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06-05-2010, 11:09 AM
Is it just my imagination or has the activity slowed on KahrTalk. I don't seem to be able to waste as much time here as I used to. I miss that "wasted" time.

06-05-2010, 11:14 AM
Is it just my imagination or has the activity slowed on KahrTalk. I don't seem to be able to waste as much time here as I used to. I miss that "wasted" time.

It's been slow. Lack of scenting! I'm trying to be a good boy. Stir up some stuff would ya. I miss it too.

06-05-2010, 11:34 AM
Bawanna I still haven't seen story time for that signature line... but then again I have classes starting shortly, and with my little one out of school, the days that I can fart around like that are rare indeed. But, I shall strive to do something about this lack of activity.

06-05-2010, 11:48 AM
Bawanna I still haven't seen story time for that signature line... but then again I have classes starting shortly, and with my little one out of school, the days that I can fart around like that are rare indeed. But, I shall strive to do something about this lack of activity.

I'm keeping the story behind my signature line to myself. It's easy to figure out with a little thought. To tell the story would be to gloat or take credit for actions that weren't all mine to claim. Warriors slay their foes and move on. Just to be clear, these were not gun battles, or even physical.
Ponder it some, when you think you have the answer shoot me a PM.
Nice sunny day today in Wa, was expecting another wet and nasty, so changing gears from the bench to something outside.

06-05-2010, 12:00 PM
I see. Well in that case...:p

06-05-2010, 12:24 PM
You guys are absolutely right, there is now a hole on my time wasting schedule.
Somebody needs to stir something up like Bawanna said, some good old controversy or something.
If something doesn't happen really quick I will have to spend that time talking to my wife about feelings, curtains or some other nonsense, please help!!!!!!!!

06-05-2010, 12:38 PM
*Sniff * Sniff* Sniff, there I go, stanking up the place again..., had to mine for stuff I might have missed.

06-05-2010, 01:15 PM
I insist 45 is better than 9mm and anybody that disagrees with me is the south end of a north bound mule!!! Hmmm, or was that 9mm is better than 45? Can't remember since I have both.

That oughta fix it!

06-05-2010, 01:15 PM
+1 !!

06-05-2010, 01:24 PM
I insist 45 is better than 9mm and anybody that disagrees with me is the south end of a north bound mule!!! Hmmm, or was that 9mm is better than 45? Can't remember since I have both.

That oughta fix it!

I agree! Huh??????

06-05-2010, 01:44 PM
Is it just my imagination or has the activity slowed on KahrTalk. I don't seem to be able to waste as much time here as I used to. I miss that "wasted" time.

I can't speak for anyone else cept Bawanna, but summer's here and I spend more time on the ole Harley, and more time doing yard work and alot less time on the computer. I rekon that's the what's going on with alot of folks. It'll pick up when winter comes around.:roll:

06-05-2010, 03:03 PM
I can't speak for anyone else cept Bawanna, but summer's here and I spend more time on the ole Harley, and more time doing yard work and alot less time on the computer. I rekon that's the what's going on with alot of folks. It'll pick up when winter comes around.:roll:

I can't wait till winter for some action although I did just see a nice Harley Trike on a lot in town a few minutes ago that would put me on your side of things. I think everyone needs to just make a visit now and then, put a laptop in your bathroom, everyone has to go there sooner or later, why waste the time in there when you could be wasting your time there and here too. Multi tasking so to speak.
I think anyone who thinks a 45 is better than a 9 is the smartest man alive. 380's suck and Keltecs should be banned. All fat chicks should be on Biggest Loser mandatory and there should be a year round hunting season with bounty on our borders.
Crap, I'm scenting again. MY BAD!!! Gentleman and ladies (any left?) man your flamethrowers.

06-05-2010, 03:18 PM
I insist 45 is better than 9mm and anybody that disagrees with me is the south end of a north bound mule!!! Hmmm, or was that 9mm is better than 45? Can't remember since I have both.

That oughta fix it!

