View Full Version : 20 Stabbed in Pennsylvania School

04-09-2014, 08:41 AM
This happened 75 miles from my home.


04-09-2014, 08:54 AM
Hard to imagine someone stabbing 20 people and no one trying to stop him. What do they do, just watch it go on?

04-09-2014, 08:57 AM
Apparently a 60 year old security guard tried to stop him and was stabbed in the abdomen. I think there were others that tried to help....he had 2 knives.

04-09-2014, 09:44 AM
This was conspired by the NRA to take the heat off gun rights groups. To prove THEIR point that guns are only a tool and if a person wants to be homicidal, they do not need a gun to do so......JOKE of course.

This is no laughing matter. An armed guard at the school could have prevented many more injuries.

04-09-2014, 10:03 AM
Hmm, there's mention of a security guard. Doesn't say if he was armed or not. I've always kind of felt that the odds of the security guard being in the right place when something bad happens would be pretty slim.
But at least he's on site so with any kind of communication he could be the first meaningful responder.

The joke was funny but it's also very true. Sadly the unrealistic pathetic loser banner folks will not recognize it as such. They will just add it to the list. Ban everything that anybody can hurt somebody with, guns, knives, fly swatters, forks, pictures of Rosie O'Donnell. Oh the pain.

04-09-2014, 10:21 AM
Wow! You think they could have found a bat or golf club around? If it started in the science dept a good splash of acid would have slowed him down some! :)

04-09-2014, 10:23 AM
Sheep conditioning. Don't confront the wolf, just run for your lives.

It comes with education especially in the higher levels.

Peace maaaan.

04-09-2014, 11:39 AM
Sheep conditioning. Don't confront the wolf, just run for your lives.

It comes with education especially in the higher levels.

Peace maaaan.

Sad but true
Peace out

04-09-2014, 12:01 PM
Don't defend yourself, that is the Police's job. Seems to be the message the schools are promoting. Too bad the police only get there in time to photograph the dead bodies. I called the cops to my house once, and it took them a good half hour to get there. It was over something stolen, so it wasn't high priority, Iguess, but in the little town they come from, all they do is write tickets on the interstate that passes through their city limits. Can't interrupt their financing of the city to respond to a burglary call. I bet it would still have been 15 minutes at least if I had reported someone in the house. That is why I keep guns scattered through out the house. I don't plan on the cops saving me from anything.

04-09-2014, 12:02 PM
Unless bawanna is around, then hug the ground and cover your face. We'll be ok.

04-09-2014, 01:22 PM
I wonder if a faculty member was standing there wringing their hands, pleading for him to put down the knife and come get a hug.

04-09-2014, 01:25 PM
A tragedy. Remember what our friends at DHS suggest. Shelter in place.... right...

"You are born. And you die. And if you are very lucky in between you get to ride motorcycles."

04-09-2014, 03:52 PM
This illustrates what happens to people who don't have the means of defending themselves. Panic breeds panic. I don't see anything the least bit amusing in this situation. You wouldn't either that one of the stabbed had been one of your kids. When I was in school each day was started with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lords Prayer. The liberals took God out of our classrooms and let the devil in.

04-09-2014, 03:53 PM
Things that need to be done:
1. Start a group,"Mothers against knife vilolence"
2. Nobody but trained law enforcement needs a knife longer that 3/4"
3. No pocketknifes in bars.
4. Regristration of all knifes over 2" long.
5. Nobody should have a miltary "assault type" knife.
6. Any child making a knife cutting motion with his fingers at school should be expelled.

04-09-2014, 04:03 PM
And lets ban 80% finished knives right from the get go! Knives with no serial numbers or that don't leave a special code everytime they cut somebody are just not right.

And maybe a special ring required to unfold folders.

04-09-2014, 04:15 PM
This illustrates what happens to people who don't have the means of defending themselves. Panic breeds panic. I don't see anything the least bit amusing in this situation. You wouldn't either that one of the stabbed had been one of your kids. When I was in school each day was started with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lords Prayer. The liberals took God out of our classrooms and let the devil in.

its nbot funny and not to say we or the kids were lucky. Had he hgad a gun he would have done far more damage and the gun industry would again be fighting for its lives again. I just read where a soldier at some fort shot and killed anutter soldier with his M4, Have no clue what happened.

