View Full Version : Anyone experience CLP evaporation?

04-05-2014, 10:30 PM
I've been using CLP as a lube and HAD been shooting my guns usually no more than 1 month between cleanings. My CW9 hadn't been used in about 3 months and when I went to get it ready for another range trip, it didn't feel "normal". A quick break-down and inspection showed NO oil. I KNOW I oiled it well (as I always do a thorough cleaning and lube on each gun after a range trip) and that would be the longest the CLP had been left to sit since I've started using it so I can only assume it's the CLP. Any similar experiences?

04-06-2014, 02:28 AM
I've been using CLP as a lube and HAD been shooting my guns usually no more than 1 month between cleanings. My CW9 hadn't been used in about 3 months and when I went to get it ready for another range trip, it didn't feel "normal". A quick break-down and inspection showed NO oil. I KNOW I oiled it well (as I always do a thorough cleaning and lube on each gun after a range trip) and that would be the longest the CLP had been left to sit since I've started using it so I can only assume it's the CLP. Any similar experiences?
I find that CLP evaporates more quickly than gun oil. I'm in process of doing Militec-1 treatments on my guns. It will allow me to go nearly dry. We'll see.

04-06-2014, 07:13 AM
I also found breakfree CLP to evaporate, It takes about 2 weeks with a light coat.
I like CLP and don't have any problem using it on non lube finicky weapons, but I rarely use it as a lube anymore.
Weapon Shield is now my lube of choice..

I actually tested several oils.
The only oils that evaporated quicker were TriFlow and Otis 85.
Tetra oil lasted 12 months before I halted the test.

I did a live firing test with the lube finicky P3AT and did a write up in 2011…below in quotes..

FWIW....my P3AT has been flawless since..

First...I’m no longer a fan of grease.
I ran Tetra grease years ago in my first (flawless) P3AT before I sold it...since...In my own testing...Tetra grease promotes corrosion while maintaining its viscosity in cold temperatures while other greases such as high temp wheel bearing grease prevents corrosion to a degree, but hardens in cold temps.
Second..I’ve been a BreakFree CLP fan for a long time.
In fact...I bought a case years ago...gave a few away and I’m now down to my last can.
When I acquired my new to me P3...I lubed it up with Tetra oil because I know some P3’s are finicky and the previous owner used grease. For that reason I wanted to use something a little more viscous...I ran 86 rounds without a bobble. It was cleaned, lubed with CLP and tucked away as a BUG. Two weeks later I ran 14 rounds of my carry ammo (WWB) without a bobble. Again...cleaned and lubed with CLP.
Another two weeks and off to the range. Two mags flawless and then... FTEject...I ended up having 2 out of the 37 rounds fired...WTH. I get home to take a look. Did a slide tear down...a little locktite on the extractor screw after cleaning the FP and channel...problem solved...or so I thought? Since CLP has never failed me in any firearm I’ve owned it was only natural to run CLP on my newly acquired P3AT.
Two weeks later...12 rounds... no problems. Two weeks after that 2 mags without issue... then 3 FTE in two mags.
An on range break down and re-lube with CLP resulted in a flawless 3 mags.
After that experience it was cleaned with CLP and re-lubed with Tetra oil...the next range visit two weeks later resulted in 42 flawless rounds down range.
I’ve since tried this two week/multiple round test with (free sample) Weapon Shield (I like it) a couple of times with the same flawless results.
I’m confident in this P3 and no longer feel the need to test/shoot more than 3-4 mags in a range session.
Bottom line IMO...
BreakFree CLP has a tendency to dry over a period of time...that seems to be about two weeks. When it dries it does leave a lubricating film...that film will get you through a couple of mags in my experience...what more are we asking of a P3AT anyway? If you shoot before that two week dry out time...you’ll run longer without an issue. The P3AT is a dependable little carry option, it likes to run wet and will run with CLP, but you have to do your part. Your part being...if you plan on a P3AT for CCW, clean, lube, break it in and test your carry ammo...reliability has to be first priority. IMO you should be cleaning and re-lubing every two weeks at a minimum. This is no different than any other CCW pistol with any lube IMO.
If you’re not a PM type of person...I would suggest a different lube and maybe a 4 leaf clover.

04-06-2014, 12:31 PM
Thank you for the validating info. Looks like I'll be finding at alternative oil.

04-06-2014, 04:05 PM
I've been using CLP as a lube and HAD been shooting my guns usually no more than 1 month between cleanings. My CW9 hadn't been used in about 3 months and when I went to get it ready for another range trip, it didn't feel "normal". A quick break-down and inspection showed NO oil. I KNOW I oiled it well (as I always do a thorough cleaning and lube on each gun after a range trip) and that would be the longest the CLP had been left to sit since I've started using it so I can only assume it's the CLP. Any similar experiences?

CLP right, or did u mean CLAP. I am familiar with that:Amflag2:

04-06-2014, 04:22 PM
...or perhaps a lube to help prevent the clap...:rolleyes:

04-06-2014, 05:15 PM
Just checked my CM9. It's been a few weeks since I cleaned and lubed with CLP. Sure enough, it was a lot drier than it was a few weeks ago. The slide lock was difficult to remove without tapping it with the back of a screwdriver.

I just lubed it with Hoppes lubricating oil. We'll see how long that lasts.

04-06-2014, 06:27 PM
CLP is an fair cleaner, a terrible lube, and an okay preservative.

04-06-2014, 06:35 PM
I never been an advocate of combination products. I want a cleaner to clean and a lubricant to lubricate. When a product tries to do both it doesn't do a very good job of either. I clean my gun with a solvent and lubricate it with a good quality oil. That's the way that God intended it to be.

04-06-2014, 06:52 PM
if it runs, then it is not gonna stay where u put it. Either get used to lubng ur weapon more often or I(MO aq good gun grease can help alot. If its a liquid, then it is gonna run--somewhere. Just sayin. Doesnt mean it ain't ay good, just means that u are expecting more out of it than what it was designed to do.

04-06-2014, 06:58 PM
All that is necessary to lubricate a gun is a microscopic film of oil on the moving parts. If there's one thing that I can't stand it's a gun that drips.

04-06-2014, 07:15 PM
whats microscopic?? Just sayin

04-07-2014, 07:22 AM
Geez, Jocko, you should know better than to leave me an opening like that. It's too obvious. :)

04-07-2014, 11:32 AM
Is that CLP a breakfree product?? Dump it. Breakfree has not had a good product in many a year. I used one old quart of the original clp for 40 years , Good stuff.
New, not worth owning.

Pro Shot products has several really good products . There Zero Friction for slide and lite wear areas and stay put . There pro gold for lugs and any area you want a stay in place heavy lube. I started to use there 1 Step for general cleaning and lube needs and as a protectant. Soaks into metal like original clp use to . I like there products and have 17 years of use with the pro gold. A couple years with the clp and zero friction

G96 products also has a CLP that's is the current mil spec aproved product in use by our guys. I have a bottle of it too and its more like the original clp from the 70's.

04-07-2014, 08:01 PM
I never been an advocate of combination products. I want a cleaner to clean and a lubricant to lubricate. When a product tries to do both it doesn't do a very good job of either. I clean my gun with a solvent and lubricate it with a good quality oil. That's the way that God intended it to be.

You got a reference for that? :amflag:

04-07-2014, 08:03 PM
...u are expecting more out of it than what it was designed to do.


I now know that I'll be using the CLP as a cleaner for those not-too-tough cleanings and I'll likely go back to a decent oil (I have Hoppe's oil) plus the TW25b grease. I had no issues with that combination before but felt a need (thank you advertisers) to try the CLP and MPro7.