I have four of each, but I would only carry a 45. The 9mm's are range guns and not good for anything but killing paper.

A caliber war is better than no war at all!

06-05-2010, 03:28 PM
I have four of each, but I would only carry a 45. The 9mm's are range guns and not good for anything but killing paper.

A caliber war is better than no war at all!

And paper has feelings too. I only have 1 9mm and not sure I have any bullets for it, it was a retired cop Beretta with a little sentimental value, perhaps partially sorrow that it's a 9mm in the first place? Mostly I think I have it in case I have to scrounge for military ammo in a bad doomsday scenario, not unlike what we're in right now. Course why I would need to kill paper in that scenario still perplexes me but it is another gun and well you just can't have too many.
The caliber war never ever does seem to end either does it. Been going longer than them sand box wars.
My dog can kick butt on all your dogs too.:7::001_tt2:

06-05-2010, 03:58 PM
:) 45 is a MAN,S caliber !

:biggrin1: 9mm is for GIRLS.

That is why MEN shoot PM45's. WOMEN have PMS & shoot PM9,s !!!

( There, ....that oughta' do it. ) :eek::eek::eek::D

Touche!!! Yup that should do it and then some. I know I'm scenting and I don't care who knows or cares. I'm a bad boy! Truely I need a life. I think I'll go ride my lawn mower around. You know when I"m aboard the mower people can't tell I'm a derelict!:eek: I look just like everybody else, well mayby slightly better looking than most, who knew? Not so funny when I'm remiss in my gas allowance and run out in the back 40. Not a pretty picture for sure.

06-05-2010, 04:06 PM
I think I am going to hide from the flame throwers that are about to pop up. I wish the ladies would come back though...:behindsofa:

06-05-2010, 04:37 PM
I think I am going to hide from the flame throwers that are about to pop up. I wish the ladies would come back though...:behindsofa:

bawanna chased them away. They both wrote me and told me that they seen wheel chair marks by the bedroom window:banplease:

06-05-2010, 04:38 PM
Ouch, well at least it wasn't cane imprints though, eh jocko.

06-05-2010, 04:45 PM
I can't wait till winter for some action although I did just see a nice Harley Trike on a lot in town a few minutes ago that would put me on your side of things. I think everyone needs to just make a visit now and then, put a laptop in your bathroom, everyone has to go there sooner or later, why waste the time in there when you could be wasting your time there and here too. Multi tasking so to speak.
I think anyone who thinks a 45 is better than a 9 is the smartest man alive. 380's suck and Keltecs should be banned. All fat chicks should be on Biggest Loser mandatory and there should be a year round hunting season with bounty on our borders.
Crap, I'm scenting again. MY BAD!!! Gentleman and ladies (any left?) man your flamethrowers.

You are in rare form today. You musta had your Wheaties and oatmeal all at one time. Don't tell anyone, but I do agree with you about the .45. I just think bigger (caliber) is better, but smaller (concealable) is better too.:nerd: This is not a scenting post. At least I don't think it is.

06-05-2010, 06:00 PM
bawanna chased them away. They both wrote me and told me that they seen wheel chair marks by the bedroom window:banplease:

Well they both agreed to marry me, I was just getting a look at the goods so to speak. For what it's worth I was not dissapointed. Oh your all invited to the nuptials when we finally set a date.
Little road trip involved, I gotta pickup up MX5 in Colorado and then Zena in Massetuesets, who can spell that place??????? Or I guess Zena first and then MX5, I don't want to play favorites. Maybe I should just stay here and send the Hummer to fetch em.
For some reason that song Baby Come Back is playing in my head. I miss them terribly.

06-05-2010, 06:01 PM
You are in rare form today. You musta had your Wheaties and oatmeal all at one time. Don't tell anyone, but I do agree with you about the .45. I just think bigger (caliber) is better, but smaller (concealable) is better too.:nerd: This is not a scenting post. At least I don't think it is.

Just trying to stir the pot and keep this place hopping.

