View Full Version : CM40 slide lock

04-06-2014, 12:23 PM
I have a cm40 that at least once a magazine the slide locks back on the 2nd or 3rd round, I have sent it back to Kahr and it came back about 2 weeks later with a letter that said they cleaned and test fired it and couldn't find anything wrong.
I shoot left handed so my thumb isn't hitting the slide lock and I have removed the slide and put the slide lock back and put in a full magazine to check like it says in the tech sticky, item 7 i think, and everything looks fine. I have a cm9 that shoots great so i think my grip is ok.
Any suggestions?

04-06-2014, 04:03 PM
here is whatu casn do.

There are only a few things that can cause premature slide lock

#1 ur thumb, and u have eliminated that by shooting leftr handed, so that is out
#2 bullets hitting on the inside of te slide stop lever and u have chekced that and that is OK so tha tis out
#3 that little springhy is out of adjuyst ment: Here ishow to check for that.

take kthe slide off. insert the slide stop lever: now slowly push up on that lever and see ow much freeplay u get before u feel the downward pressure of that little spring. If u have some freeplay before u feel that downward pressure, then IMO that little springhy needs tweeted a tad. U can look on cw45 fixes by wyn on tghe khar tech section and get a good photo view oif what it should look like. Make sure that springhy tip is not bent inward. It should (the spring tip) lay right in tat small groove on the slide stop lever nub. If u look u can see it. that is where that spring tip must lay. ow to put more pressure on that slide stop lever just with needle nose plies orient that spring tip downward, and then retrest. It should be wantingtyo apply downward pressure the second u try to move it upward. If you have to much freeplay, then that slide stop lever is actually wanting to come upward and in a 40 cal, the recoil is such that this can cause premature slide lock. This is easy to check out. I always put a dab of grease on that slide stop u b to so that springhy tip can irde ov er it easier.

Check this out nd get back to usw.

#4 let anutter shooter try ur gun, so see if he can duplicate ur issues. U gotta start somewhere to eliminate the possbilities. I don't want to say shooter error but even shooting left handed, it can happen..

04-06-2014, 05:30 PM
This morning I tried removing the slide stop and pulling the slide and then puting the slide stop in and the part on the slide stop was below the spring and then tried pulling up on it and it felt like it clicked above the spring with a little pressure. I am going to try to make it by the range at lunch this week and see if one of the guys there could try it the problem is thy are re-doing the backstops so only half the lanes are available, indoor range.
I really like the triggers on Kahrs so if it has to go back, oh well, it won't be gone long I sent in back in March and it was only gone alittle less than two weeks, while they had it they said they cleaned it and test fired it and didn't find any problems so I 'm thinking it might be my grip. It' s two handed and maybe with the snap and one hand possibly pushing on the bottom of the mag it might be jolting just enough to trip the slide lock

04-06-2014, 07:13 PM
remember u have a true hand cannon, not alot of grip to grab either. Not saying it is u but at lease ur willing to maybe acknowledghe it COULD BE. Let nutter decent hand gun shooter try the gun. IMO if it is a mechancical issue, then it should reduplicate itslef time and time again.

Do check out the suggestions and .

nOT SURE WHAT U MEANT ABOUT "CLICKED ABOVE THE SPRING WITH ALITTLE PRESSURE.. course I am a simple person to, I know what daylite kand dark is but when I hear it is dust out, then I want to start cleaning kthe house:banplease: