View Full Version : New CW380 hopefully fixed

05-03-2014, 04:34 PM
This new CW380 is my 3rd Kahr. The others are a CW9 & CM9. Bought the new 380 and it frequently malfunctioned. MANY failure to feed and failure to return to battery, using a variety of good new ammo, including Fed RTP and Fed American Eagle. After over 400 rounds, it got no better so Kahr had me ship it back (they paid Fedex). It came back about 2 weeks ago and the service slip said they replaced the ejector and a slide return spring. I was instantly concerned because it was VERY easy to rack, too easy. Took it to the range and it malfunctioned 29 times out of 64 rounds. OUCH, even worse than before. I complained to the customer service rep and he sent me another fedex label and back it went. Each time i sent a detailed letter describing the problems. It came back 2 days ago and we took it right to the range. The service slip said it had the wrong slide spring in it (from the first service at Kahr). Now, the spring feels like it did to start with. Range report - 2 FTF in the 150 rounds and they were all after about 80 rounds so it was probably getting dirty. Any comments would be appreciated. I love the feel of this weapon and am glad that Kahr took care of the problems. For those of you who have had no problems out of the box, great.

05-04-2014, 03:59 PM
Mine is at Kahr right now for failure to feed problems. I'm hoping they get it right the first time or I'll probably just unload it on GB and move on.

05-04-2014, 06:08 PM
Good luck with it. The 380 is a really sweet little weapon. I am a real Kahr fan and was glad they got mine fixed. Frustrating that it took twice and frustrating that so many new owners have initial problems but at least they are standing by their products.

05-04-2014, 06:28 PM
You want to use FULL power ammo in the 380 (all Kahr's really), and after 80 rounds there could be some shooter fatigue in the mix as well.

I once shot my PM45 (the one I got used) about 300 rounds of filthy ammo...no cleaning, and it took three range trips.... no problem except the occasional smack in the forehead from the ejected case -- which happens on lower powered stuff.

big bear
05-05-2014, 12:45 PM
I just returned from the range after shooting my new CW380 and ran the last 100 rounds for brake in with WWB flat nose FMJ and it ran flawless. I guess I got a winner. It's a real sweet shooter!

05-10-2014, 05:48 PM
Thanks. Good point on fatigue. I was using high quality Fed ammo and could not tell any difference between it and some of the defensive rounds I fired. I got to admit the hornady and Fed hydrashock rounds definitely missfired way less often, though.

05-10-2014, 05:52 PM
The P380 and probably the CW380 tend to have malfunctions after 50-60 rounds or so... gets dirty, I guess. Just wiping the feed ramp can help... that and a FIRM grip.