Now this is scenting, I don't care who your are!:eek:

06-05-2010, 07:17 PM
Well, I s'pose a 45 is a man's gun but I've seen some very pretty young maidens hefting some big iron around here so I think I will kinda shuffle toward the back of the room...

I wore my dad's 45 Colt Commander in his IWB a few days ago to see how it feels. It feel's HEAVY! I guess it'll always be dad's gun though he left it to me 2 yrs ago. I figured carrying it is doable but not as comfortable as my PM9. My Perry's sagged a bit more but I've been thinking about getting their industrial strength suspenders some day.

One thing I know for a fact is I can shoot the dickens out of the Colt. Shooting that is like sipping Baily's at Christmas, smooth as silk. It seems to have that new mind control thing where you look and think shoot it right there and it does. Too cool.

Speaking of shooting it right there, at the range this week, I started off sight shooting very carefully, but no matter what stance I tried I can not see both sights. I can with my computer glasses but the BG won't let me go home to get them so I don't shoot with them. Anyway, I went back to point shooting and consistently nailed it after a couple clips. Hadn't shoot for a couple months and was rusty. Ended up I was double tapping into COM & Head targets consistently. I don't fret over 6's & 10's as either is close enough but it felt good and improved my confidence a bit.

As much as I cannot afford it, I bought a membership good for a year. It was on sale and that day's visit went on it giving me another $15 off (borrowing my wife's math) so I had to have it. 6 visits is the break even counting the one I did. Plan is now to go every 2 weeks and shoot no more than 50rds. I need to practice draws, grips and stance at home and shoot only to stay tuned. The guy said he has some who come in daily and put a couple mags through on their way to work.

There.... now THAT's how to drag out a thread! What was this one about anyway - oh well. And (never start a sentence with "And" - bad grammar) I cut out the sentimental paragraphs about my dad. So, you amateurs can tape this to your monitor as an example!:popcorn:

06-06-2010, 12:51 AM
I can't speak for anyone else cept Bawanna, but summer's here and I spend more time on the ole Harley, and more time doing yard work and alot less time on the computer. I rekon that's the what's going on with alot of folks. It'll pick up when winter comes around.:roll:

Well, maybe that's my problem. We don't have winter here in Georgia, my CBR600 hasn't left the garage, [too hot to ride] and I have somebody do my yard.

06-06-2010, 08:49 AM
(Warning: Scenting in progress) Now I know better than that! I see the weather reports from up there and I know that it snows there... a lot, sometimes!
Now, down here in NE Florida, one thing they say is that we have FOUR seasons here. I haven't seen too much of the cold one, unfortunately, because we have bugs the year around! I've heard about a bit of snow here, but that was long ago before I got here over 13 years ago.
Where we live there seems to be a bubble that most weather avoids and goes to the north or south of us. We're within 130 yards of the river and its moderating effect.

06-06-2010, 10:07 AM
(Warning: Scenting in progress) Now I know better than that! I see the weather reports from up there and I know that it snows there... a lot, sometimes!
Now, down here in NE Florida, one thing they say is that we have FOUR seasons here. I haven't seen too much of the cold one, unfortunately, because we have bugs the year around! I've heard about a bit of snow here, but that was long ago before I got here over 13 years ago.
Where we live there seems to be a bubble that most weather avoids and goes to the north or south of us. We're within 130 yards of the river and its moderating effect.

I've lived here since 1972. I've actually seen snow on the ground maybe 4 times. Most of the storms go north or south of us because of the mountains jutting into northern Alabama. The worst was the blizzard of 93 when we got 9 inches [the all time record] You got that one in Jax too. It started snowing Saturday morning and was pretty much gone by Monday night. I've owned my current convertible for two years, and the top has been up exactly 3 days total. That was when I drove it to Knoxville for Christmas in 2008. It was OK here , but got down in the 40's up there. I had a squeamish passenger of the female persuasion that insisted it go up.