04-09-2014, 04:56 PM
its nbot funny and not to say we or the kids were lucky. Had he hgad a gun he would have done far more damage and the gun industry would again be fighting for its lives again. I just read where a soldier at some fort shot and killed anutter soldier with his M4, Have no clue what happened.

I wonder if this sh!thead Holder who wants everyone to wear some kind of fokking wrist band to prevent theire gun from going off. I wonder if cops would have to wear one???Why would they be any different. Wow kwhat a give away when a cop stops u, all he has to do is look at ur wrists and then proceed to mess with your mind.

Many here never reqad this but in Indy in a nice area a super white guy was out walking and he was shot and no one could figure out why as he was loved by the neighbors aqnd did alot of communityt work etc, I mean 100% clean, and they found him shot twoice. A week later this black kid was in the hospitaol for gunshot wounds and when te cops started to investigate the shooting area, they found 40 cal casing that matched the area where the white guy was killed, a few miles away. Anyway they finally borke this blakc sh!thead down and he confessed to shooting the guy. They ask him why and his answer, "He was white". Just where is Fats ass Al sharpton and Hair lip Jesse Jackson. Could u imagine a white guy doin this and makaing that statement!!!!:blah::blah::blah:

I get the first part Jocko regarding the knife vs gun issue, but I don't see how the race war stuff you mentioned fit in with this story.

04-09-2014, 04:57 PM
This illustrates what happens to people who don't have the means of defending themselves. Panic breeds panic. I don't see anything the least bit amusing in this situation. You wouldn't either that one of the stabbed had been one of your kids. When I was in school each day was started with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lords Prayer. The liberals took God out of our classrooms and let the devil in.
I remember the POA every morning. Good stuff. Good memories.

04-09-2014, 05:29 PM
I get the first part Jocko regarding the knife vs gun issue, but I don't see how the race war stuff you mentioned fit in with this story.

never realy meant it to fit in with the original story, I was just bringing up a local incident..:banplease: ain't race war stuyff, It was a quote by the assasilant. :Amflag2:

04-09-2014, 05:44 PM
This illustrates what happens to people who don't have the means of defending themselves. Panic breeds panic. I don't see anything the least bit amusing in this situation. You wouldn't either that one of the stabbed had been one of your kids. When I was in school each day was started with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lords Prayer. The liberals took God out of our classrooms and let the devil in.

You are so right. It's not funny. It's tragic and discomforting. Yet making a few respectful jokes is probably an effective way of dealing with it.

Mrs. B4 and I were talking about this recently. We don't have kids and are actually happy we don't. It's sad. We pray for those of you with families: for your protection: and for the opportunity to raise your children right. God bless.

04-09-2014, 05:53 PM
This school is about 20 miles from where I live. There are numerous rumors flying right now, and I think everyone should hold judgement until ALL the facts are out. Reports of bullying, threats being made, etc. And please, can we not get into the race baiting crap. It doesnt matter what color the individual was/is. These are kids!! And as a father I would loose my mind if it was my child!!

04-09-2014, 09:44 PM
Can't make any sense of this. Maybe an armed teacher could have stopped it sooner, but maybe not. Happened really early and really fast. The news says the perp is a sophomore and had 2 kitchen knives.

The unfathomable question is: Why?
My wife wonders about the TV show The Following. Its about a cult leader who gets his followers into stabbing and cutting people. Its in its second season and is evidently popular although I've never watched it. Supposedly very exciting drama and action, with graphic, detailed scenes of the followers cutting into victims.

04-09-2014, 11:32 PM
Wow! You think they could have found a bat or golf club around? If it started in the science dept a good splash of acid would have slowed him down some! :)

Would have been a good idea 25 years ago when that kind of stuff was actually _IN_ the schools. But now, competition is frowned upon, they only have a stockpile of participation trophies for learning HOW to play golf and baseball on paper, not actually playing golf or baseball. Acid probably doesn't exist anymore, because that would be teaching actual science. Now they just tell you about 4 billion years, evolution, global warming...science by theory, assumption, and computer models w/ made up numbers.

