View Full Version : No longer happy with Kahr

05-02-2014, 08:37 AM
Hi every

New Member my second post. :Amflag2:
Purchased my second P380 and so far no comparison to my first P380.
In 2009 I purchased a MP9. I put a few hundred break in rounds through it. Don’t really recall any failures even in break in period. Good news. I like Kahr Arms! 2010 purchased new Kahr P380. Out of the box no problems at all. Fired my 2-3 hundred break in rounds without any falures. Now I really like Kahr arms.
As far as 380 go I also own one of the early Colt pocket lights and a Sig 238 (another good gun). The Kal Tec is gone as well as two Berettas, a Walter pk, and a Sig 232 of the larger .380s. Recently purchased a Glock 42 .380
My wife has a couple of carry revolvers and about 6 months ago she decided she would like a small carry 380 auto. She doesn’t like the cocked and locked aspect of a 238. Ruger and Kal Tec ore out of the question. She liked my Kahr, and had often fired it with no problems. She has small hands and occasionally has a problem racking the slide on some autos. She could easily rack on my Sig 232 and the Kahr p380.
So we went gun shopping and found a P380. She tried the slide many times in the store. Had no problem pulling or locking the slide back. Did the paperwork and purchase it in her name.
First day at the range. Won’t go to battery most of the time. Periodically would get a few round to fire properly. The rest of the time she or I, whomever was firing it, would have drive the slide forward with the heal of the hand. A few rounds did not fire and had to be hand ejected. Also often the slide failed to lock rear on last shot about 50% of the time. We managed to get through a hundred rounds and gave up. Cleaned and lubed the gun. Back to the range another day with a box of Magtec, PMC, American Eagle and Lawman. About halfway through I cleaned and re lubed. Same problem with them all. Now I have 300 rounds through the gun and no improvement.
Shipped the gun back to Kahr.
Gun back: “new extractor, recoil springs, and mag springs-polished feed ramp lubed test fired, ok”. according to Kahr. Wife can no longer pull slide back!. Off to range. Goes all the way to battery okay. Case gets caught in slide before being fully ejected. 1 to 2 rounds per mag. Has new round partially fed and spent case jammed in slide. Repeated this with both mags using Lawman, PMC and Magtec ammo.
Shipped Gun back to Kahr with detailed letter and photos.
Gun returned “inspected firearm –new mags-lubed and test fired, ok-100 rounds” again according to Kahr. Back to range. FIRST round fired casing caught vertical in slide primer end down. Cleared fired third shot casing caught same way. Tied different mag and different amo third round jam next try fifth round jam. Went home. Glad I wasn’t using this gun to save my life with. Now my wife can’t rack the gun and if she could it wouldn’t be any good anyway.
I waited and finally called Kahr got the same person as last two times. He said send it back. I told him I was not happy about that. He asked if I preferred to speak with the mangier. Said yes and he forwarded my call. I got an answering system. Left detailed message and requested a call back. No call back. Repeated same process two more times a few weeks apart. No call back. Called again told about not getting a call back. Said he would put me through to the supervisor this time. Got the same message and no call back! ( just took to range again and pushed 50 rounds through it. Not easy when you have to clear every mag more than once.)
please all excuse my spelling grammar. I can shoot but I sure can’t write.
Oh ya forgot. My wife is using the Glock42. Definitely larger than the p380. Nice thing about the Glock is it shoots every time. Not limited to a few rounds per magazine like the new p380. She really wanted to use Kahr because of its compact size. But she also wants a gun that works full time. Not one that works 3 shots out of 5 on a good day.
Not so happy with Kahr anymore.

05-02-2014, 08:55 AM
IN a case like that they should replace the gun! My son had a XDS45 that Springfield couldn't fix, so they sent him a new gun! Now he's happy again...

05-02-2014, 09:03 AM
IN a case like that they should replace the gun! My son had a XDS45 that Springfield couldn't fix, so they sent him a new gun! Now he's happy again...

My thoughts exactly. Don’t thing that is going to happen though.

Bill K
05-02-2014, 09:04 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk!

