View Full Version : Well Or. wasn't well known. But now ?

jg rider
04-30-2014, 07:10 PM

04-30-2014, 07:29 PM
What make them think that guns aren't already carried into those places illegally? It's beyond me.

Yogi 117
05-01-2014, 08:37 AM
Been "Conceal Carrying" in most of those places for years, no big deal. Good for Georgia in following Oregon's "so-called" lenient laws.

It's not only about the "Gun Free Zones" in this country, but the mental capacity of these idiot mass shooters! Gun owners automatically become the target of the Left just because they hate guns. Sad Sad Sad. :mad:

Now, if Oregon will pull their "Political" heads out of their Arses & start a reciprocity program with other states, well that would be great! :D

05-01-2014, 03:23 PM
Been "Conceal Carrying" in most of those places for years, no big deal. Good for Georgia in following Oregon's "so-called" lenient laws.

It's not only about the "Gun Free Zones" in this country, but the mental capacity of these idiot mass shooters! Gun owners automatically become the target of the Left just because they hate guns. Sad Sad Sad. :mad:

Now, if Oregon will pull their "Political" heads out of their Arses & start a reciprocity program with other states, well that would be great! :D

Agreed! And if we could just get rid of gov. "K" our state would be much better off.:D

05-01-2014, 03:25 PM
They don't have any recipriocity? I don't very often get into Oregon but I never bothered to check either.

05-01-2014, 03:55 PM
Ore gun, is that when you put black grips on a white pistol?

05-01-2014, 03:59 PM
They don't have any recipriocity? I don't very often get into Oregon but I never bothered to check either.

See, now that be how you can accidentally get your butt into trouble. As opposed to knowing you could get your butt into trouble.

05-01-2014, 05:07 PM
I'm uncertain if I should put it in the I don't care category since I'm gonna do it anyhow or the it doesn't really matter since I'm gonna do it anyway category.

I heard it said once it's mind of matter, I don't mind so it don't matter.

I wore it to Reno via Oregon, Kaliforn (shhh don't say that word) and Nevada. I did Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, I know Montana don't care, they don't even require a CCW. Idaho is pretty friendly too but again I never asked.

I see the Cody Museum just acquired the Lone Rangers 45 Colt, at least one of them, he usually wore 2 didn't he. Never mind I'll ask Tonto.

05-01-2014, 06:05 PM
Didn't say ya' shouldn't do it. Just think that pretending to care is better. Shooting someone in the face with an illegally possessed/carried gun usually requires a more extended explanation....if caught at it. Best to be prepared or to put more effort into not getting caught.

05-01-2014, 06:50 PM
Gotcha! I'll try to focus. I no longer mention face shooting as it occurred to me that anyone found shot in the face, they would put the blame on me.

So now I'm kind of an ambidextrous shooter although I still prefer the face.

jg rider
05-01-2014, 07:28 PM
Just came back from a trip to a motorcycle leathers shop in WA.
Before leaving here I went on line to http://www.handgunlaw.us/ and clicked on WA. then reciprocity info.
Printed out two documents about my legal reciprocity rights with my Utah permit.
Put my holstered K9 under a shirt on my right hip, and the paperwork in my left back pocket.
I felt comfortable to travel.

05-01-2014, 07:38 PM
I agree faces are best. Can even effectively get there from here or wherever with .22 Short, or even CB.