Plus, even if they wanted to go back and buy those things to TEACH again, they wouldn't have the money because it was all spent on condoms, birth control, and pamphlets on using same. Plus a whole lot of other touchy-feely crap.

Wow...am I wound up or WHAT! Stand back everybody, he's gonna blow!!!

Hell, when I went to middle school, could have broken out the archery equipment from the PE closet and taken this tool out from a distance.
Screw the baseball bat! That's too close for comfort.

04-10-2014, 06:25 AM
At least two students aided the principle in subduing the student with the knives. The student with the knives had been bullied and snapped. When I found my two boys picking on someone weaker than they were I showed them what it felt like to be picked on by someone stronger. That seemed to take all of the fun out of it and that problem never occurred again.

04-10-2014, 06:47 AM
Your boys had an advantage muggs. They have a parent.

04-10-2014, 07:11 AM
This happened 75 miles from my home.


Very sad event. I can imagine the panic this crazy kid created with other kids in a school. This panic would allow him to continue his slashing until someone could react properly. I also heard an unarmed security guard was stabbed and that an asst principle tackled him while another kid pulled the fire alarm to get help to the school and get the kids out. Good moves. Very sad event. Wonder if there will be a ban on the sale longer knives.....or possibly back ground checks on knife purchases....or maybe limits on knives in a household....Hmmmm. ALL schools need better security upon entry and well trained armed guards on premise. Protect Our Kids like we protect our airports, politicians and judges.

04-10-2014, 08:05 AM
At least two students aided the principle in subduing the student with the knives. The student with the knives had been bullied and snapped. When I found my two boys picking on someone weaker than they were I showed them what it felt like to be picked on by someone stronger. That seemed to take all of the fun out of it and that problem never occurred again.

Fukk'n A

04-10-2014, 09:02 AM
Here's the case of a "special needs" kid in Pennsylvania who was bullied in class by other kids, was smart enough to record it, but then was disciplined by the school and is threatened with a crime charge (illegal recording):


School administrators made him delete the recording, even after his mom had copied it & complained.

04-10-2014, 09:20 AM
Here's the case of a "special needs" kid in Pennsylvania who was bullied in class by other kids, was smart enough to record it, but then was disciplined by the school and is threatened with a crime charge (illegal recording):


School administrators made him delete the recording, even after his mom had copied it & complained.

What that situation needed was dose of Muggsy. He would have straightened that mess out pronto.

04-10-2014, 09:39 AM
Sadly turning the schools into airports and hiring TSA would only make things worse. Just one more thing to take away from the business of actual education. Instead of worrying about a test you'd have to worry about getting through TSA. One reason I don't fly.

Plus I'd never be able to go to a school again, I don't do metal detectors either.

School resource officers are great, they have the training and can multi task, act as security, make arrest for dope and thefts all of which seem to be very prevalent in todays schools too.

04-10-2014, 09:52 AM
School resource officers are great, they have the training and can multi task, act as security, make arrest for dope and thefts all of which seem to be very prevalent in todays schools too.

I think so too. But there were 3 of them on campus at the time per news reports. By the time they got to the action the prinicpal had stopped the carnage.

I'm not auto-buying the bullying explanation either. Its too knee jerk these days. I don't like bullies, but I think being bullied and dealing with it is part of growing up, not an excuse for evil.

04-10-2014, 10:01 AM
Hadn't seen that part. Kind of backs up my theory that the chances of security being where they are needed are very slim.

Perhaps partially because the trouble maker will see them and go somewhere else.

Probably most have a set pattern that's easy to figure out too. Security should always be full of surprises.

I think a nice injection of testerone in the education system would be a good start. Paddles with the holes drilled in em, swatters, detention rooms.
I remember we had a ton of respect for our teachers and I was afraid of most of them, very afraid.

