View Full Version : Stand off in Nevada
04-11-2014, 05:37 PM
Just throwing this out for discussion.
It seems these ranchers have grazed their cattle on Federal land for years and years. Now they are restricted because of a turtle.
Source: Fox News
Groups from as far away as New Hampshire are riding out to Nevada to join the cattle rancher whose standoff with the federal government is growing tenser by the day.
The groups said they were going to the ranch, some 80 miles north of Las Vegas to stand with Cliven Bundy, who property is surrounded by federal agents. Bundy's herd, which once numbered nearly 1,000, is being thinned out by private contractors under the watch of dozens of armed federal agents in SUVs and helicopters, the government says, he has refused for two decades to pay fees to allow the cattle to graze on federal lands.
“Our mission here is to protect the protestors and the American citizens from the violence that the federal government is dishing out.”
- Jim Landy, West Mountain Rangers
“Our mission here is to protect the protestors and the American citizens from the violence that the federal government is dishing out,” Jim Landy, a member of the West Mountain Rangers, who made the journey from Montana to Nevada, told Fox News Channel. “People here are scared.”
Bundy's family called for support this week after some incidents of violence between the family and protestors with law-enforcement. Bundy’s son was shot with a stun gun on Wednesday and his sister, Margaret Houston was pushed to the ground in incidents caught on video. The protests began to grow last week, after agents from the federal Bureau of Land Management shut off access to a large swath of federal land to round up Bundy’s cattle.
Landy said groups were going to the scene to try to help keep the peace.
“The Bundy family is expecting to be shot if they try to round up their own cattle,” he said. “We are here to make sure they are not harmed. The American people are afraid of their Federal Government.”
Members of a Utah militia arrived at the ranch Wednesday, and other militias from Texas, New Hampshire and Florida are reportedly set to arrive in the coming days.
The fight involves a 600,000-acre area under BLM control called Gold Butte, near the Utah border. The vast and rugged land is the habitat of the protected desert tortoise, and the land has been off-limits for cattle since 1998. Five years before that, when grazing was legal, Bundy stopped paying federal fees for the right.
“For more than two decades, cattle have been grazed illegally on public lands in northeast Clark County,” the BLM said in a statement. “BLM and (the National Park Service) have made repeated attempts to resolve this matter administratively and judicially. Impoundment of cattle illegally grazing on public lands is an option of last resort.”
Bundy, 67, who has been a rancher all his life, told last week he believes the federal agency is trying to push him to the breaking point and likened his situation to the 1993 disaster in Waco, Texas, in which federal and state law enforcement agencies laid siege to a compound of religious fanatics calling themselves Branch Davidians, a move that resulted in the deaths of 76.
Bundy, a descendant of Mormons who settled in Bunkerville more than 140 years ago, claims an inherent right to graze the area and casts the conflict as a states' rights issue. At a news conference Friday on his ranch, he said the federal government is wrong to deny his cattle access to the grazing land they've always used. He said he barely recognized the land during an airplane flyover earlier in the day.
"I flew down along the river here, and I'd seen a little herd of cows," he told a gathering of supporters. "Baby cows. They was grazing on their meadow and they was really quite happy.
"I then flew up the river here up to Flat Top Mason, and all of a sudden, there's an army up there. A compound. Probably close to a hundred vehicles and gates all around and vehicles with armed soldiers in them.
"Then I'm wondering where I am. I'm not in Afghanistan. I think I'm in Nevada. But I'm not sure right now," he said to applause and defiant shouts.
Federal officials said that BLM enforcement agents were dispatched in response to statements Bundy made which they perceived as threats.
“When threats are made that could jeopardize the safety of the American people, the contractors and our personnel; we have the responsibility to provide law enforcement to account for their safety,” National Park Service spokeswoman Christie Vanover said to reporters Sunday.
The land issue allegedly began after Bundy stopped paying grazing fees in 1993. He said he didn't have to because his Mormon ancestors worked the land since the 1880s, giving him rights to the land.
04-11-2014, 05:43 PM
Please read the latest! Dan
Bill K
04-11-2014, 05:46 PM
Worst case scenario... The "second" shot heard round the world?
Concord Hymn
Sung at the Completion of the Battle Monument, July 4, 1837
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.
The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.
On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set today a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.
Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.
04-11-2014, 08:19 PM
let me see if I understand this:
Dude grazes his cattle on BLM land for a long time.
Told he cannot because there is an endangered turtle there
The real reason he cant graze cattle there is because there is a deal with China for a solar power plant to be built there?
Is this correct in a nutshell?
04-11-2014, 08:24 PM
Turtle's good eatin', but I still prefer steak!