Sorry to read about all the issues you're having with your new .380. I like what Cubby posted above. Kahr, at this point, should give you a new gun that they've broken in with 200 rounds.

05-02-2014, 09:20 AM
Darn sorry to hear that. Best of luck getting it sorted out although it may take some persistence on your part. Stick with it.

I'll admit I rarely recommend a micro380 pistol for ladies, young shooters, inexperienced shooters, etc. Nothing against anyone. I know ladies in particular are attracted the small size and the smaller caliber but that small size increases the potential for issues. And 380 is pretty snappy in such a small gun too which can lead to shooter induced failures.

I am a Kahr fanboy but I am glad she likes that Glock42. That might be a better fit for her. I am on record being a Glock "disliker" so you know I really mean it when I say that. If the Glock works for her, then you are set.

Good luck.

05-02-2014, 10:20 AM
The Kahr P380 is not a woman's gun. It's a back-up gun for a man. Whomever sold that gun to you did you no favors assuming that you told him that it was for your wife. Some women can handle racking the slide, but most can't. Particularly, if they aren't using the proper technique. There isn't much of a grip to hold on to and you need to shoot these guns with a very firm wrist for the slide to cycle properly. Women aren't know for their grip strength or firm wrists. The P/CM380's are very high quality reliable firearms. They just weren't made for women.

05-02-2014, 10:20 AM
Sounds like both of you have had issues with the gun and I'm sorry about that.

I wonder what Jocko thinks? Hopefully he'll see your post and chime in.

At this point Kahr should send you a new gun. Give them one more chance.

05-02-2014, 11:53 AM
I would let another shooter try this gun, . I don't have all the answers but I cvan tellyoiu that most women cannot make a P380 go bang. Most cannot rack the slide, As Muggsy said, and I do agree, I would never recommend the P380 to a woman. Not to say this gu is hot right either, I just might not be the shooter, but I would at least give this gun a workout on a mans hands before jumping off the bridge. I seriously doubt if kahr would loie about putting a 100 rounds through the gun. I caN say that myt wife annot shoot my P380 at all, certainly she can't rack the slide either, and she is fairly gun savvy If that glock 42 works fine for your wife, stick with it. It is indeed big but size alot helps in a womans case to. I stood at the kahr booth at the NRA convention for over an hour and I watcvhed alot of women pick up the 380 and they could not ake iut work. When u gotta tug like sh!t and do all kinds of contorse sh!t to rack the slide then IJO THIS GUN IS NOT FOR YOU. Grip is very important with these little guns, so so easy to limp this gun as there is jut nuttin to hold on to. Not alibing for the gun but I have said this many times in past posts, that I really feel the 380 kahr is not meant for a woman, actually IMO most kahrs are not meant for a woman, They rack very hard, they have stout recoil springs, THEY ARE WHT THEY ARE. Why do u think a few years back that kahr introduced a ladyt PM9. What was the difference??? they put in 2# ligher recoil springs, but evidently thisd didn't help sales at all for they dropped that gun.

till stand my my preference that a wheelgun is the best gun to buy a woman. Selling guns for a living for over 40 years,I provbed tyhis to many many men who brought their wife in to buy a semi auto and walke dout with a wheelgun.
Women want simplicity, thats why they marry men to. We are simple. If a woman has a har dtime racking a semi of any brand, she will not carry it, If she cannot unload and load it with ease, she will not carry it. All these things a wheel gun does perfectly as u wll know. We tend to buy for a woman WHAT WE WANT and never realy ask them what they think. Go into most gun stores and a good behind the counter person will eventually guide a woman to a wheel gun, . Now if u but a bifgger framed gun and epecailly glocks they have a muc lighter recoil spring in them and u can damn near rack um with your teeth, they are that easy. A woman will cuddle up to that gun far better than any I know. Doesn't mean it is a bettergun IMO but for that particular woman YES IT IS A BETTER GUN. I held the G42 at the nra SHOW. iT IS AN AWESOME LITTLE 380. imo it should have been a 9mm but u can bet ur ass it will be the next gun out and in the same exact frame size. It is to big IMO for a 380 but if ur ot gonna pocket carry iut and u know a woman is not, then it is the right size.