Today that respect seems to be sorely lacking in schools and for any authority positions.

04-10-2014, 10:08 AM
Hadn't seen that part. Kind of backs up my theory that the chances of security being where they are needed are very slim.

Perhaps partially because the trouble maker will see them and go somewhere else.

Probably most have a set pattern that's easy to figure out too. Security should always be full of surprises.

I think a nice injection of testerone in the education system would be a good start. Paddles with the holes drilled in em, swatters, detention rooms.
I remember we had a ton of respect for our teachers and I was afraid of most of them, very afraid.

Today that respect seems to be sorely lacking in schools and for any authority positions.

Fukk'n A.
However, I think 3 security guys on scene should be able to cover a school. Instead of them playing grab *** with each other( I suspect this--not fact) they should have been spread out. I bet that wasn't the case. They don't need guns if people are antigun--tasers will work too.

04-10-2014, 10:19 AM
Ok. Let's get some of the facts straight here. First, it was the start of the AM shift for security. The AM guard had just started walking his beat to unlock the doors when this happened. The guard that was injured was the one coming off the midnight shift at the school. The armed resource officer was at the main entrance and was alerted by students who ran to him. The Asst Principal confronted the suspect and was aided by a student as well as the security and resource officer. What you all see on CNN MSN FOX etc isn't always correct. I live 20 miles from this school so we get info local media outlets. As for the bullying, right now that has been said to not be true. There is still a long investigation ahead.

04-10-2014, 10:24 AM
Be interesting to find out what precription psychotropic drugs the kid was taking...Seems today parents stuff them full of Ritalin or Adderall to get them pumped up enough to learn something at school them stuff some Prozac in um so they won't be depressed when they get home then start over again the next day until the kids don't know what feeling normal is like anymore....

I think the pharmaceutical companies have the public beliving that every single problem they have will magically be cured by taking a pill and if that alone wasn't dangerous enough for middle and high school kids try mixing that stuff up with street drugs and even pot and alcohol and you've got a ticking time bomb on your hands just waiting to go off...

I would like to see all teachers and school administrators wear tasers for no other reason than to protect themselves from some of these big punk kids that would love nothing more than to smack around their teachers....They should give them one of those that will run an arc across the contacts and make a loud zap sound
so they can hit the button every time one of the little chits starts to act up... That should shut um up and teach some respect and if one of um nuts up and goes to cutting people there would be enough taser equipped teachers close by to shut it down pretty quick....

I guess I'm old shcool but in my day the men teachers, coachs, assistant principal and principal had big wooden paddles and wouldn't hesitate to beat your *** if you acted up in class or on the bus....I don't recall stuff going on back then like in todays open minded liberal schools...

04-10-2014, 10:53 AM
Be interesting to find out what precription psychotropic drugs the kid was taking...Seems today parents stuff them full of Ritalin or Adderall to get them pumped up enough to learn something at school them stuff some Prozac in um so they won't be depressed when they get home then start over again the next day until the kids don't know what feeling normal is like anymore....

I think the pharmaceutical companies have the public beliving that every single problem they have will magically be cured by taking a pill and if that alone wasn't dangerous enough for middle and high school kids try mixing that stuff up with street drugs and even pot and alcohol and you've got a ticking time bomb on your hands just waiting to go off...

I would like to see all teachers and school administrators wear tasers for no other reason than to protect themselves from some of these big punk kids that would love nothing more than to smack around their teachers....They should give them one of those that will run an arc across the contacts and make a loud zap sound
so they can hit the button every time one of the little chits starts to act up... That should shut um up and teach some respect and if one of um nuts up and goes to cutting people there would be enough taser equipped teachers close by to shut it down pretty quick....

I guess I'm old shcool but in my day the men teachers, coachs, assistant principal and principal had big wooden paddles and wouldn't hesitate to beat your *** if you acted up in class or on the bus....I don't recall stuff going on back then like in todays open minded liberal schools...

