View Full Version : The Party

04-14-2014, 07:04 PM
A wealthy businessman retired at a relatively early age, and chose to pursue his life long dream of owning a horse ranch with the proceeds of his business.

So, he went way the heck out to BFE Utah, and bought a ranch that was so remote, he only went to town twice a year, not for groceries, but to lay up provisions for six months.

After a few years of successful ranching, one of his neighbors came a calling.

The rancher was surprised because he hadn't had the opportunity to meet his neighbors, which were spread out by tens of miles.

Neighbor: Howdy... glad to meet ya. There's a party Friday night at my place, and I'd like to invite you to attend.

Rancher: What kind of party is that gonna be?

Neighbor: Just a regular get together party. But I gotta warn ya, there may be some alcohol served.

Rancher:: I'm ok with that, happen to take a drink myself on occasion.

Neighbor: There may be some hootin' and hollerin' and maybe some dancin' too.

Rancher: Thats good, I like to see folks have a good time and I been known to kick up my heels some in my younger days.

Neighbor: But I gotta tell ya too, some of those folks may get to havin' sex in the bunkhouse!

Rancher: Well, I suppose folks are gonna do what they're gonna do..... What do I need to wear to this here party?

Neighbor: Oh any old thing will do, its just gonna be me an' you.....

04-14-2014, 07:43 PM
was the neighbor a cowgirl or cowboy??? It matters......