View Full Version : Report: First time shooting (CW45)

04-28-2014, 05:51 PM
First time ever shooting a handgun, with my new CW45. Ran about 75 rounds of Federal American Eagle FMJ through it. Had 6 FTF jams. I'm not overly-concerned.... it's brand new, I'm new, and it's still well-within break-in period. Started a little rough, but at the end put 13 bullets through 10 holes in a 2.5" diameter from 5 yds.

Yes, I did follow the clean-up/lube sticky for new Kahrs.

04-28-2014, 08:55 PM
Excellent job for a new shooter. Small light pistols require a firm grip and a fixed wrist. One thing I've had to work on is keeping my wrist straight. Breaking your wrist, absorbing some recoil by allowing your wrist to bend, leads to FTF's in these guns. If you can find a good mentor - someone who can shoot well and coach you - you'll improve faster. I joined a bullseye club back when I first started and that really helped me learn the fundamentals of handgun marksmanship. Keep working on improving and you'll soon be printing doubles at 25 yards with your Kahr.

04-30-2014, 09:17 AM
Happiness is a warm gun. The more you shoot it the more you'll like it. My CM9 suffered a few hiccups during the break-in, but has been flawless ever since. Welcome aboard.

ole hombre
04-30-2014, 06:07 PM
pbagley, I'lll take your word on this...
"allowing your wrist to bend, leads to FTF's in these guns...." about fail to fire,
but did you mean rather failure to hit the target? I'm in the dark on how anything exterior to the gun could lead to a FTF. ?
(I never owned a 45)

04-30-2014, 07:39 PM
pbagley, I'lll take your word on this...
"allowing your wrist to bend, leads to FTF's in these guns...." about fail to fire,
but did you mean rather failure to hit the target? I'm in the dark on how anything exterior to the gun could lead to a FTF. ?
(I never owned a 45)

Sorry, ole hombre, the TLA was not clear. FTF = Fail To Feed. Once in the chamber everything has fired in my Kahrs, and the primers in the fired cases always have very impressive indents. Much better than my hammer fired guns.

I've been in Minnesnowda too long. I first read your name as Ole, as in Sven and Ole (pronounced O-Lee).

edit: TLA = Three Letter Acronym