all know the score on who the bad guys are in the middle east and worldwide.

06-02-2010, 08:28 PM
I could not agree more. I'm sure fnick is only here as a leftist trouble maker. I know nobama or soros pays for people like him/her to infiltrate forums and cause trouble. I don't think he joined because he has a love of guns or khars, only to antagonize. Don't feed the troll, we pretty much all know the score on who the bad guys are in the middle east and worldwide.

Wow, I didn't notice before but that's only his 2nd post here and the first one ticked everyone off as well. You might have nailed this one Chief. I can't believe the cyber police allowed him to call me a fucktard! I never been called that before so I guess it has to be something new which just has to be worth something. Me thinks your right and he's a leftist troll.
fnick, I'm taking off my fireproof suit and I'm ready to do battle. The Chief has put me into a proper fisticuff mindset. I prefer in person, I'll meet ya more than half way. Not hard to recognize, I'll be the little guy in a wheelchair with the poor disposition and the red backside. No guns, or edged weapons, mano mano. Best bring your lunch.

06-02-2010, 09:46 PM
Dang! I just Googled that word and it said fnick was a perfect, well close to perfect, example... imagine that.
fucktard - Google Search (http://www.google.com/search?q=fucktard&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)

06-03-2010, 06:38 AM

You sir need to go back to school and revisit the facts. Your political correctness is blinding the facts which liy right in front of your nose. All peoples have the right to life, liberty and especially to protect ones self. Israel is trying to protect itself and its very survival. If you can't see that basic right I feel very sorry for you and for the future of the world. You can bury your head in the sand, but at some point all of thoise spineless invertibrates need see how the world really is before its too late. Your apologists, and so called humanitarians helped bring about the rise of all past dictators by your ignorant attempts of appeasement and isolationism. You are reponsable for all the past carnage and potential future carnage that has to be mopped up with the blood and sacrafice af far better men than you.
The United Staes is a Judeaic /Christain founded nation.....period, if you don't want to embrace our rich legacy and heritage, than leave...end of conversation. No one is forcing you to stay here. We all have had just about enough of your leftist, ellitest babble, which far better men had to sacrifice for your punny right to do so!

For your information there never was a palestinian state, it was a creation by the so called modern world. It is time to close ranks, stand up and be counted, lock and load and do what is right. Either Lead, Follow, or get out of the Way! In the immortal words of George S. Patton..." May God have mercy on my enemies, for I won't. That is all I have to say about this matter. I apologize in advance to our fellow patriots on this board for my rant, but I felt compelled to do so and could not let this pass.

06-03-2010, 06:44 AM
Bye bye Mr. Fnick. That was your second strike, and you are out of here!


06-03-2010, 07:31 AM
Thanks, John. WE can usually have discussions without calling each other names... other than "Political" labels. That guy was clueless and foaming at the mouth... okay, I guess some people think that of me at times.:rolleyes:
Wynn:D :yo:

06-03-2010, 07:35 AM
Yes thank you


06-03-2010, 09:09 AM
Bye bye Mr. Fnick. That was your second strike, and you are out of here!


JohnH, all I got to say to you dude is YOU ROCK! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

06-03-2010, 09:55 AM
+1000 Thanks John, U DA MAN!!!...... Fnick, GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!

06-03-2010, 10:56 AM
There's another tie-in to Israel and to KahrTalk not yet discussed.

I'm sure that it is well known to virtually all members of this forum (uninformed trolls notwithstanding) that: 1) concealed carry "shall issue" states have been rising over the years, 2) gun ownership in general and small concealed carry handguns in particular are at all time highs now and continuing to rise, and 3) the FBI violent crime statistics show the rates continue to drop - we're now at a 35-year low. More guns really do equal less crime. (Excepting of course places like Chicago, DC, and [close to me] Baltimore who still do not let their law-abiding citizens lawfully engage in personal self defense.)