Not much help to the poster here I realize.

LET A GOOD SHOOTER TRY THE GUN. Then proceed after that.

05-02-2014, 11:55 AM
Darn sorry to hear that. Best of luck getting it sorted out although it may take some persistence on your part. Stick with it.

I'll admit I rarely recommend a micro380 pistol for ladies, young shooters, inexperienced shooters, etc. Nothing against anyone. I know ladies in particular are attracted the small size and the smaller caliber but that small size increases the potential for issues. And 380 is pretty snappy in such a small gun too which can lead to shooter induced failures.

I am a Kahr fanboy but I am glad she likes that Glock42. That might be a better fit for her. I am on record being a Glock "disliker" so you know I really mean it when I say that. If the Glock works for her, then you are set.

Good luck.

She shoots my P380 with no problem at all. Told her she could have it but she wants the new one I purchased for her and she registered it in her name.
I know what you mean about Glocks. I never wanted one or even wanted to shoot one. One day I just decided buy a G19 for no rhyme or reason. Maybe just to have one. Now I have 5 and thinking of more.
I carry one quite often. Never know.

05-02-2014, 12:07 PM
Very insightful post Jocko. I'm touched. "sniff".

05-02-2014, 12:10 PM
She shoots my P380 with no problem at all. Told her she could have it but she wants the new one I purchased for her and she registered it in her name.
I know what you mean about Glocks. I never wanted one or even wanted to shoot one. One day I just decided buy a G19 for no rhyme or reason. Maybe just to have one. Now I have 5 and thinking of more.
I carry one quite often. Never know.

GREAT! so give her "your" p380 and get that second one working right for you. She's just gotta understand that it's more important that the gun work for her vs. what she "wants".

I love it when a plan comes together. :amflag:
And sell all those darn Glocks. I hear the market is strong for them right now. :rolleyes:

05-02-2014, 12:51 PM
GREAT! so give her "your" p380 and get that second one working right for you. She's just gotta understand that it's more important that the gun work for her vs. what she "wants".

I love it when a plan comes together. :amflag:
And sell all those darn Glocks. I hear the market is strong for them right now. :rolleyes:

05-02-2014, 01:01 PM
I would let another shooter try this gun, . I don't have all the answers but I cvan tellyoiu that most women cannot make a P380 go bang. Most cannot rack the slide, As Muggsy said, and I do agree, I would never recommend the P380 to a woman. Not to say this gu is hot right either, I just might not be the shooter, but I would at least give this gun a workout on a mans hands before jumping off the bridge. I seriously doubt if kahr would loie about putting a 100 rounds through the gun. I caN say that myt wife annot shoot my P380 at all, certainly she can't rack the slide either, and she is fairly gun savvy If that glock 42 works fine for your wife, stick with it. It is indeed big but size alot helps in a womans case to. I stood at the kahr booth at the NRA convention for over an hour and I watcvhed alot of women pick up the 380 and they could not ake iut work. When u gotta tug like sh!t and do all kinds of contorse sh!t to rack the slide then IJO THIS GUN IS NOT FOR YOU. Grip is very important with these little guns, so so easy to limp this gun as there is jut nuttin to hold on to. Not alibing for the gun but I have said this many times in past posts, that I really feel the 380 kahr is not meant for a woman, actually IMO most kahrs are not meant for a woman, They rack very hard, they have stout recoil springs, THEY ARE WHT THEY ARE. Why do u think a few years back that kahr introduced a ladyt PM9. What was the difference??? they put in 2# ligher recoil springs, but evidently thisd didn't help sales at all for they dropped that gun.