06-06-2010, 11:14 AM
I've lived here since 1972. I've actually seen snow on the ground maybe 4 times. Most of the storms go north or south of us because of the mountains jutting into northern Alabama. The worst was the blizzard of 93 when we got 9 inches [the all time record] You got that one in Jax too. It started snowing Saturday morning and was pretty much gone by Monday night. I've owned my current convertible for two years, and the top has been up exactly 3 days total. That was when I drove it to Knoxville for Christmas in 2008. It was OK here , but got down in the 40's up there. I had a squeamish passenger of the female persuasion that insisted it go up.

Any pictures of the squeamish female persuasion?

06-06-2010, 11:49 AM
Seasons??? What are these? Here we have the hot times, and the not so hot times, it's still warm any way you cut it.

06-06-2010, 02:02 PM
Any pictures of the squeamish female persuasion?

I'm the one who's photo challenged, remember. Anyway, it's the same squeamish female persuasion type that you asked about some threads ago. Yeah, she's lasted for more than 1 1/2 years - she's obviously easily entertained or very gullible.

06-06-2010, 03:09 PM
I'm the one who's photo challenged, remember. Anyway, it's the same squeamish female persuasion type that you asked about some threads ago. Yeah, she's lasted for more than 1 1/2 years - she's obviously easily entertained or very gullible.

I'm the one that can't remember what day it is. I'm gonna tattoo that on my arm or something. O'dell, photo challenged with shy gullible former Miss Tennesee girlfriend.
Memory check .................................convertible...... ..............boxer........which I researched and found is a Porsche...............memory's not totally gone just has weak moments I guess. I also research all the Miss Tennesees' since 1960 and I don't care which one she is, they were all smoking hot except one and I'm near positive she ain't that one...............

06-06-2010, 04:04 PM
I'd take some of that action, even if she wasn't the smokin' hottie. Just throwin that out there.

06-06-2010, 05:07 PM
I'm the one that can't remember what day it is. I'm gonna tattoo that on my arm or something. O'dell, photo challenged with shy gullible former Miss Tennesee girlfriend.
Memory check .................................convertible...... ..............boxer........which I researched and found is a Porsche...............memory's not totally gone just has weak moments I guess. I also research all the Miss Tennesees' since 1960 and I don't care which one she is, they were all smoking hot except one and I'm near positive she ain't that one...............

ever happened to zena and MX? they have come and they have gone, ??:popcorn:

Come on Bawanna, fess up:53:

06-06-2010, 05:48 PM
ever happened to zena and MX? they have come and they have gone, ??:popcorn:

Come on Bawanna, fess up:53:

I had a message from Zena a couple months back and she said she missed us all (mostly me) but she was really busy. She shoots and helps organize alot of matches and works and with summer, not enough hours in the day which I guess means she has a life unlike your's truely.
I've sent several messages to Ms. MX5fan but she seems to have dropped off the radar.
I for one miss them terribly and wish they would at least pop in with an everythings fine in my world report once in awhile.

06-06-2010, 06:47 PM
Happens every summer on every site on the net. Some will come back in the fall some won't.

06-06-2010, 07:40 PM
I'm still wondering how Bawanna thinks he can have two new wives. He can't handle the one he has now, and then he goes and wants to bring two more in, and these two have probably as much ammo as he does. They also come with their own toys (which is AWESOME), and can use their toys. But then again, some people are gluttons for punishment. I too wish they would drop a line. I wish more that they would hang around for a spell, I have new female shooters that I'd like to have some other inputs on. Ok gonna sit in the back of the room and watch some fireworks.

06-06-2010, 09:55 PM
I'm still wondering how Bawanna thinks he can have two new wives. He can't handle the one he has now, and then he goes and wants to bring two more in, and these two have probably as much ammo as he does. They also come with their own toys (which is AWESOME), and can use their toys. But then again, some people are gluttons for punishment. I too wish they would drop a line. I wish more that they would hang around for a spell, I have new female shooters that I'd like to have some other inputs on. Ok gonna sit in the back of the room and watch some fireworks.

