View Full Version : Striker channel maintenence

06-02-2010, 07:45 PM
I ordered a pm9094 a couple of weeks ago. After studying this site, I'm still not sure how to treat the striker channel. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

06-02-2010, 07:55 PM
I ordered a pm9094 a couple of weeks ago. After studying this site, I'm still not sure how to treat the striker channel. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Don't need to treat much at all. Just take some spray cleaner, brake cleaner, gun scrubber etc and poke the nozzle in the little clean out hole in the bottom of the slide, right side towards the breech face end and give er a blast, pull the striker back a bit and give er another blast and your good to go. No lube, leave it dry. Theres some threads here on how to take the top end apart but usually no need to although it's not difficult.
We're all here to help if you need it.

06-02-2010, 08:36 PM
I ordered a pm9094 a couple of weeks ago. After studying this site, I'm still not sure how to treat the striker channel. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

karh tech section and then hit on PROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR. It will tell u alot.