View Full Version : "Sticky" CM9 Magazine Release

05-05-2014, 03:11 PM
I am a long-time self proclaimed gun nut, but new to the CM9, and have been very impressed with the little pistol in the early going, so far.

I have fewer than a hundred rounds though it so far, but have been really pleased with the reliability, accuracy, and shooting characteristics out of the box. I know already this is a long term keeper, and that it will be spending many hours with me as part of my concealed carry "stable."

In shooting, hand-cycling, and generally messing with the new Kahr, about the only thing I hope to improve over time is the function of the mag release.

1. The release button generally works as expected, but 10% of the time, it is finicky, and has to be pushed repeatedly with varying grip to let go of the mag.

2. The magazines drop about 3/4" when released, but do not drop free of the firearm. Even with the mag release button held in, you can feel the polymer of the release dragging against the wall of the magazine.

I have done a search, and read through all the "mag won't drop free" threads on this forum, so I am not terribly concerned about that factor (all though I'd prefer it when the release button was held in).

Like I said, I am just shy of the initial 100 rounds with the CM9, and have another 100 after that to complete Kahr's prescribed break in period. It is my hope that this little problem will resolve itself as the gun wears in and no action will be required for the mag release to work properly.

I didn't see any comments about anyone else who had had problems getting the magazines to release, and wondered if anyone had a thought about what I am seeing.

Going to get back out tomorrow and send some more rounds down range, but I also like to think ahead, and consider the possibilities.

Thanks much!

ohio lock
05-05-2014, 04:36 PM
My PM45 was like that and after about 250 rounds it started to loosen up a bit. I like the fact it still takes some pressure on it to release it. I don't want it to be so loose it comes out with just a feather. It feels good now. Hope that helps.

05-05-2014, 05:16 PM
I had the same problem with my CM9 when I first got it. Squeezing the feed lips of the magazines slightly cured the problem. In addition I polished the outside of the mags with car polish and that made then slicker than snot on a door knob. Worked for me.

05-05-2014, 05:16 PM
My mags for my cm9 & cw380 get "sticky" also. I've found that keeping them clean helps. 2 of my 4 kahr mags had to be squeezed at the top in order to make them even drop.

05-06-2014, 12:17 AM
Thanks to each of you.

From reading past threads, there was mention of squeezing mags that hung up down to .490 thickness. I have a cheapo set of dial calipers, but both magazines measured exactly that for their full length. There were no wider spots above the cutout for the release.

I had a BRILLIANT idea! I have a high grade carnuba wax used for autos and heavy duty industrial applications (Collinite 845). I wiped the mags down and applied a light coating of wax over the outside. Did a super light coat inside the polymer frame of the pistol as well. Let it dry, and buffed it out to a nice, slick finish. Smart, huh???

Snapped each mag, in turn, into the frame, AND.....

NOTHING. Release was still sporadic, and the mags hung up at 1/2-3/4" from fully in. So much for my brilliant idea!

I think I'll leave things as is, and see what happens over the next 100+ rounds. It works, as is, but I hope it may wear in to function more smoothly. If not... we'll see.

05-06-2014, 07:05 AM
Ya know, I was just thinkin'. If racking the slide 500 times as part of the prep worked for old Jocko, maybe five hundred mag changes would cure your CM9 problem. At worst you might become the fastest reloader in the West. :)

05-06-2014, 07:14 AM
+2 on Muggs. I used Johnson's paste wax on my mag and mag well. I also ran the mag in and out of the mag well a few hundred times. That plus a few hundred rounds down range and everything is A-OK.

05-06-2014, 11:44 AM
I'll proceed on that assumption...