Fukk'n A ....again
Yep ours was call "the super paddle". A cut down oar with holes in it so there would be less wind resistance while swung. Electrical tape on the handle for better grip too. Don't ask how I know. Also got to keep your tighty whities pulled up tight so a nut didn't get smacked in the process.

04-10-2014, 11:29 AM
Hadn't seen that part. Kind of backs up my theory that the chances of security being where they are needed are very slim.

Perhaps partially because the trouble maker will see them and go somewhere else.

Probably most have a set pattern that's easy to figure out too. Security should always be full of surprises.

I think a nice injection of testerone in the education system would be a good start. Paddles with the holes drilled in em, swatters, detention rooms.
I remember we had a ton of respect for our teachers and I was afraid of most of them, very afraid.

Today that respect seems to be sorely lacking in schools and for any authority positions.

still holds true today. that when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. U just can't do much about that. The kid knew what he was gonna do no one else did. He probalby knew the security system as well as anybody. In our local schools, they do not check back packs when the kids come into school and most all now have at leat one officer on the grounds. Teachers that I talk to say it would just be to time consuming to cvheck every back ack and lunch box etc when u have a school of a 1000+ students. the officers do the best they can and the sad thing is we never really know how much good they do for maybe a nut case who thought about shooting up a school now knew that officers were on the grounds kand his chances of success could be far less, where as before with totally unarmed schools. he had a free reign to do the damage. Most of these nut cases dont hve an excape plan, so he is like a suicide bommber in a away.

I don't buy the teasing sh!t that I read and if true, certinly no reason for what happened. These are kids, wht the fokk are we gonna do "muzzle" them. We di this craqp back in my younger days at school, certain kids just got teased more than utters but they didn't do what is happeing today. I still attribute alot of that to the family structures to and certainly the violence on the internet nd movies etc, and these kids today seem to be under so much more stress than i was back in the 50"s. Its sad but it will happen again and taking guns and knives away is not the answer.

Hope I didn't say anything racial here either:19:

04-10-2014, 11:49 AM
Times change indeed.

My dad was driving school bus when he was drafted into the Marines. He got a delayed entry since he was the only guy they had to drive the school bus.

This was way rural Missouri, some kids an hour or more trip to school.
When a kid acted up on the bus they faced the music.

On one occasion he said he just stopped the bus and let the kid off.

There would be lawsuits from here to next week if they did that now days.
Out here the bus driver can't let a kindergarten kid off unless they see the parent waiting at the stop. They often have to wait for the parent to show up or take the kid back to school.

Actually now that I ponder it a few kids were let off when I was riding a school bus too. Times were different and better back in those days.

04-10-2014, 12:07 PM
was u one of the kids. wqho road what we call the SHORT BUS..

04-10-2014, 12:10 PM
Yup, that was me.
Been thinking about finding me a short bus and making me a motor home. Fond memories.

04-10-2014, 02:26 PM
probably u were the only perosn on te short bus to. Just sayin. Course I was told that all buses in W@ashington were of the short bus design due to the I.Q's of the kids in Washington. Was there eer a president elected from the state of Washington, I mean not only of the POTUS but of things like PTA. Boatbuilders association, Local gu club???anything--huh. Just sayin

04-10-2014, 02:47 PM
None that I recall and mayhaps that's a good thing?

04-10-2014, 03:46 PM
At least it wasn't a handgun.
Killing is easy.
IMHO - we need to focus on the criminals.
Not what tools they used.

04-10-2014, 04:10 PM
At least it wasn't a handgun.
Killing is easy.
IMHO - we need to focus on the criminals.
Not what tools they used.

That would require judgmentalism. Our overlords forbid that kind of thing.

04-10-2014, 08:25 PM
Times change indeed.

My dad was driving school bus when he was drafted into the Marines. He got a delayed entry since he was the only guy they had to drive the school bus.

This was way rural Missouri, some kids an hour or more trip to school.
When a kid acted up on the bus they faced the music.

On one occasion he said he just stopped the bus and let the kid off.

There would be lawsuits from here to next week if they did that now days.
Out here the bus driver can't let a kindergarten kid off unless they see the parent waiting at the stop. They often have to wait for the parent to show up or take the kid back to school.

