View Full Version : I need some thoughts...

06-05-2010, 05:05 PM
Ok, I need some thoughts on a good way to mount a set of sling studs to a polymer stock for a Ruger 10/22, and a carry set up for my Baikal shotgun (wood is way too low to put sling studs on it). I like the stock on the Ruger, and more importantly the way it shoots. I would like to be able to at least throw a hasty sling on when bunny hunting and such, plus it makes carry much easier too. I am concerned about drilling the butt stock to attach the studs, the fore end would be easy enough to put a short wood screw in as it is solid. Your thoughts and ideas are appreciated.

06-05-2010, 05:53 PM
Ok, I need some thoughts on a good way to mount a set of sling studs to a polymer stock for a Ruger 10/22, and a carry set up for my Baikal shotgun (wood is way too low to put sling studs on it). I like the stock on the Ruger, and more importantly the way it shoots. I would like to be able to at least throw a hasty sling on when bunny hunting and such, plus it makes carry much easier too. I am concerned about drilling the butt stock to attach the studs, the fore end would be easy enough to put a short wood screw in as it is solid. Your thoughts and ideas are appreciated.

If it was mine, I'd probably just drill an oversize hole in the back, kind of cone shaped and acraglas the swivel base in. I'd probably use those round flush mount bases with the sling attachment that pops in with the little ball bearing keepers. Uncle MIkes make them, a few other outfits make them. when you take the sling off you got nothing sticking out. Should be plenty of room for it on the forend of the 10/22 also, not sure on the Baikal, might not be as much material on the forend.

06-05-2010, 08:37 PM
What about the butt stock? It's a one piece, with a hollow cavity. The Baikal, has a short fore end and would leave a bunch of barrel sticking up if I were to put studs on it. Otherwise, I would put a couple of studs on there and call it a day. I just wanted something that wouldn't leave the barrel sticking up so that it catches tree limbs and such. Although it is a pretty stock, especially for such an inexpensive shotgun. I would like to be able to throw that on my shoulder for transport, but I also think that a sling on the Baikal would be a counter-productive measure for shooting. That is the reason that I like that one so much, it may be a single, but it fits and shoots well, it's also light and sexy... The Ruger may need a new stock, though I hate to do that. I saw a couple of barrel bands, and adapters for the front barrel band. I still need to find a way to secure to the buttstock. If I use acrabeding, then would I have to cut a hole to get to the anchor, and how well does that stuff adhere to polymer? Would some epoxy work better if I have to cut anyway? Thanks a bunch.

06-05-2010, 10:44 PM
What about the butt stock? It's a one piece, with a hollow cavity. The Baikal, has a short fore end and would leave a bunch of barrel sticking up if I were to put studs on it. Otherwise, I would put a couple of studs on there and call it a day. I just wanted something that wouldn't leave the barrel sticking up so that it catches tree limbs and such. Although it is a pretty stock, especially for such an inexpensive shotgun. I would like to be able to throw that on my shoulder for transport, but I also think that a sling on the Baikal would be a counter-productive measure for shooting. That is the reason that I like that one so much, it may be a single, but it fits and shoots well, it's also light and sexy... The Ruger may need a new stock, though I hate to do that. I saw a couple of barrel bands, and adapters for the front barrel band. I still need to find a way to secure to the buttstock. If I use acrabeding, then would I have to cut a hole to get to the anchor, and how well does that stuff adhere to polymer? Would some epoxy work better if I have to cut anyway? Thanks a bunch.

Is it completely hollow or foam filled? Acraglas is bomb proof. If epoxy works, acraglas will work even better. Great stuff. If it's hollow maybe you could access thru the buttplate and fabricate some sort of attachment point.

06-06-2010, 12:22 PM
The stock is hollow, not foam filled. I haven't used acraglas before. The shot gun I may leave alone as it is a fine bird gun. Ry, CTD has nothing for a single shot breach loader save the universals. I saw a stock for the Ruger that I like, but I just don't want to change the way the rifle shoots and feels. As it is, that rifle will shoot clear thumbtacks on white paper at 50 yrds off the bench. Like I said, I like the way it handles and shoots. I need to pull the stock again anyway, so I may see if I can go in that way. Thanks for the thoughts though. Forgot to mention that the butt plate is part of the stock, and I would have to cut to get in that way.

06-06-2010, 09:33 PM
For the 10/22:
I have a hollow synthetic stock on one of my rifles. The rear sling stud has a coarse thread and is just screwed into a hole in the stock; it's pretty much like this Uncle Mike's setup: Uncle Mike's - Ruger - Auto Single Shot Carbines (http://www.uncle-mikes.com/products/ruger_auto_single_shot_carbines.html)
Installation involves drilling a hole with a diameter smaller than the outside diameter of threads into the stock and screwing the stud into it. The stock material seems to really grip the screw. You need to use a nail or pin punch though the stud to screw it in place.

For your shotgun:
This slip on sling is an elegant solution:
The Cowboy and Shooters Supply : Triple K - Leather Shotgun Sling (http://www.cowboyneeds.com/285.html)
I just carry a length of rope in my game vest and when needed, tie it to the shotgun in a manner similar to the sling linked above. I usually make a hangman's noose for the barrel end and tie the other end off at the wrist (slip knots would work as well). It's come in handy more than a few times when I needed my hands free and was toting a bird gun.


06-07-2010, 05:53 AM
Those look promising. I've seen a more permanent version of that triple k that my uncle made; though his had a cuff for the butt stock. The rope idea works well too, I like the idea of a quick on/off with that. Have you had any issues with the Ruger set up like that? Again, I appreciate the ideas here.