They are very open minded and unlike myself they claim not to be the jealous type. I offered a prenup agreement so they didn't need to worry about their inventory of weapons and ammo but both didn't feel the need. My wife is still wrapping her mind around the idea but I think she's slowly warming to the idea. I think this is really what true love is all about. Unconditional!. We may have to put up a schedule for MX's Cbob but since we plan to be together always it shouldn't be an issue. Ms Zena is needing a M1 Carbine and maybe a Thompson for games and I have those bases covered so we should all get along just fine. I'll post a new family portrait after the nuptials.
Course it has been a spell with no word, I suppose they could have changed their minds and left me with a totally broken heart but I'm into country so sad songs don't get me down.

06-06-2010, 11:47 PM
Ok, m 2 scents , glocks are ugly and overated, although I admit to owning one, it is only for when I can't carry my 1911 .45 , which is really the only true man pistol
left in the world of "I wish I was a real gun tupperware wannabees."
The reason the tupperware wannabees have double stack mags is because they will need the extra 9mm's since they will not do the job
the first time.
That should draw some fire.

06-07-2010, 06:07 AM
I see Bawanna. Now you have me a bit envious. Kinda hope they come back, I promise to sit in the corner and play with my toys. As for the 1911 being the only real man's pistol, YES a Browning masterpiece is all that should be required, period.

06-07-2010, 06:53 AM
I see the rabble rousers are out in full force. Let me add to the chaos by stating that I think the .25 auto is the best all-around caliber out there.<evil grin>

mr surveyor
06-07-2010, 07:43 AM

06-07-2010, 07:48 AM
I see the rabble rousers are out in full force. Let me add to the chaos by stating that I think the .25 auto is the best all-around caliber out there.<evil grin>

That is ridiculous, everyone knows that the .380 is the most powerful round out there. I only carry my PM45 as a back up gun. Scent Scent.:popcorn:

06-07-2010, 08:17 AM
I'll take a different route to stir up some contraversy.

Pi is exactly 3!

06-07-2010, 08:33 AM
Let the scenting begin!

Which Pi were you talking about... The Archimedian or the Newtonian?

I divide mine into quarters or sixths... thirds are difficult to cut equally using the uncalibrated TLAR method.


06-07-2010, 08:58 AM
I like to be the SCENTER of attention. Let's talk SCENTS... NO non-SCENTS!

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't know you were so SCENTS-itive.:D


06-07-2010, 09:14 AM
I see the rabble rousers are out in full force. Let me add to the chaos by stating that I think the .25 auto is the best all-around caliber out there.<evil grin>

+1 but get it magna ported the recoil can be attrocious. With the cost a good nail paint job why take the chance you know. Them tiny little holes are what is needed for good penetration.

06-07-2010, 09:20 AM
Magna-porting is a good idea to tame the .25 ACP, but wouldn't you want the ports on the bottom of the gun instead of the top??
You do want it to be manly, right? No non-SCENTS here.

06-07-2010, 09:23 AM
I like to be the SCENTER of attention. Let's talk SCENTS... NO non-SCENTS!

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't know you were so SCENTS-itive.:D


That's not very Scents-able. Just my two Scents worth.:cool:

06-07-2010, 09:37 AM
I had to look and see who had the SCENTS to start this SCENT-ilating thread.
O'Dell... I knew it was a SCENTS-ible guy.


How bored are we?

06-07-2010, 09:44 AM
i had to look and see who had the scents to start this scent-ilating thread.
O'dell... I knew it was a scents-ible guy.


How bored are we?

bored scents-less:53:

06-07-2010, 09:59 AM
Funny though, 5 pages of post mostly complete nonsense and we're all having a good time. Now we gotta think up a new word for scenting for those of us who chat too much and take away from the seriousness of everyday life.

06-08-2010, 06:01 AM
I think I called you a stinker on the wrong thread Wynn, Mea Culpa Mea Culpa. I think I just forgot how to spell in Latin at the same time.:eek: