05-04-2014, 01:32 PM
I purchesd a cm40 at the end of decembe and today hit the 1000 round mark i have to say i love this firearm after 40 rounds the trigger stoped reseting and got a dead trigger so it had to make a trip back to kahr cs from kahr has.never ben a issue and the never gave me eny problems got shipping lable sent it back got it back in less then a week with the.problem fixd with a polished trigger bar i never had a failer to feed extract fuction wen i pull the.trigger wich i love the kahr trigger it goes bang it.shoots eny kind of ammo except reloads they would get stuck in the barrel but after 900 rounds now it will shoot reloads to the kahr with a.trijicon front night sight and got wolf 20 lb recoil recoil spring wich recoil was not bad befpre but it was bending the guidrod spring kahrs.cs has.always sent me parts no question asked for free alsp have the 5 % stronger mag spring never had a problem but wasent ganna.hurt eny eather i.can sling shot press check no.problems so thoughts this is a fine firearm after a good round count becomes more and more better as u shoot it plus.u need enyways to shoot it good so goes hand and.hand i.would recomend eny whos.looking.for.a.compact firearm prolly.more the 9 then the 40 but all good may give u problems at first but they work themselfs out bottom ljne my life and it cant get much better then that love.kahr.and thanks.for make great firearms