View Full Version : CM40 - First Range Trip, and Second Trip too.

04-23-2014, 08:44 PM
I've owned my new CM40 for 12 days and I finally had an opportunity to go to the range. Last Wednesday it was snowing and Thursday morning (six days ago) we had 12" of snow in my driveway. The joys of living in Minnesota.

My prep was nothing. I added oil just before I started shooting onto the slide rails, the barrel/slide contact area, and the barrel above the chamber to allow oil to get to the slide lock pin. I generally run a wet gun on the range.

Tonight it was 41f and light rain. I started my night at the range with the CM40 and a 100 round box of Winchester 165gr. FMJ (white box). $38 worth at WalMart. They were out of the $33 Federal 100 round box.

My range has target stands at 25 and 50 yards. I can generally keep 10 for 10 on a repair center at 25 yards with my CM9, so I figured why not give it a try with the CM40. First 10 shots:
http://i57.servimg.com/u/f57/13/62/95/74/20140421.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=668&u=13629574)

I am very happy with this.

The next 90 printed about the same, all shots below the center line of the repair center and a little right. I did drop 3 or 4 below the repair center over the course of 100 shots. If there had been a significantly better group I would have taken a photo. I am happy with the consistency.

There was one failure to feed at round 42 (nose of the round was touching the feed ramp). I didn't think I'd limp wristed at the time, but it was probably me. I changed the oil after 50 rounds and kept going until all the ammo was gone. No more failures of any kind.

I had my CW45 along tonight. Comparing the two the CM40 has a sharp recoil, but the CW45 has a bigger recoil overall using 230 gr military ball ammo. The CW45 has been slow to break in the trigger, and after putting 500 rounds down range the CW45 trigger is a little lighter than the CM40's.

I think it's a keeper.

Looks like I'm going to need a 40 cal cleaning jag and brush. I hadn't thought about that until I got home tonight.

04-24-2014, 03:47 PM
That's definitely within combat accuracy at 25 yards. Good shootin'.

If you shot left-handed, that may explain your shots going right. More trigger time will help.

If you shot right-handed, I would shoot another group from a rest to confirm, and make a sight adjustment if it continues to shoot right.

Dry fire wall drills can help diagnose, and it cost nothing to do. Fun too.

Safe shooting.

04-24-2014, 07:59 PM
Thanks for the advice. I shoot right handed. I'd like to try a few different loads to see if a different bullet will print more to the center.

Recently my CM9 has been shooting a little right as well. Dry firing may help me find the root cause. I think it may be me.

05-01-2014, 07:50 PM
Tonight I was able to take the CM40 out for it's second range trip. I started with 40 rounds of WW White Box At round 22 and 24 I had a FTF.
http://i57.servimg.com/u/f57/13/62/95/74/20140510.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=671&u=13629574)

When reassembling I used zero friction on all the usual places. I added more oil to the slide rails, barrel, and recoil spring guide, then continued shooting. No more failures.

The next 100 rounds were reloads and 100% trouble free. These were some trial reloads using RMR 165gr. Plated HP's, three different powder charges. #1 was Power Pistol about 10% under the load that Aliant lists as maximum. Big FLASH. Feels about the same as WW White Box, maybe slightly stiffer. #2 was SR7625 at well below the listed load. I made a little mistake, and went 6% below the load for 180 gr. bullets, which is 15-20% below the max load for this bullet. #3 is SR7625 at 8-9% below maximum load. These two are great. They shoot to about the same point of aim as the WW White Box. #2 feels more like a 9mm, #3 is just slightly less recoil than the WW White Box. All of these have good accuracy, definitely able to hold the black of a 25 yard repair center at 25 yards if I do my part.

I have a very dirty gun. Once clean next trip will be to test the two defensive loads I bought.

We'll see if the defensive rounds shoot a little right and low like the range rounds. Odd observation - I shot a friend's new CW45 tonight and it shot a little right. My CW45 shoots pretty much centered.

05-06-2014, 09:36 PM
A lucky night - I had some time to visit the range and I brought the chronograph. All velocities below were taken using an original Shooting Chrony. It's old, but it seems to work well.

Edit - I fixed the photo orientation.

Defensive load #1: Hornady Critical Defense 165gr FTX
http://i57.servimg.com/u/f57/13/62/95/74/20140513.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=674&u=13629574)
Five shots fired. Average velocity 1071fps, extreme spread 11.

Defensive load #2: MagTech 155gr HP
http://i57.servimg.com/u/f57/13/62/95/74/20140514.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=675&u=13629574)
Ten shots fired. Average velocity 1137fps, extreme spread 30.

Just for fun I measured the Winchester White Box 165gr.
http://i57.servimg.com/u/f57/13/62/95/74/20140515.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=676&u=13629574)
Ten shots, Average velocity 1010fps, extreme spread 69.