04-11-2014, 08:35 PM
There's nothing wrong with Harry Reid that a massive heart attack or stroke couldn't fix. (And this from a kinder gentler muggsy.)
04-11-2014, 08:44 PM
This is about CONTROL and $$$$$$$$$$
The Constitution????????
American rights????????
1st amendment??????
2nd amendment?????
04-11-2014, 08:53 PM
I wish that one of these standoffs would happen a little closer to my home. I'd like to get in on the action. :)
04-11-2014, 11:03 PM
There's nothing wrong with Harry Reid that a massive heart attack or stroke couldn't fix. (And this from a kinder gentler muggsy.)
I love you Muggs!
04-12-2014, 06:22 AM
I love you Muggs!
I'm a manly sort of way I hope. :)
04-12-2014, 10:53 AM
There is so much information, both confirmed and unconfirmed about this story, not sure what to think. I'm reserving judgment for now. Problem is that the truth may never really come out.
04-12-2014, 11:49 AM
New report on Fox News:
BLM (bureau of land management) agents have pulled out!
I agree Chrish, it's very hard to get ALL the FACTS.
I wonder where the truth lies and "what is motivating the government".
There are lots of rumor.
Chinese Solar power plant.
International fraking (spelling) contract!??
I've seen articles on both, and there was a report that a private citizen offered to pay the
back grazing fees (1 million) and it was declined.
04-12-2014, 12:02 PM
I've seen stuff so completion opposite ends of the spectrum that's its just nuts. Read one article that said he has refused to pay the fees since this all started. Then saw another that said he attempted to pay the fees early on and was turned down because of this whole turtle thing. Then its about the turtle, then its about Harry Reid. Yadda yadda.
It's just crazy. Only people that know the truth are high ups in the government and the family involved or folks very close to the family. Everybody else is just pissin' in the wind at this point, including boots on the ground on both sides of this fight.
04-12-2014, 05:02 PM
The pansies (BLM) boy scouts left!
Maybe they realized the militia groups were better prepared for any armed confrontation.
04-13-2014, 12:26 AM
OK I am not the only one trying to understand the facts of this situation but it seems that this is a 10th amendment matter from what I can tell.. The one fact that is certain is that membership in local militias will certainly increase after this.
04-13-2014, 07:40 AM
The pansies (BLM) boy scouts left!
Maybe they realized the militia groups were better prepared for any armed confrontation.
the dumb fokkers forgot that they had to feed those cattle after they rounded them up and then in holding pens someon had to clean u the cow sh!t to,.
Whether this rancher is right or worng, and it seems like everyone else pays for BLM land to pasture on, he probab should to, but it is a victory against big government sticking their ose in everynes business. BUT it's OK according to ovomit for voters to bote without showing any proof if identification..
04-13-2014, 01:37 PM
I personally think this one went to the top and somebody said to back down. Can't stand up to Putin. Can't stand up to the terrorists in Benghazi. Can't stand up to a bad*** cowpoke in NV. Par for the course.
04-13-2014, 01:55 PM
For what its worth, in the search for decent information, here's some pretty good and seemingly objective information about what's gone on thus far. Folks can think what they want about Glenn Beck and 'The Blaze', but they are frequently VERY VERY good reporting 'just the facts' and this is one of those IMO. A good read.
04-13-2014, 07:22 PM
interesting. I guess, for me is, one needs to ask themselves if they believe the Fed G owns the land in the first place. By the article, it would seem that the Fed G really owns everything succeeded in the war with Mexico. If you agree to that, then Bundee is in the wrong. Thoughts?
04-13-2014, 07:53 PM
04-13-2014, 08:38 PM
I was born and raised there on a cattle ranch. This has been going on for many years, just not to this extreme. Water is as precious as gold, maybe more in that area. Vegas wants the water rights. 'Nuf said?
04-14-2014, 02:32 AM
I was listening to this story tonight on a radio show. The Feds declined to let Bundy's cattle graze on that section of land, since they spotted some rare desert totoise and took control of it. Bundy believes the Feds are out of control with them grabbing up huge tracts of land to protect rare species. His opinion is that the State of Nevada owns the land, and that if anyone is going to restrict grazing rights, it will be the State, not the Feds. They also have cut water supplies to the area due to some damn minnow or other small fish. Now the tree huggers are raising hell about the BLM's decision to back off. Saying if you let one guy off the hook, then that is going to cause a lot more of this type of thing, along with all their other BS.
I was glad to see so many armed militias turn up to support the Bundy's but the radio hosts were warning that he'd won a battle, but will soon face the full force of the IRS, and EPA, and other groups that will drag him through courts, and pretty much ruin his finances. Their opinion was that the Feds will get even one way or another. All over a stinking turtle. Doesn't their God, Evolution, talk about species going extinct and replaced by other species as a natural process? Too many of these libtards value animals over people. What effect is grazing cattle on the land going to hurt the turtles anyway? Seems like they've been living together for hundreds of years. I bet he is going to get the audit from Hell from the IRS, and crap from about any agency that can get involved. I think I might sell out, and move to Belize or something, somewhere out of reach of the IRS, EPA, and other departments that will probably make his life a living hell. This was just one small battle that went Bundy's way. There are likely many more tricks the Feds have up their sleeves to ruin the man.
It gives me hope for States back east, that want to confiscate guns. A lot of folks are gearing up for a showdown with whoever is assigned to confiscate the outlawed weapons and magazines. New York, in a Hitler type move is offering reward for people to turn in fellow citizens who they see loading more than 7 rounds into a magazine. I hate to say it, but all this crap is heading us towards a rebellion, to take back our country. And return it to where the Constitution is actually followed, instead of sidestepping it any way they can.
04-14-2014, 05:58 AM
For what its worth, in the search for decent information, here's some pretty good and seemingly objective information about what's gone on thus far. Folks can think what they want about Glenn Beck and 'The Blaze', but they are frequently VERY VERY good reporting 'just the facts' and this is one of those IMO. A good read.
Thanks. Best thing I've read so far on whats actually going on.
04-14-2014, 09:32 AM
I was listening to this story tonight on a radio show. The Feds declined to let Bundy's cattle graze on that section of land, since they spotted some rare desert totoise and took control of it. Bundy believes the Feds are out of control with them grabbing up huge tracts of land to protect rare species. His opinion is that the State of Nevada owns the land, and that if anyone is going to restrict grazing rights, it will be the State, not the Feds. They also have cut water supplies to the area due to some damn minnow or other small fish. Now the tree huggers are raising hell about the BLM's decision to back off. Saying if you let one guy off the hook, then that is going to cause a lot more of this type of thing, along with all their other BS.
I was glad to see so many armed militias turn up to support the Bundy's but the radio hosts were warning that he'd won a battle, but will soon face the full force of the IRS, and EPA, and other groups that will drag him through courts, and pretty much ruin his finances. Their opinion was that the Feds will get even one way or another. All over a stinking turtle. Doesn't their God, Evolution, talk about species going extinct and replaced by other species as a natural process? Too many of these libtards value animals over people. What effect is grazing cattle on the land going to hurt the turtles anyway? Seems like they've been living together for hundreds of years. I bet he is going to get the audit from Hell from the IRS, and crap from about any agency that can get involved. I think I might sell out, and move to Belize or something, somewhere out of reach of the IRS, EPA, and other departments that will probably make his life a living hell. This was just one small battle that went Bundy's way. There are likely many more tricks the Feds have up their sleeves to ruin the man.
It gives me hope for States back east, that want to confiscate guns. A lot of folks are gearing up for a showdown with whoever is assigned to confiscate the outlawed weapons and magazines. New York, in a Hitler type move is offering reward for people to turn in fellow citizens who they see loading more than 7 rounds into a magazine. I hate to say it, but all this crap is heading us towards a rebellion, to take back our country. And return it to where the Constitution is actually followed, instead of sidestepping it any way they can.
We must have read two different articles. This is NOT about the tortoise at all. The Feds concocted that up when other measures did not work to get him off the land. Militia turn out was not very strong. I read maybe 30-40 men. Better than nothing though. In fact, the citizen protest turn out was quite small judging from the film clips I have seen. Since most do not pay taxes in this country, most will not revolt against the G and I really don't see a revolution happening--thank G-d.
What this scenario did do was bring into light the Fed regulatory agencies that do whatever they feel is right for whatever reason that might be. All of which is devoid of any process of representation of the people--ripe for corruption? The FDA, EPA, BLM et al do what they want without any elected officials heading these agencies, nor with any representation from the people. THIS is what the Bundee vs BLM debacle is really about.
mr surveyor
04-14-2014, 11:06 AM
I think the Fed withdrawal is a ruse. They are just testing the waters to see what kind of resistance to expect for this and future "expeditions", and a strategy (both physical and media released propaganda) to plan the real move. Nothing but data gathering in the works right now.
I still tear up a little when I stand for the National Anthem as I always have, but now more for what "was" than what "is".
04-14-2014, 11:47 AM
Agreed on all points. Overall they just tested to see what would happen if they used the direct approach. Now the feds will wait until Mr. Bundy goes into town for gas, doctor, groceries, beer, and pounce on him. Probably the same for his family, and anyone who they could identify in pictures carrying a gun on the property. It is unfortunate that time is on the side of tyrants in this case. Hopefully the elections in November impose a fixed time limit for the feds to act.
04-14-2014, 01:07 PM
Agreed on all points. Overall they just tested to see what would happen if they used the direct approach. Now the feds will wait until Mr. Bundy goes into town for gas, doctor, groceries, beer, and pounce on him. Probably the same for his family, and anyone who they could identify in pictures carrying a gun on the property. It is unfortunate that time is on the side of tyrants in this case. Hopefully the elections in November impose a fixed time limit for the feds to act.
I wondered this too
04-14-2014, 01:20 PM
All in preparation for the Revolution. It's called assessing your enemy, that would be us.
In my mind it can't happen soon enough. We need to start over while there's still something left to start over with.
04-15-2014, 06:04 AM
I think the Fed withdrawal is a ruse. They are just testing the waters to see what kind of resistance to expect for this and future "expeditions", and a strategy (both physical and media released propaganda) to plan the real move. Nothing but data gathering in the works right now.
I still tear up a little when I stand for the National Anthem as I always have, but now more for what "was" than what "is".
04-15-2014, 06:06 AM
Yesterday on Fox with Megan Kelly they said that Fox News was the only network with a news truck at Bundy's ranch.
04-15-2014, 07:34 AM
Well the locals are getting ready......our country is getting out of control and the locals are become the military at an alarming pace. This is not in that area but is happening everywhere. :eek:
04-15-2014, 04:52 PM
Has anybody seen any info on where the storm troopers came from? Were they a part of the Bureau of Land Management, or did they come from some other agency (FBI?)? And if BLM, why do they need SWAT teams? We don't ever need to worry about the Posse Comitatus Act being overstepped ... most of America's police forces have become armies in their own right.
04-15-2014, 05:40 PM
agree jeepster. I do thik that this frncher copuld be in teh wrong but the way the government is going after him turns everyones stomach. Sure comes to mind the Branch Dividian and that dyke b!tch attorney general RENO should have been put in jain over that to..
U know Jeepster, if ur photo is for real that is really scary. I thought we only use dthat sh!t against the germans and japanese and those towel heads but not on our soils. Wow,
I hope they never discover where my sheep are grazing at>>>
04-15-2014, 05:45 PM
I'll try to find a photo of what or little podunk regional swat team has. Most of these big boy army toys are surplus military stuff. The thing I'm thinking of I believe is brand new, never used.
Boggles my mind the operator wannabes.
04-15-2014, 07:21 PM
Has anybody seen any info on where the storm troopers came from? Were they a part of the Bureau of Land Management, or did they come from some other agency (FBI?)? And if BLM, why do they need SWAT teams? We don't ever need to worry about the Posse Comitatus Act being overstepped ... most of America's police forces have become armies in their own right.
I don't have a specific link, but the various articles said it was a combination of BLM, FBI, etc...all fed. But the scariest part were the articles that claimed 'Rangers'. I'm assuming they meant Army Ranger teams. Some of the video out there shows some pretty scruffy looking military garbed guys. Which could be any of the above. But if we are now having regular US Military boots on the ground, well, that's a whole new ball game.
I'm really lovin' the crap coming out of Harry Reid and son the last two days. Multiple quotes from the two of them about how folks can't just choose to ignor laws. I'd love to gain an audience w/ either of these tools and ask them which laws they mean. The laws for folks grazing cattle on public lands. Or the laws that say it's illegal to come across the border of this country outside of the legal immigration process. Or the law (Constitution) that requires the executive branch to enforce the law. Seems Harry and son are doubling down on the position that laws are ONLY for citizens and not the government elite.
04-15-2014, 08:18 PM
Reid is a gangster plain and simple....son is too.
04-15-2014, 11:51 PM
The "scruffy" tacticool guys are probly private "contractors".
When the fight is over the guberment can say "not our fault, they lost control"
It's never the guberment's fault!!
04-26-2014, 05:17 AM
interesting. I guess, for me is, one needs to ask themselves if they believe the Fed G owns the land in the first place. By the article, it would seem that the Fed G really owns everything succeeded in the war with Mexico. If you agree to that, then Bundee is in the wrong. Thoughts?
There's no f'ing way the BLM should own 80+% of all of Nevada. Period.
04-26-2014, 12:39 PM
As I understand it, the only reason the Feds own so much land is there weren't enough people to sell or give it to. Can't fault them for that, only for their greed and corruption in the aftermath.
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