View Full Version : Why?

04-05-2014, 07:00 AM
Why do I continue my quest for the perfect concealed carry pistol when it is already (in my opinion) in my possession? Why is there a voice echoing in my head telling me I need something new, something with higher capacity, something better? Does such a thing exist?

I CC a PM9 with 7+1 rounds of 124 grain +P GDHP and an additional 7 round magazine. I plan to obtain and carry an additional 7 round magazine. Isn't 22 rounds enough? Probably, unless I encounter a group of 23 zombies.

Out of all the great pistols I've had, I continually reach for the PM9 as my EDC. I bought a Shield 9 using the excuse that it was for my wife. Fantastic pistol, but not as versatile to CC as the PM9. And using that reasoning, the M&P 9C was out of the question. Just got rid of a Gen 4 G26 since the pistol and extra magazine were bulkier than I was comfortable with carrying. The XDs .45 was great, but again not as versatile to CC and not as "easy" to shoot as the PM9. At the risk of sounding blasphemous and being excommunicated from KahrTalk, even the mighty K9 gets passed over for the PM9.

So, what is wrong with me? Why can't I recognize that I already possess nirvana and be serenely satisfied?

Bill K
04-05-2014, 07:12 AM
So what's wrong with you? You're NOT retired on a fixed income with little or no disposal income, right? :)

Really though, I think for many of us over and over again we have to (re)learn that the dream is so often better than the reality. I think what's worse is when we sell something, like that G26 of yours, and then regret having sold it several months later.

My PM9 is my main carry gun; maybe 90% of the time with my .380 & .45 getting just occasional carry.

04-05-2014, 07:29 AM
The perpetual trade off between being more compact and having enough firepower. Between having enough on it to stop your target without so bad of recoil that you don't shoot it enough to become proficient.

I look at old school compact hand guns and they are 32 or 380 caliber and weight more than a Kahr PM40. One day the PM40 will be old school.

04-05-2014, 09:15 AM
I/WE do it because we love guns and the hunt for perfection is lots of fun!!!!

Plus there are guns for special duty…..high capacity night stand gun, snake gun, hunting guns, competition guns…….need I go on, and on,…..because I CAN!!!!!

04-05-2014, 09:59 AM
I'm with ya. I loved my PM9 so there was absolutely no reason to buy the PM40 other than I wanted it. Turns out I prefer the PM40 but I still love my PM9, no plans at all to move it.

Longitude Zero
04-05-2014, 12:05 PM
I have multiple CCW weapons. It depends upon the climate, season, what clothes I will be wearing etc. When you only have one CCW weapon you are pretty much uni-directional and inflexible.

04-05-2014, 01:11 PM
I understand the thrill of the hunt of something more perfect. It is human nature. I still have not found anything more perfect for me than my CM9 pocket carry. I have smaller, bigger, prettier, ergonomically shapelier, but I always ( 95%) reach for my CM9.

04-05-2014, 02:51 PM
And that's perfectly ok, in fact probably wise. Your most familiar with that CM. The rest can fill in when needed or be used for range or whatever.

I used to swap around all the time but I've tried to steer away from that and stick with the same carry set up all the time, at least as often as I can.

For me it's a 1911 on my hip and the always PM45 on the ankle. I seldom wear shorts so the PM45 can always be there. When I'm some place that I can't carry the 1911 I probably wouldn't be able to carry anything else either.

Some times I might be a tad warm having to wear a shirt or vest but while that might be uncomfortable, that warm 1911 on the hip is comforting and makes it a wash.

Be happy, your found your every day soul mate. Doesn't mean the search has to end or even slow down, just makes it more challenging.

04-05-2014, 03:32 PM
Okay, I see this is going nowhere. I may as well have asked you guys how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. (Actually, I greatly appreciate the responses to my tongue-in-cheek original post. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my phobia)

I guess I'm off to the Himalayas to seek out a Tibetan Monk for advice. Hopefully he's got a PM9 that he hates as much as I hate mine.:D

04-05-2014, 04:04 PM
[QUOTE=mser;297003]Okay, I see this is going nowhere. I may as well have asked you guys how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. (Actually, I greatly appreciate the responses to my tongue-in-cheek original post. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my phobia)
I do not know the answer to this either. Only once, when I was probably in the 4th grade, did I make it to the center without first biting through the shell /QUOTE]