Actually now that I ponder it a few kids were let off when I was riding a school bus too. Times were different and better back in those days.

Whereabouts in Missouri was your dad from, if I may ask?

04-10-2014, 08:42 PM
still holds true today. that when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. U just can't do much about that. The kid knew what he was gonna do no one else did. He probalby knew the security system as well as anybody. In our local schools, they do not check back packs when the kids come into school and most all now have at leat one officer on the grounds. Teachers that I talk to say it would just be to time consuming to cvheck every back ack and lunch box etc when u have a school of a 1000+ students. the officers do the best they can and the sad thing is we never really know how much good they do for maybe a nut case who thought about shooting up a school now knew that officers were on the grounds kand his chances of success could be far less, where as before with totally unarmed schools. he had a free reign to do the damage. Most of these nut cases dont hve an excape plan, so he is like a suicide bommber in a away.

I don't buy the teasing sh!t that I read and if true, certinly no reason for what happened. These are kids, wht the fokk are we gonna do "muzzle" them. We di this craqp back in my younger days at school, certain kids just got teased more than utters but they didn't do what is happeing today. I still attribute alot of that to the family structures to and certainly the violence on the internet nd movies etc, and these kids today seem to be under so much more stress than i was back in the 50"s. Its sad but it will happen again and taking guns and knives away is not the answer.

Hope I didn't say anything racial here either:19:

Teasing isn't what we are referring to when we say bullying. Bullying is physically abusing someone who is younger and weaker than the bully. It's several kids picking on one individual. It's making someones life a living hell just because they are different. That kind of crap doesn't fly.

04-10-2014, 10:17 PM
Whereabouts in Missouri was your dad from, if I may ask?

Bowling Green, New Hartford area.

04-11-2014, 06:05 AM
Respectfully, I disagree that going through one secure screening entry point will take away anything from education in schools. The initiative is quite the contrary. It will enhance the student's education by helping them to feel safe in their school, by knowing that everyone is screened and there are armed guards present. Secure screening is the only way to prevent students and visitors from bringing guns and knives into a school. Students are creative, but they would have to get pretty creative to work around this initiative if enacted properly. Having armed guards present and one secure screening check point would be the best solution at this time. It would require revamping access and entry points, taking into consideration first responder special access. It could be done very well if thought through. Obviously the ONLY reason this is not done in all schools is the COST at the State level. Money is the obstacle....plain and simple. The feds dump money into airport safety and safety for politicians, but not for schools. The reality is the feds leave it to the State level in order to side step the issue and place the blame on guns and mental health. They are sacrificing children to make stronger points AGAINST guns. Yet, we all realize guns are not the real problem because it could be homemade bombs, knives, etc.... Security is the issue. As long as the airports, Congress, Senate, judges and President are safe, that's all that matters to them. I say...Protect our children in schools.

04-11-2014, 03:04 PM
Respectfully, I disagree that going through one secure screening entry point will take away anything from education in schools. The initiative is quite the contrary. It will enhance the student's education by helping them to feel safe in their school, by knowing that everyone is screened and there are armed guards present. Secure screening is the only way to prevent students and visitors from bringing guns and knives into a school. Students are creative, but they would have to get pretty creative to work around this initiative if enacted properly. Having armed guards present and one secure screening check point would be the best solution at this time. It would require revamping access and entry points, taking into consideration first responder special access. It could be done very well if thought through. Obviously the ONLY reason this is not done in all schools is the COST at the State level. Money is the obstacle....plain and simple. The feds dump money into airport safety and safety for politicians, but not for schools. The reality is the feds leave it to the State level in order to side step the issue and place the blame on guns and mental health. They are sacrificing children to make stronger points AGAINST guns. Yet, we all realize guns are not the real problem because it could be homemade bombs, knives, etc.... Security is the issue. As long as the airports, Congress, Senate, judges and President are safe, that's all that matters to them. I say...Protect our children in schools.
I tend to agree BUT I don't want the Fed G to pay for it. I don't want the G in most things so not this too. This is a local matter and up to parents and school districts. If they want their kids safe then $$. That simple. If private schools want more safety, then their student population's supporters need to pay. Time for people to take responsibility for their action or lack there of. Not the G's job.