till stand my my preference that a wheelgun is the best gun to buy a woman. Selling guns for a living for over 40 years,I provbed tyhis to many many men who brought their wife in to buy a semi auto and walke dout with a wheelgun.
Women want simplicity, thats why they marry men to. We are simple. If a woman has a har dtime racking a semi of any brand, she will not carry it, If she cannot unload and load it with ease, she will not carry it. All these things a wheel gun does perfectly as u wll know. We tend to buy for a woman WHAT WE WANT and never realy ask them what they think. Go into most gun stores and a good behind the counter person will eventually guide a woman to a wheel gun, . Now if u but a bifgger framed gun and epecailly glocks they have a muc lighter recoil spring in them and u can damn near rack um with your teeth, they are that easy. A woman will cuddle up to that gun far better than any I know. Doesn't mean it is a bettergun IMO but for that particular woman YES IT IS A BETTER GUN. I held the G42 at the nra SHOW. iT IS AN AWESOME LITTLE 380. imo it should have been a 9mm but u can bet ur ass it will be the next gun out and in the same exact frame size. It is to big IMO for a 380 but if ur ot gonna pocket carry iut and u know a woman is not, then it is the right size.

Not much help to the poster here I realize.

LET A GOOD SHOOTER TRY THE GUN. Then proceed after that.

If you have p380 that works like it should it’s better than nothing on a hot summer day with light clothing. P380 doesn’t have to be strictly a BUG.
I can’t force my wife to wear baggy clothing so she can carry a 1911. She has a Chiappa Rhino she carries part time. Ya bigger than a J frame but she likes it. She will burn through a box of mags in less 20 minutes. My wife and my daughter have used my P380 for three years with no problem.
“LET A GOOD SHOOTER TRY THE GUN. Then proceed after that”
Not sure where to get a “GOOD SHOOTER”. My wife has been shooting for little over 30 years and I have been shooting more than double her time. Started shooting Camp Perry in 1955 and also have a military background. So I guess that lets us out.
Thanks for the post. Appreciate the feedback.

Longitude Zero
05-02-2014, 01:06 PM
IN a case like that they should replace the gun! My son had a XDS45 that Springfield couldn't fix, so they sent him a new gun! Now he's happy again...

Springfield is one of the very few who take customer service to the level it should be by default.

05-02-2014, 01:10 PM
GREAT! so give her "your" p380 and get that second one working right for you. She's just gotta understand that it's more important that the gun work for her vs. what she "wants".

I love it when a plan comes together. :amflag:
And sell all those darn Glocks. I hear the market is strong for them right now. :rolleyes:

Don’t know what I would replace the Glocks with. Sold all my Sigs except for my P238. :Amflag2:

05-02-2014, 01:26 PM
^^^^ Kahrs of course! :D

That coming from someone who only has two ;) Thanks for the good thread.

05-02-2014, 01:52 PM
Don’t know what I would replace the Glocks with. Sold all my Sigs except for my P238. :Amflag2:
P290 could be a start;)

05-02-2014, 02:03 PM
That P290 is a nice gun but you'll need some suspenders if you carry one of those....That thing weighs a ton compared to my PM40 which by the way has never had a malfunction of any kind with about 1000 down range by now....

05-02-2014, 02:11 PM
That P290 is a nice gun but you'll need some suspenders if you carry one of those....That thing weighs a ton compared to my PM40 which by the way has never had a malfunction of any kind with about 1000 down range by now....
Funny you mention that suspender thing..............I wear them, and carry an MK9;) My MK has gone 500 rds. with 2 FTE's. I have been eyeing up those 290's. I have handled one, but not had a chance to shoot it. If your so inclined, you can really dress them up, with the grip insert bling. I've seen some beautiful wood work done, for those little inserts. Granted, it's not like carrying a Kahr, but seems like a fine firearm.

05-02-2014, 02:32 PM
I still wouldn't mind having a P290...I was in a big range/shop a couple weeks ago and asked to see one and the guy almost cussed me out for even asking about it...He said the P290 and the Sig Mosquito should have both been abortions at birth by Sig and were the only two Sigs not worth having....He then pulled out a Block 42 and I thought he was going to get a wet spot trying to sell me one of those....The 42 to me is ok at best for a .380 but should have been a 9mm to go up against the other compact nines out there but for a .380 IMHO it's just too big....

05-02-2014, 02:51 PM
Welcome to the forum, I think?
Most people from Florida don't buy .380's they go 9 millie or larger. For the weak handed, racking issues from what I was lead to believe. Though I did meet an 88 y.o. woman that had forearms like popeye and racked 'em extremely well.:D
Kahr will get it right for you, be patient.:music:

05-02-2014, 03:04 PM
I still wouldn't mind having a P290...I was in a big range/shop a couple weeks ago and asked to see one and the guy almost cussed me out for even asking about it...He said the P290 and the Sig Mosquito should have both been abortions at birth by Sig and were the only two Sigs not worth having....He then pulled out a Block 42 and I thought he was going to get a wet spot trying to sell me one of those....The 42 to me is ok at best for a .380 but should have been a 9mm to go up against the other compact nines out there but for a .380 IMHO it's just too big....

I think that's what I dislike about Glocks...salespeople, interwebbers, etc who feel like Glocks are for everybody. They are for some but certainly not for everybody and definitely not the best pistol out there. (rant complete) :rolleyes:

05-02-2014, 03:13 PM
I do agree about the revolver for women. They seem to shoot them the best. My daughter it's small and has small hands. The.380 is a man's BUG. They are hard to shoot. My daughter is going with the LCR 22 mag

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." -G.S. Patton

05-02-2014, 03:20 PM
I do agree about the revolver for women. They seem to shoot them the best. My daughter it's small and has small hands. The.380 is a man's BUG. They are hard to shoot. My daughter is going with the LCR 22 mag

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." -G.S. Patton

Good choice. I had the chance to buy a SW 351PD 22mag recently but passed and I'm kicking myself now. Mrs B4 would love that revolver. How's that LCR trigger? Since you cannot dry fire them in the store, I'd appreciate a report. Thanks.

05-02-2014, 03:30 PM
If you have p380 that works like it should it’s better than nothing on a hot summer day with light clothing. P380 doesn’t have to be strictly a BUG.
I can’t force my wife to wear baggy clothing so she can carry a 1911. She has a Chiappa Rhino she carries part time. Ya bigger than a J frame but she likes it. She will burn through a box of mags in less 20 minutes. My wife and my daughter have used my P380 for three years with no problem.
“LET A GOOD SHOOTER TRY THE GUN. Then proceed after that”
Not sure where to get a “GOOD SHOOTER”. My wife has been shooting for little over 30 years and I have been shooting more than double her time. Started shooting Camp Perry in 1955 and also have a military background. So I guess that lets us out.
Thanks for the post. Appreciate the feedback.

u seem to be taking offense to y statements and I meant o offense. Not knowing any of u two's b ackground, (which wold have eliminated my comment had u posted it as such) Kinda har dot make an unknown judgement. Most women don't have the background experience that ur wife has either. Certainly my comments were not meant to downgrade u or the misses... U sound my age, andI can tellyou I certainly don't have allt he answers either...:Amflag2:

05-02-2014, 03:37 PM
Welcome to the forum, I think?
Most people from Florida don't buy .380's they go 9 millie or larger. For the weak handed, racking issues from what I was lead to believe. Though I did meet an 88 y.o. woman that had forearms like popeye and racked 'em extremely well.:D
Kahr will get it right for you, be patient.:music:

Point is: my wife went in the store picked up a NEW P380. Had NO problem whatsoever racking and locking the slide. No problem loading or racking the gun at the range.
The slide would not go to battery with a live round. Kahrs answer is keep making the spring stronger until it goes to battery. OK now it goes to battery but won’t fully eject. On top of that I even find it really stiff to rack. We have other stuff to carry that’s not the point. Point is she would not have purchased in the first place if the slide was this stiff in the beginning.

05-02-2014, 03:41 PM
Welcome, now go to the range and shoot the fokker like you stole it. Then shoot it some more. If you still can't make it work, I can use it as a boat anchor for the r/c sailboat.

05-02-2014, 03:48 PM
Jocko (QUOTE) "U sound my age, andI can tellyou I certainly don't have allt he answers either"...

Say it aint so!!!...

05-02-2014, 03:49 PM
u seem to be taking offense to y statements and I meant o offense. Not knowing any of u two's b ackground, (which wold have eliminated my comment had u posted it as such) Kinda har dot make an unknown judgement. Most women don't have the background experience that ur wife has either. Certainly my comments were not meant to downgrade u or the misses... U sound my age, andI can tellyou I certainly don't have allt he answers either...:Amflag2:

Me neither. I respect everyone here on the forum with experience or without experience. :Amflag2:
My beef is with Kahr.:mad:

05-02-2014, 04:03 PM
Be patient my friend, it'll be made right for you....
Your explanation to them as above is exactly what you want to tell 'em.

05-02-2014, 04:42 PM
agree, sh!t happens, never good when it happens to you bit it is what it is. kahr will make it work kand if not, list it here on the forum and it willbe gone in a fartbeat. Just sayin

05-02-2014, 04:53 PM
Good choice. I had the chance to buy a SW 351PD 22mag recently but passed and I'm kicking myself now. Mrs B4 would love that revolver. How's that LCR trigger? Since you cannot dry fire them in the store, I'd appreciate a report. Thanks.

The LCR center fire triggers are very good. The rim fires are very stiff! I bought one and my wife can't pull it through! It's the stiffest trigger I've ever had. And includes my Taurus 85...My LCR 22 is at Ruger right now. The hammer stopped working. They replaced most of the internals. If it's still a hard pull, I'll be selling it and pick up a LCR 38?

05-02-2014, 05:06 PM
Point is: my wife went in the store picked up a NEW P380. Had NO problem whatsoever racking and locking the slide. No problem loading or racking the gun at the range.
The slide would not go to battery with a live round. Kahrs answer is keep making the spring stronger until it goes to battery. OK now it goes to battery but won’t fully eject. On top of that I even find it really stiff to rack. We have other stuff to carry that’s not the point. Point is she would not have purchased in the first place if the slide was this stiff in the beginning.

Kahr only has one set of springs for the P380 and those springs are manufactured by Wolff. Kahr didn't keep putting in stronger springs until your gun went into battery, because Kahr only has one set of springs to install. You don't know what you're talking about. Most of us were born at night, but it wasn't last night. Complaints are heard by the complaint department. Take yours to them.

05-02-2014, 05:12 PM
Good choice. I had the chance to buy a SW 351PD 22mag recently but passed and I'm kicking myself now. Mrs B4 would love that revolver. How's that LCR trigger? Since you cannot dry fire them in the store, I'd appreciate a report. Thanks.

The LCR has a great trigger I had smith that I had the trigger worked and this is as good out of the box.

Just ' bout the action Boss...

05-02-2014, 05:22 PM
I am afraid to let my wife shoot my new P380!!! I got into Kahrs because the G42 I got wouldn't run for me...but I did give up on it quickly and traded it for a PM9, then just got a P380. Wife shoots a BG380, which she loves, a J-frame which she hates and occasionally my G26.
So I just got done shooting the "break-in" of 200 and some. I found in mine the recoil spring was pretty stiff when new. I left it locked back a couple days. It would run PMC pretty decent, and Blazer ran awesome. Fiocci won't even chamber, and I gave up in it quick. Runs Federal HydraShok and Crit Defense without a hiccup.

Sounds to me like the original new purchase had a lighter then expected spring to start with, because every new one I have seen is tight as all get out. Mine has loosened up now and is easier to rack/lock back and the gun runs awesome with decent ammo in it.

So I would suggest locking it back for a while, and then try a different ammo through it. Have you run a box of SD ammo through it? Most of the range junk tends to be light loads, and some small 380s with heavy springs aren't gonna like that stuff.

My $1s worth.

05-02-2014, 05:27 PM
Dang it JSDPai. Now it looks like you got our muggsy riled...our new and improved, lighter muggsy.

You posted on the forum so some of us offered up our opinions. They are what they are and that's all we really have to offer. Take them for what they are worth and do what you think is best. As for complaints. Those are best directed to Kahr as muggsy so eloquently points out.

I'm sure things will work out whichever path you choose. We were just hoping to help you find an easy one. :)

05-02-2014, 05:34 PM
Hey y'all. Thanks for the LCR trigger answers even if they are polar opposites ;)

Thanks for letting me borrow your thread there for a second J.