04-05-2014, 04:43 PM
I think it's human nature to want more of what you enjoy. I certainly don't NEED all the guns I own, but I ENJOY having them and collecting them.
I have 2 right now that I CC, one is a Kahr CW40, the other is a Boberg 9mm.
Several other CAN be carried CC, depending on the weather, and what outer garments I am wearing. I don't consider my larger 6" barreled revolvers as CC pistols, they are for hunting or target shooting. Does that mean I am done buying guns, heck no, I am still waiting on the CM45 to come out, and always look at what's in the counter when I go to the indoor gun range/gun shop. You just never know what you'll come across. So although I have a couple of very nice CC guns, I'm always on the lookout for more. I should have my .44 Charter Arms, but I loaned it to someone that let it get away from them and am waiting on them to come up with the $$$ to replace it. I really liked that little revolver, it was light weight, powerful, and very easy to conceal, particularly when using the Barami Hip Grip grips that have a little hook so you can hang the revolver from your belt and tuck It inside your trousers. That was nice, as I could place the pistol right at 12:00, and sneak it into concerts and other places that would pat you down, but not in that spot. If they hadn't built the new Arena downtown, with very little parking close by, so that you have to walk through some crappy neighborhoods to get to your car after the event ends, often around Midnight, when I certainly don't want to be in those areas of town unarmed. I may be breaking the law, but that's better than being put in a box and planted underground. I never carry it into the Courthouse, or anything like that, just events at the Arena. What sucks is they had a perfectly good arena, with plenty of parking, out in the county with loads of parking, except it only seated around 11 to 12 thousand, and they thought with a bigger arena, they could maybe get some first round NCAA tournament basketball games. So far, it hasn't worked in attracting any NCAA BBall games, but has allowed some bigger name acts to perform in the bigger venue. But they were kind of stupid about it by not providing a parking garage next to it. Leaving people walking around late at night in a down town area, that is not that safe after dark, and gets worse the later it gets.

04-05-2014, 04:46 PM
In reality, shot placement is more important than caliber, after that comes sufficient penetration. You will run out of time before you run out of ammunition. Practice to end the fight with the first two shots.

04-05-2014, 05:44 PM
I simply skip the whole lollipop thing and just buy Tootsie Rolls. :rolleyes:

Regarding carry: I still consider myself a revolver guy so Kahrs are the only pistols I carry. They have the same long smooth trigger and, once chambered, the same point and shoot simplicity. So I'm really not looking for more carry guns. But that doesn't mean I'm not looking for more guns. :o

04-05-2014, 06:09 PM
Okay, I see this is going nowhere. I may as well have asked you guys how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. (Actually, I greatly appreciate the responses to my tongue-in-cheek original post. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my phobia)

I guess I'm off to the Himalayas to seek out a Tibetan Monk for advice. Hopefully he's got a PM9 that he hates as much as I hate mine.:D

Actually now is as good a time as any. Not need to go to the Himalayas although it is beautiful and worth the trip.
I am a Tibetan Monk. :D The secret to life is happiness.:D If a PM9 makes you happy you've already found the secret to life that many never find in a lifetime. Myself happiness is filled by the PM45 or a dozen other man made contraptions that go bang when the trigger is pulled.

Go forth and be happy.

04-05-2014, 06:31 PM
Actually now is as good a time as any. Not need to go to the Himalayas although it is beautiful and worth the trip.
I am a Tibetan Monk. :D The secret to life is happiness.:D If a PM9 makes you happy you've already found the secret to life that many never find in a lifetime. Myself happiness is filled by the PM45 or a dozen other man made contraptions that go bang when the trigger is pulled.

Go forth and be happy.

I'd expected to travel half way around the world and spend thousands of dollars to experience spiritual awakening in regards to concealed carry enlightenment and bliss. How blind in my inability to see the forest for the trees as I needed to look no further than Kahrtalk.com

I bow to the wisdom and sophistication of Bawanna. The one true Kahr Guru.

04-05-2014, 06:31 PM
Shouldn't "grasshopper" fit in here somewhere?

04-05-2014, 06:40 PM
In reality, shot placement is more important than caliber, after that comes sufficient penetration. You will run out of time before you run out of ammunition. Practice to end the fight with the first two shots.

Well said and good advice.

Shouldn't "grasshopper" fit in here somewhere?

Now that's funny!:D

04-05-2014, 07:59 PM
Truth be told and I don't usually share this with just anybody but I was a grasshopper in my first life.
It was in some ways awesome, take offs were great fun, landings, not so much.
I'll be back the Dali Lama is on the other line. We sometimes compare notes.

04-06-2014, 07:26 AM
Why do I continue my quest for the perfect concealed carry pistol when it is already (in my opinion) in my possession? Why is there a voice echoing in my head telling me I need something new, something with higher capacity, something better?

Because you're a gun nut. :)

04-06-2014, 09:54 AM
Shouldn't "grasshopper" fit in here somewhere?

When you can snatch the PM45 from my cold dead hand, it will be time for you to leave. :)

Longitude Zero
04-06-2014, 12:00 PM
Even when I am dead, nobody has the power to disarm me.

04-06-2014, 03:27 PM
whats a GURU??
John R. throwing the word snatch brings different thing stomy mind. but again, it is all in the eyes of the beholder. Juswt sayin.

04-06-2014, 04:59 PM
whats a GURU??

The inverse image of a Jocko!:w00t:
(Sorry, but you asked)

04-06-2014, 05:41 PM
The inverse image of a Jocko!:w00t:
(Sorry, but you asked)

Nope, it's oʞɔoſ

04-07-2014, 07:29 AM
I guess you are not alone...

04-07-2014, 02:39 PM
In reality, shot placement is more important than caliber, after that comes sufficient penetration. You will run out of time before you run out of ammunition. Practice to end the fight with the first two shots.

Now there's a man with the correct mind set. Once again great minds think alike. :)

04-07-2014, 05:03 PM
yes great minds to think alike so wherre do u think u fit in with your statement???? Just sayin

I allwyss get "sufficient" penetration.