View Full Version : A Tale of Two Cities - Chicago & Houston

04-15-2014, 11:06 AM
Now a lot of us Texans consider Houston to be a pretty violent city, but......


04-15-2014, 01:24 PM
Good post. :yo:

04-15-2014, 03:46 PM
I think your conclusion is right on! :rolleyes: I hate cold weather.

04-15-2014, 03:54 PM
I think your conclusion is right on! :rolleyes: I hate cold weather.

I hate cold weather. I like the vast amount of Hispos tugh, I can switch off on them about every moth for my two harley's detaling work. I remember 40 years ago bowhunting javelina in Hondo texas on a guys spread which was 50 square miles. Never seen nutting but sage brush and javelin'as. and deer out the ass... Gods cuntry for sure.

While dow there I hit a damn car in an intersection and while talking tothe cop, he said u wanna get that fixed over nite at a good price. I thouhg he was nuts, as the whole front end was messed up, this was not a fender bender per say. but I went along with him and he toll me to an area where is was 150% hispos' and all kinds of smallass barns and dirt roads. Here was thisbody shop with about 30 guys standing around like vultures. They priced me fixed and painted and ready to go by 10 a.m the next day. Unvbelievalbe, as the work was super to and I was on my way home likenuttin never happened, (with two Javelin'asin a big cler.