View Full Version : Magazine Query

04-07-2014, 04:21 PM
My son purchased a CM9 last week, took it to the range, and within 50 rounds he experienced the dreaded magazine follower fracture. Contacted Kahr Customer Service, explained the problem, and was told a new follower was on its way.

Today I purchased a pre-owned MK9, took it to the range, and within 50 rounds experienced a magazine follower fracture. Since it's pre-owned, Kahr will not comp a new follower. No problem.

Went to the Kahr web site to order a couple of them. $11 for a follower is a little steep, but it is what it is. Shipping for two followers is an additional $7+. There's a different part number for the 6 round magazine follower and 7 round magazine follower. I looked at the followers in the 6 and 7 round magazines I currently have and can't tell the difference. Looking further on the Kahr web site, I see a magazine maintenance kit (follower and spring) is $9.99, $1 less than just the follower. What's up with that?

04-07-2014, 04:44 PM
That's strange huh?

So your pre owned MK9 broke a follower first time out with the supplied mag or a new mag?

I haven't heard a lot about MK9's breaking followers.

If it's the supplied mag and not a nearly new gun I'm way confused, if it's a new mag, has me thinking maybe we got a material issue in the new magazines that seem to be breaking, but I kind of have doubts about that too.

04-07-2014, 04:55 PM
Bundle discount? I happen to think the gun part prices are ridiculously high from damn near any supplier, but they have you by the short hairs if you want your gun to go bang. I'm surprised that Kahr didn't send you the follower for free. That free follower would have bought a lot of customer loyalty. A lot of businesses have forgotten that they wouldn't exist if not for their customers. It's a sad state of affairs.

04-07-2014, 05:18 PM
That's the thing with the Kahr site. I couldn't do searches the last few times I was there, but there are better deals by buying the "kits" for the bases and magazines, etc. But when the search feature wasn't working it's hard to find anything.

I reported the trouble a few times and finally just gave up. I had what I wanted already, but was trying to find stuff for others.

The sell those black metal base kits cheaper, too, and they also sell some of those "motto" slide rear plates, too.

I would explore there more, but not being able to do even a one-word search was pretty bad.


04-12-2014, 02:25 PM
My son purchased a CM9 last week, took it to the range, and within 50 rounds he experienced the dreaded magazine follower fracture. Contacted Kahr Customer Service, explained the problem, and was told a new follower was on its way.

Today I purchased a pre-owned MK9, took it to the range, and within 50 rounds experienced a magazine follower fracture. Since it's pre-owned, Kahr will not comp a new follower. No problem.

Went to the Kahr web site to order a couple of them. $11 for a follower is a little steep, but it is what it is. Shipping for two followers is an additional $7+. There's a different part number for the 6 round magazine follower and 7 round magazine follower. I looked at the followers in the 6 and 7 round magazines I currently have and can't tell the difference. Looking further on the Kahr web site, I see a magazine maintenance kit (follower and spring) is $9.99, $1 less than just the follower. What's up with that?

I had the same issue with my PM40. Sent an email along with pictures and received two followers in return. By the way how do you like that MK9? Just picked up a K9 and I love it. The MK9 will be my next purchase for sure.

Sent from Southern California using an iPad

04-12-2014, 07:50 PM
I had the same issue with my PM40. Sent an email along with pictures and received two followers in return. By the way how do you like that MK9? Just picked up a K9 and I love it. The MK9 will be my next purchase for sure.

I absolutely love the MK9.

I called Kahr about the broken follower in the MK9 magazine. I also asked about ordering over the phone. I was met with an "I really don't give a rats @$$" type of attitude and told to use the web site to order. I was pretty surprised as my previous experiences with their customer service have been very professional and satisfying.

My son received his replacement magazine follower today.

04-13-2014, 01:53 AM
Try emailing them and include a picture. Leave that preowned part of the story out of it and see what type of response you get. Might be favorable.

Sent from Southern California using an iPad

04-13-2014, 07:31 AM
Bundle discount? I happen to think the gun part prices are ridiculously high from damn near any supplier, but they have you by the short hairs if you want your gun to go bang. I'm surprised that Kahr didn't send you the follower for free. That free follower would have bought a lot of customer loyalty. A lot of businesses have forgotten that they wouldn't exist if not for their customers. It's a sad state of affairs.

whats a \"short hair".:amflag:

04-13-2014, 07:34 AM
My son purchased a CM9 last week, took it to the range, and within 50 rounds he experienced the dreaded magazine follower fracture. Contacted Kahr Customer Service, explained the problem, and was told a new follower was on its way.

Today I purchased a pre-owned MK9, took it to the range, and within 50 rounds experienced a magazine follower fracture. Since it's pre-owned, Kahr will not comp a new follower. No problem.

Went to the Kahr web site to order a couple of them. $11 for a follower is a little steep, but it is what it is. Shipping for two followers is an additional $7+. There's a different part number for the 6 round magazine follower and 7 round magazine follower. I looked at the followers in the 6 and 7 round magazines I currently have and can't tell the difference. Looking further on the Kahr web site, I see a magazine maintenance kit (follower and spring) is $9.99, $1 less than just the follower. What's up with that?

makes chills run up my back when ur heading is Masgazine Query. Couldn't u have alt lease changed that to Magazine question??? If u have magazine issue no wonder sujmpin is wrong, their queery. get some good magazines. Just sayin:D:D:D

04-13-2014, 07:40 AM
whats a \"short hair".:amflag:

A "small" rabbit!!!!!!

04-13-2014, 09:12 AM
A "small" rabbit!!!!!!
Great answer, that one had me stumped too.

04-16-2014, 11:08 AM
whats a \"short hair".:amflag:

Only you would ask that question of someone who is bald. Have you no shame?