05-04-2014, 07:47 PM
I'm very leery of people carrying in bars. I know it's done anyway, legal or not, but in my mind, any more alcohol than a beer or two and guns just don't mix. A beer or two depends on a person's size, tolerance, and state of mind prior to drinking, and other factors. Maybe I should say being drunk or drugged up or whatever and guns don't mix.
I've seen people change drastically after a few drinks, people going from normally very friendly turning aggressive, and rude, some starting out cheerful, but near tears after a few drinks. And all sorts of changes in personality. Rarely does someone in a foul mood seem to "cheer-up", more often it seems like they usually just sit and brood on whatever their situation is, and possibly wait until an opportunity arises to get into a fight. Adding guns into this mix, is a very bad idea.
And some drink until the "blackout" stage, the stage you get when you won't be able to remember a thing after a certain amount of alcohol is consumed. That's the stage where they have to call their buddies to see what they did the previous night, or where their car is, find out why their significant other isn't speaking to them, and all that type of stuff. Someone in a blackout has no business with a gun, as logic and reason has long since departed, and emotion has mostly taken over.
Alcohol and it's effects are so unpredictable, that I just don't see any business of packing in a bar when you intend to have more than a "couple" of drinks. I don't want to be around people that I don't know, and are drunk or in a black-out and packing a firearm. These can be some very unpredictable people, that will sometimes start a fight over the smallest things. While others are happy to sit there drunk out of their minds, and just having a good time. If you can limit yourself to a couple of drinks, and then maybe 1 and hour or however long it takes a drinks worth of alcohol to leave a persons system, then that wouldn't be so bad, and I don't think I'd have any problem with that. It's those that set out to get good and drunk, and are packing that worry me. I don't drink or hang out in bars anymore, so it's really not an issue for me. But I had my share when I was younger and in better health, and I doubt much has changed since then, except maybe people less friendly and not as polite these days, but I find that everywhere.
Many of my favorite restaurants serve alcohol, but you don't seem to find many people drunk in those type places, except maybe the ones with a separate bar area, and later in the evening and sports bars tend to get a little rowdy on game days and nights. I'd hate to see someone shot because they were rooting for The Redskins, in a bar packed full of Cowboys fans. Some fans take the games way too seriously, and when their team is getting whipped bad and some fans are good and drunk and ready to fight by the end of the game, just because their team lost. There's no need to add guns to that mix.
I do suppose though, that if I should have to venture into some "get drunk" type bar, to fetch someone or something, I would surely be packing, because you never know what's going to happen in those type places. But I would be in and out as quick as I could.

jg rider
05-05-2014, 08:10 AM
I'm very leery of people carrying in bars. I know it's done anyway, legal or not, but in my mind, any more alcohol than a beer or two and guns just don't mix. A beer or two depends on a person's size, tolerance, and state of mind prior to drinking, and other factors. Maybe I should say being drunk or drugged up or whatever and guns don't mix.
I've seen people change drastically after a few drinks, people going from normally very friendly turning aggressive, and rude, some starting out cheerful, but near tears after a few drinks. And all sorts of changes in personality. Rarely does someone in a foul mood seem to "cheer-up", more often it seems like they usually just sit and brood on whatever their situation is, and possibly wait until an opportunity arises to get into a fight. Adding guns into this mix, is a very bad idea.
And some drink until the "blackout" stage, the stage you get when you won't be able to remember a thing after a certain amount of alcohol is consumed. Someone in a blackout has no business with a gun, as logic and reason has long since departed, and emotion has mostly .
I would agree with you if the same restrictions applied to LEOs. Especially in NYC. IMO most have an arrogance and a distrust of citizens that comes with their job. I can't say if this is a good or bad thing, but it will effect the way they behave as a group. I know this as a fact from tending bar at a cop hangout in NYC many years ago.
As someone that was born and raised in NYC, and saw first hand the corruption, I have nothing but disdain for NYC cops.
I'm willing to bet that there are more cops carrying in bars then citizens. This shouldn't be allowed.

Check this out and the links below the article. Also notice in the 4th paragraph what this cop was charged with. And in the 8th the paragraph how this cop was treated when he brandished his gun at fellow cops.
Would a citizen have been treated the same ?


05-05-2014, 04:20 PM
Been "Conceal Carrying" in most of those places for years, no big deal. Good for Georgia in following Oregon's "so-called" lenient laws.

