View Full Version : Kahr's Reputation???

04-16-2014, 07:37 PM
I have a Kahr cm9 and love it so I just bought a cw380 don't even have it yet should be here Thursday. But after reading up on the Kahr 380's I'm not sure I should have bought mine and wonder if I should ship it back instead of keeping it! I can't believe so many people are having all the problems with these guns! From what I have read could it be from having a to heavy spring in it? I would think Kahr would stop making them until they get a fix for them. Do you think this will hurt the reputation of Kahr?

04-16-2014, 07:46 PM
Keep in mind the vast majority of folks shout unhappiness from the roof tops. The much larger majority of happy campers remain joyfully happy but silent.

Early 380's seemed to have some issues. We've watched those issues gradually decline and I believe they have em worked out.

I think you'll get along fine with it. Its warrantied and if you do have an issue Kahr will take care of it.

Its not a gamble at all.

04-16-2014, 07:49 PM
I hope so I know I did the tear down, clean and oil on my cm9 and it has been flawless!

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04-16-2014, 08:03 PM
There ya go. 380 should be the same story with the same happy ending.

04-16-2014, 09:26 PM
+1 What he said.

04-17-2014, 03:30 AM
It's hard to know what percent of CM9s and CW380s are flawed when they leave the factory. There does seem to be some risk that you will get a flawed one but very little risk that Kahr won't eventually make it right. Most of these micro-pistols, including those made by Kahr and others, seem to have similar rates of problems.

04-17-2014, 04:54 AM
My P380 has been flawless. No failures whatsoever. Your CW380 is essentially the same gun. Break it in properly and you should be fine. Then you can tell us how great it is.

04-17-2014, 05:45 AM
Use good "full strength" ball ammo for the breakin and initial test run and I would think you would be fine.

04-17-2014, 04:28 PM
Picked up my cw380 today racked it 500 times before I did anything. Then took it down did the Kahr prep. Complete cleaning and oil like decribed. Put fifty rounds through it with no problems at all. Used the Federal 95gr FMJ. I can shoot this 380 better than my pm9. All my rounds were at 7yrds

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04-17-2014, 04:29 PM

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04-17-2014, 04:31 PM
They are right side up sorry I am sitting a little low and to the left but I'm sure if I needed to stop someone I could.

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04-17-2014, 04:36 PM
That's perfectly normal target. Your still getting used to the trigger. Most new Kahr owners shoot low and left if they are right handed.
If they are left handed nothing really is normal so it doesn't really matter.

Oh sometimes I just hate myself when my fingers go faster than my restraint.

I guess it's pay back for everyone call me short all my life and even worse after I sat down permanently.

04-17-2014, 04:40 PM
If my first 50 rounds with no problem are a indication of my 380 being flawless it's a good start!

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04-17-2014, 05:09 PM

04-17-2014, 05:34 PM
Well I just want to add that I have both the CM9 and the CW380. I cannot imagine any firearms, regardless of make, model, caliber, etc., performing better than these two. Absolutely flawless and that's with a minimum of 700 rounds through the CM9 and at least 400 or so through the CW380.

Not only have they performed flawlessly I absolutely love shooting them. I hear, all the time, that they're not "range guns" but I couldn't tell you what that means. They are great fun to shoot and pretty darn accurate.

Just sayin.

04-17-2014, 05:39 PM
I agree you took the words right out of my mouth!

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04-17-2014, 07:03 PM
Picked up my cw380 today racked it 500 times before I did anything. Then took it down did the Kahr prep. Complete cleaning and oil like decribed. Put fifty rounds through it with no problems at all. Used the Federal 95gr FMJ. I can shoot this 380 better than my pm9. All my rounds were at 7yrds

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If you check some posts from a few years ago, there were issues with the frames on the 380's becoming soft as they heated up even just a little. That caused some dimensional changes that gave some feeding and trigger problems. There were reports of guns sent to Kahr and "held" for considerable time until the new frames were ready to go. I think they've got that all worked out. Dunno if they had a bad batch of poly, or, more likely, the poly they thought would be good to go, wasn't, and the formulation needed tweakage. Again, I don't know which it was.

04-18-2014, 12:44 PM
I have been reading and talking to folks about Kahr and the reputation for a couple months and the reply's have been varied, I personally have no interest in a 380 but the CW45 caught my eye and I have to take the reputation opinions good and not so good remain just that. The only way I will ever know is to jump in with both feets so I did.;) I will be able to take it out next week and find out for myself:cool: it has a head start already because it's made in the Best country on the planet The U.S.A:Amflag2:

04-18-2014, 01:05 PM
As BAWANNA said previously, these extremely small guns are a lot more tricky to shoot. If you allow them to break in, properly lube them and shoot decent ammo your on your way in most cases.
Now for the other 50% of the folks who experience issues with these little guns most can be attributed to the following:

1. Limp wristing while shooting.
2. Gorilla hands and fingers causing them to ride the slide stop.
3. Improper break in and cheap ass ammo.

.....Just saying......