But what about Israel? Handgun ownership is available to any law abiding citizen who meets certain criteria, among them serving in the military or reserves for three years. And since Israel has a mandatory draft (three years for men and two years for single women, with possible reserve service beyond that) virtually the entire populace qualifies. And, due to the constant threat of terrorism, most people do carry concealed. Israel is far ahead of the US in that, so it should not be too surprising that the murder rate (just to cite one of many possible examples) is 2.8 times lower in Israel than it is in the US.

Little wonder again to readers of this forum and to anyone with common sense: which store would you rather rob? One where you know you're the only one in the store that has a gun (like here in backwards Maryland) or one where the clerk has a gun, the guy behind you in line has a gun, the guy behind the racks of soft drinks has a gun, the guy walking into the front door has a gun, the guy getting out of his car in the parking lot has a gun, ... ?

(Israel's real murder rate might be even lower than what I cited above. The reports that track these things from the United Nations and from the Israeli Police cite "intentional murders" as the statistic and I haven't had the time to chase down whether or not they folded deaths related to terrorism [to include, yes, those rockets fired from the Gaza into Israeli civilian population centers] into those "intentional murder" statistics or not.)

06-03-2010, 05:32 PM
+1000 Thanks John, U DA MAN!!!...... Fnick, GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!

kudos to John H. for cutting the head off the snake before he could casue any harm. It would have went down hill fast...

I do hope though John that you will be able to reply to my message to you about a week ago about post count.:popcorn:


06-03-2010, 09:45 PM
It was a pleasure guys. I have zero patience for those soft on terrorism and mlitant Islam. For several reasons the War on Terror is personal for me.

I have not forgotten you Jocko, just devoting some thought to the issue and doing some comparisons.

Thanks guys, and keep fighting the good fight!


06-05-2010, 12:09 PM
Islam is a religion of peace, if you do everything they want you to do. But if you don't then they cut off your hand, your head or whatever sharia law dictates.:eek:

Israel absolutely has the right to defend itself, and you don't need an international law that states that. If some group was attacking the USA and coming through Mexico to do it, I'd hope we'd damn well do something about it.

Not knocking anything or trying to start a fight here, but read the Quran, it starts that way, but it also says that later parts supersede earlier parts, and the later parts are where it talks about jihad, and the Nation of Islam. And my point was to show that Sharia is imposed operating and being imposed in places that it should not be. Again, not trying to pick a fight.

06-05-2010, 12:19 PM
Thanks John. I too feel this war (I was there when we got hit). I think the phrase "Let's Roll" just about sums up the attitude of the vast majority of Americans that the press would conveniently ignore, at least in my circles. As I have said, I've had a chance to train with the Israeli's and they have earned my respect and trust as a group.

06-05-2010, 01:53 PM
Not knocking anything or trying to start a fight here, but read the Quran, it starts that way, but it also says that later parts supersede earlier parts, and the later parts are where it talks about jihad, and the Nation of Islam. And my point was to show that Sharia is imposed operating and being imposed in places that it should not be. Again, not trying to pick a fight.

I feel this is a scent post and I want to file a complaint....anybody taking complaints? LOL:cool:

06-05-2010, 02:23 PM
Scenting???? How so? But sure I'll take that complaint, just pull the number from over there. file:///c:/temp/moz-screenshot-2.png

06-05-2010, 04:50 PM
Scenting???? How so? But sure I'll take that complaint, just pull the number from over there. file:///c:/temp/moz-screenshot-2.png

I got my number but it's 3217. Guess you won't hear from me for a while. Oh well, I guess you're free to scent wherever you choose. Does this post constitute scenting? Complaint Dept over there, go pull a number and wait in line.:rolleyes:

06-05-2010, 04:52 PM
Sorry that was supposed to have an image. You know the one, the grenade with the number 1... eh, no worries.

06-05-2010, 05:55 PM
I got my number but it's 3217. Guess you won't hear from me for a while. Oh well, I guess you're free to scent wherever you choose. Does this post constitute scenting? Complaint Dept over there, go pull a number and wait in line.:rolleyes:

Gosh darn, I got 4756, must be a heck of a line. I know, I know, Scenting. Well jimmy crack corn, I don't care. Well maybe a little, I'll try to be good.