It's not only about the "Gun Free Zones" in this country, but the mental capacity of these idiot mass shooters! Gun owners automatically become the target of the Left just because they hate guns. Sad Sad Sad. :mad:

Now, if Oregon will pull their "Political" heads out of their Arses & start a reciprocity program with other states, well that would be great! :D

The left doesn't hate guns. The left hates your ability to defend your freedom and to oppose their totalitarian rule.

tony k
05-06-2014, 08:21 PM
I'm very leery of people carrying in bars. I know it's done anyway, legal or not, but in my mind, any more alcohol than a beer or two and guns just don't mix. A beer or two depends on a person's size, tolerance, and state of mind prior to drinking, and other factors. Maybe I should say being drunk or drugged up or whatever and guns don't mix.
I've seen people change drastically after a few drinks, people going from normally very friendly turning aggressive, and rude, some starting out cheerful, but near tears after a few drinks. And all sorts of changes in personality. Rarely does someone in a foul mood seem to "cheer-up", more often it seems like they usually just sit and brood on whatever their situation is, and possibly wait until an opportunity arises to get into a fight. Adding guns into this mix, is a very bad idea.
And some drink until the "blackout" stage, the stage you get when you won't be able to remember a thing after a certain amount of alcohol is consumed. That's the stage where they have to call their buddies to see what they did the previous night, or where their car is, find out why their significant other isn't speaking to them, and all that type of stuff. Someone in a blackout has no business with a gun, as logic and reason has long since departed, and emotion has mostly taken over.
Alcohol and it's effects are so unpredictable, that I just don't see any business of packing in a bar when you intend to have more than a "couple" of drinks. I don't want to be around people that I don't know, and are drunk or in a black-out and packing a firearm. These can be some very unpredictable people, that will sometimes start a fight over the smallest things. While others are happy to sit there drunk out of their minds, and just having a good time. If you can limit yourself to a couple of drinks, and then maybe 1 and hour or however long it takes a drinks worth of alcohol to leave a persons system, then that wouldn't be so bad, and I don't think I'd have any problem with that. It's those that set out to get good and drunk, and are packing that worry me. I don't drink or hang out in bars anymore, so it's really not an issue for me. But I had my share when I was younger and in better health, and I doubt much has changed since then, except maybe people less friendly and not as polite these days, but I find that everywhere.
Many of my favorite restaurants serve alcohol, but you don't seem to find many people drunk in those type places, except maybe the ones with a separate bar area, and later in the evening and sports bars tend to get a little rowdy on game days and nights. I'd hate to see someone shot because they were rooting for The Redskins, in a bar packed full of Cowboys fans. Some fans take the games way too seriously, and when their team is getting whipped bad and some fans are good and drunk and ready to fight by the end of the game, just because their team lost. There's no need to add guns to that mix.
I do suppose though, that if I should have to venture into some "get drunk" type bar, to fetch someone or something, I would surely be packing, because you never know what's going to happen in those type places. But I would be in and out as quick as I could.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Why should we preemptively take away someone's natural right for some perceived safety benefit? That's the same argument as for gun-free school zones, and we all know how well those work. I'm not denying that mixing booze and guns is not the best idea, but enough with the nanny state already.

There isn't an epidemic of drunken shootouts in bars here in Oregon (at least in Northeast Oregon where I live), and there are lots of people carrying, and lots of people getting drunk and rowdy in bars.

05-07-2014, 07:32 PM
I never said it should be illegal, I just said I was leery of people packing in bars, and proceeding to get drunk. And I don't think anyone can argue that being intoxicated (on anything) and guns mix. I carry into bars, but I no longer drink. So I know I'm not going to go on some drunken escapade and shoot the place up, or shoot someone over something stupid. I'm leery of others that might do something like that. I suppose if I did drink, I'd try to just have a couple, and stay within the limit to drive legally. But I can't speak for others, and how they are going to conduct themselves.
Bar killings or shoot outs must not be a big problem, or the anti-gunners would be plastering it everywhere, that some drunk shot up a place or killed someone in a drunken stupor or rage or whatever and trying to get it banned. We have shootings outside of bars occasionally, usually after the bars shut down for the night, but I can't recall any happening inside the bar. What can I say, I'm just leery of mixing alcohol with guns. Particularly in a group full of folks I don't know.

tony k
05-07-2014, 09:25 PM
I see what you mean theTman. I personally don't drink or use drugs either (except my blood pressure medicine). If I was a drinker, I'd think twice about carrying when I knew I was going to really tie one on. Then again, when I carry, I generally try to be selective of the situations I put myself in, and try to be on my best behavior. I'm guessing most people who carry in bars while drinking also try to be on their best behavior.

I just don't like the idea of giving anti-gunners yet another straw man to go after.