04-11-2014, 04:23 PM
Times change indeed.

When a kid acted up on the bus they faced the music.

On one occasion he said he just stopped the bus and let the kid off.


Recently, there was a nearby kid who got on the wrong school bus home. The drivers figured it out and knew where the kid was the whole time and called the school to let them know the kid was OK. But the kid was late getting home because the driver had to finish his route before he could make the special trip to take the kid home. Last I heard the parents hit the roof and were suing and basically looking at this as a windfall. Things are messed up but I really think it starts with us ADULTS...the kids are just paying the price.

Bawanna got me to thinking about fearing teachers. It was a long time ago but I remember being scared to death of all the male teachers all the way through 7th grade. After that, the respect still remained but the teachers didn't have to be so scary. Now that's education in my book!

04-12-2014, 12:24 AM
Respectfully, I disagree that going through one secure screening entry point will take away anything from education in schools. The initiative is quite the contrary. It will enhance the student's education by helping them to feel safe in their school, by knowing that everyone is screened and there are armed guards present. Secure screening is the only way to prevent students and visitors from bringing guns and knives into a school. Students are creative, but they would have to get pretty creative to work around this initiative if enacted properly. Having armed guards present and one secure screening check point would be the best solution at this time. It would require revamping access and entry points, taking into consideration first responder special access. It could be done very well if thought through. Obviously the ONLY reason this is not done in all schools is the COST at the State level. Money is the obstacle....plain and simple. The feds dump money into airport safety and safety for politicians, but not for schools. The reality is the feds leave it to the State level in order to side step the issue and place the blame on guns and mental health. They are sacrificing children to make stronger points AGAINST guns. Yet, we all realize guns are not the real problem because it could be homemade bombs, knives, etc.... Security is the issue. As long as the airports, Congress, Senate, judges and President are safe, that's all that matters to them. I say...Protect our children in schools.

Doesn't work in the Bronx. Kids just secrete weapons on school grounds, in or under window sills, etc.

Fire code disallows sealing windows. So once they pass thru the metal detector, they just retrieve the hidden weapon. No way to adequately secure a school, imo. Wrt resources, money and human, too many limitations.

04-12-2014, 05:40 AM
Teasing isn't what we are referring to when we say bullying. Bullying is physically abusing someone who is younger and weaker than the bully. It's several kids picking on one individual. It's making someones life a living hell just because they are different. That kind of crap doesn't fly.

I'm not sure this case has anything you do with bullying. But since we're discussing it, fact is the definition of "bullying" has expanded to include almost any kind of teasing. "Cyber bullying" is a big thing now.

As far as real bullying, like it or not the cure is for the kid to fight back. Not complain, not look for protection, just fight. Even if your kid gets his ass beat, the bullying stops and the bullies never bother him again. It's a great lesson in life, and one that unfortunately many never learn in this overprotective current environment.

04-12-2014, 08:20 AM
I'm not sure this case has anything you do with bullying. But since we're discussing it, fact is the definition of "bullying" has expanded to include almost any kind of teasing. "Cyber bullying" is a big thing now.

As far as real bullying, like it or not the cure is for the kid to fight back. Not complain, not look for protection, just fight. Even if your kid gets his ass beat, the bullying stops and the bullies never bother him again. It's a great lesson in life, and one that unfortunately many never learn in this overprotective current environment.
Bullying never really stops does it? It is there in our adult lives at work and in our relationships. Just takes on different forms-more subtle but there.

04-12-2014, 11:09 AM
IMO humble opinion a lot of bully behavior is die to the same floods that have us shelter in place. The pacification of males. From drugging them for attention disorders , through sports (we don't keep score someone can lose ) to making gun fingers and being expelled. This video is an example of what I mean. On a bus and gets beat...no one does a thing until he fights back


"You are born. And you die. And if you are very lucky in between you get to ride motorcycles."