05-02-2014, 05:37 PM
Kahr only has one set of springs for the P380 and those springs are manufactured by Wolff. Kahr didn't keep putting in stronger springs until your gun went into battery, because Kahr only has one set of springs to install. You don't know what you're talking about. Most of us were born at night, but it wasn't last night. Complaints are heard by the complaint department. Take yours to them.
But he is correct:o

05-02-2014, 06:04 PM
Well now you've met Muggsy our local ______ _______ ___ ____ or whatever...anyway he's ok when he's had his meds but otherwise keep your fingers away from his mouth when he's out of the restraints....

I think your little .380 may just have a really tight chamber and if you will take the time to do some fluff and buff you may just find the new pistol will be as fine a piece as your old .380 is....For some reason Kahr pistols seem to have super tight chambers and it really helps to take a .40 cal cotton swab tool from a cleaning kit with some flitz or wenol metal polish on it and with a hand drill give the chamber and feed ramp a mirror polish and I bet she will start working like a champ.....Good luck and like others have said if you cant get it to run right then trade it for something else and be happy, life's too short to fuss over small problems.....


Now I read where even the almighty Ruyger LCR had an issue. oh my what next. To hgear most talk, it is only Kahrs that give issues. If man makes um, then man will fokk um up, accept that. Kahrs are great guns, when they are bad, they are just bad. Come to think of it my trusty G19 that was just stolen ha dto go back once for some TLC by glock. My Para Carry 9 2 times plus 4 slide stops levers. Now my 3 kel teks only had to go back 16 times. I hold no grudges. Just sayin:amflag:

05-02-2014, 06:25 PM
Hey y'all. Thanks for the LCR trigger answers even if they are polar opposites ;)

Thanks for letting me borrow your thread there for a second J.

They are opposites! The center fire models trigger is great, but the one on the rim fires is ugly! Ruger says that they need a stiffer spring to fire the rim fire reliably?

05-02-2014, 09:32 PM
Welcome to the forum, I think?
Most people from Florida don't buy .380's they go 9 millie or larger.

Hey.. We like em down here. A little pocket pistol goes perfect with shorts & crocs. Plus, you can leave it in your pocket when you go to Denny's for the early bird or drop by the internet cafe for low stakes gambling in the afternoon. Much nicer than sitting in the booth with a 9 digging into your side.

Remember this guy in Ocala? 63 year old man shoots robbers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyhy2aiyZzk)

05-02-2014, 09:49 PM
P290 could be a start;)

Had several Sigs in 9 mm and 45 they are all history now. For me I always felt the bore line was too high. Also I didn’t like the positioning of the slide release and hammer drop. I like the hammer drop to the rear of the slide release. I have several H&Ks they are slightly chunkier but similar to 1911 set up. I know the P290 is a different animal DA only no hammer drop. Still don’t like distance from the top of the hand to the bore line. Or just seems that way to me.

05-03-2014, 08:49 AM
Hey.. We like em down here. A little pocket pistol goes perfect with shorts & crocs. Plus, you can leave it in your pocket when you go to Denny's for the early bird or drop by the internet cafe for low stakes gambling in the afternoon. Much nicer than sitting in the booth with a 9 digging into your side.

Remember this guy in Ocala? 63 year old man shoots robbers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyhy2aiyZzk)

He, He, He.... It was a Joke on fellow old Pharts, that have no muscles:D

05-03-2014, 08:59 AM
He, He, He.... It was a Joke on fellow old Pharts, that have no muscles:D

dkamn good thing ur not referring to ol jocko. Just sayin

05-03-2014, 09:13 AM
Hey.. We like em down here. A little pocket pistol goes perfect with shorts & crocs. Plus, you can leave it in your pocket when you go to Denny's for the early bird or drop by the internet cafe for low stakes gambling in the afternoon. Much nicer than sitting in the booth with a 9 digging into your side.

Remember this guy in Ocala? 63 year old man shoots robbers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyhy2aiyZzk)


05-03-2014, 09:25 AM
dkamn good thing ur not referring to ol jocko. Just sayin

Don't get your feelings hurt, ol Jocko.... you're in that category as well.:rolleyes: