View Full Version : forum name

05-07-2014, 03:11 PM
Now, bear with me, I know it's probably been done before, but things have been a tad slow, so........................how'd you come up/get your screen name? Mine is boring, but I'll start................I've always loved the Beretta 92 line of firearms, owned a bunch, and currently have a 96 inox that I'll have forever. Not so much now, but when I was a kid, I was tall and skinny. I had a guy tell me once. that I looked like something a dog would chew on(long story) so, I always had the nickname dogbone..........ahole had to say it in front of my friends. So, I just put the two together, Berettabone. I know, stupid, but sometimes life is stupid...............come to think of it, it's been real stupid lately;)

05-07-2014, 03:16 PM
First name, Last initial. Yawn. I'm boring that way.

05-07-2014, 03:22 PM
I just used my real name too. Boring smoring.

For a nick name people call me Joe.

05-07-2014, 03:54 PM
Mine took a lot of thought. It's actually meant to get you thinking about the second line to an old blues song: "take a look at yourself". The first line is: "Before you accuse me". But the singer typically says 'cuse instead of accuse. Hence the name: b4uqzme. It seemed an appropriate message to those who would want to infringe on our rights. The Eric Clapton avatar is a clue since he made the song famous.

I'm sure I am the only one that gets it....it's a stretch. :o

05-07-2014, 04:07 PM
Just my name. It wasn't important enough to me to require a lot of thought.

05-07-2014, 04:09 PM
Mine took a lot of thought. It's actually meant to get you thinking about the second line to an old blues song: "take a look at yourself". The first line is: "Before you accuse me". But the singer typically says 'cuse instead of accuse. Hence the name: b4uqzme. It seemed an appropriate message to those who would want to infringe on our rights. The Eric Clapton avatar is a clue since he made the song famous.

I'm sure I am the only one that gets it....it's a stretch. :o

I've actually thought about your name and always had it pegged as before you guys bug me, I could never make it work but it was something to ponder.

Now I'll have to find something else to ponder I reckon.

05-07-2014, 04:12 PM
Well "Balls of Kryptonite" and "Hung like a Horse" were already taken so I picked Getsome....I had watched the movie "Full Metal Jacket" the night before I joined up here and the scene where the door gunner is yelling Getsome, Getsome, Yea Getsome baby stuck in my head so I picked that...Jocko said it's because I'm a pervert but I digress....Boss Man Bawanna was kind enough to post me an Avatar picture of a Heliwhacker with a M60 door gun visible because I didn't know how to and still don't know how to post a picture and I appreciate that very much so that's how I became "Getsome"

05-07-2014, 04:14 PM
How do you kill woman and children?

Easy, ya just don't lead em so much.........................

Sick bastard wasn't he?

05-07-2014, 04:23 PM
My name is Barth...

05-07-2014, 04:31 PM
My first Corporation Name: Downtown Ventures Inc. = Downtownv
And YOU thought the V" stood for...........

A few years ago I did the "what does your Avatar mean" game

05-07-2014, 05:49 PM
Take a guess.

05-07-2014, 06:07 PM
Take a guess.

:confused: You shoot blanks? :typing:

05-07-2014, 06:17 PM
Uh, you guys aren't using your own names??


05-07-2014, 06:50 PM
I didn't put a lot of thought into mine so it's a combination of my initials, what I do and hopefully the last part is self explanatory. :)

05-07-2014, 06:58 PM
I was originally embarrased because I have no imagination and used my initials. Relieved that I am not the only one. Still don't know how to make icons and don't know what the word means.

05-07-2014, 07:10 PM
I was originally embarrased because I have no imagination and used my initials. Relieved that I am not the only one. Still don't know how to make icons and don't know what the word means.

I-Cons are admitted CON-Artists, No?

05-07-2014, 07:14 PM
I didn't put a lot of thought into mine so it's a combination of my initials, what I do and hopefully the last part is self explanatory. :)

You're G, who rots, and is a man? :D

05-07-2014, 07:39 PM
I used a combination of first and last name - nothing to hide. I use the same handle on other forums too.

05-07-2014, 07:43 PM
It sounded cooler than "OLDFATGUY";)

05-07-2014, 07:51 PM
Take a guess.
a waitress??????????????????

05-07-2014, 08:50 PM
Red Skelton.

05-07-2014, 09:58 PM
I had a guy tell me once. that I looked like something a dog would chew on

He told you that you looked like a GLOCK????!!!!

05-08-2014, 06:26 AM
I adopted my mother's nickname. She was the youngest of seven kids and as such took a lot of abuse from her brothers. She was as tough as nails, so they started calling her Muggsy who was the leader of the Bowery Boys from the Dead End Kids. My mother wouldn't take any excrement from anyone and if you crossed her she would let you know. I'm a lot like her in that regard. She also had a heart of gold.

05-08-2014, 12:22 PM
First initial, middle initial, last name, but when I sign my name the middle initial "L" looks like a 2 so I just go with it.

05-08-2014, 02:54 PM
First three letters of my last name; Buz, (also nickname), but i thought buzzard was a better fit for my personality:rolleyes:,... 45 `cause i have three kahrs in that slow ars 45;)

05-08-2014, 03:03 PM
I was born in Mississippi and folks that know me say I'm obsessed with guns.

05-08-2014, 03:08 PM
Mine took a lot of thought. It's actually meant to get you thinking about the second line to an old blues song: "take a look at yourself". The first line is: "Before you accuse me". But the singer typically says 'cuse instead of accuse. Hence the name: b4uqzme. It seemed an appropriate message to those who would want to infringe on our rights. The Eric Clapton avatar is a clue since he made the song famous.

I'm sure I am the only one that gets it....it's a stretch. :o

No, I always knew what your handle was about. I guess it's cause I'm a fan of Ol' Slowhand, too.

05-08-2014, 03:38 PM
I adopted my mother's nickname. She was the youngest of seven kids and as such took a lot of abuse from her brothers. She was as tough as nails, so they started calling her Muggsy who was the leader of the Bowery Boys from the Dead End Kids. My mother wouldn't take any excrement from anyone and if you crossed her she would let you know. I'm a lot like her in that regard. She also had a heart of gold.

u have never had a heart of gold. 10 karat maybe. I have candy wrappers with more gold than tha tthough...:amflag:

05-08-2014, 03:41 PM
I adopted my mother's nickname. She was the youngest of seven kids and as such took a lot of abuse from her brothers. She was as tough as nails, so they started calling her Muggsy who was the leader of the Bowery Boys from the Dead End Kids. My mother wouldn't take any excrement from anyone and if you crossed her she would let you know. I'm a lot like her in that regard. She also had a heart of gold.

u have never had a heart of gold. 10 karat maybe. I have candy wrappers with more gold than tha tthough...:amflag:

I got the name jocko from college. I hated joc straps and kthe first day of gym class the professor lined us all up and said "drop um guys", and ol jocko got his name that day, for there it was handing like a thief in the dark. After the photo opt shoot I was allowed to go buy a jock strap, hence jocko.. true story--kinda:Amflag2:

05-08-2014, 03:57 PM
Mine is boring on at least two counts ... 1) it's pretty straight forward, and 2) well, I'm a rev ... so that can't be too exciting, right? Unless you actually get to know me.

05-08-2014, 04:01 PM
I thought it was pretty exciting and your the bravest man alive when you was on top of all that scaffolding with your hand on the tippy top of the church steeple.

I had goose bumps just looking at the photo.

05-08-2014, 04:23 PM
No, I always knew what your handle was about. I guess it's cause I'm a fan of Ol' Slowhand, too.

Well there's 3 of us then. Dorangolv sent me a link to a Clapton video when he figured it out. Thanks. :)

05-08-2014, 04:53 PM
I heard of Clapton, I'm working on Ol Slow Hand???? Waylon Jennings?

I don't get out much and audio has never been my strong suit.

05-08-2014, 05:16 PM
Take a guess.

http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/mThc5USzLfU/maxresdefault.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mThc5USzLfU)

05-08-2014, 05:19 PM
You're G, who rots, and is a man? :D
Partly right..I is a man! :D

05-08-2014, 05:53 PM
b4--make that at least 4 of us. (another Clapton fan)
I've been told that I am somewhat accident prone--having sliced my wrist with a razor knife, broken an elbow, messed up a knee, fell off a 22 foot roof, etc, etc. Hence, Grizwold of Chevy Chase fame.

05-08-2014, 06:26 PM
In the construction world we don't consider that accident prone, we call that showing up for work.

I never sliced my wrist with a razor knife but did try to hack off my thumb once and a finger another time.

The roof fall numerous times. Unfortunately I skipped all the unexciting broken bones legs, arms wrist etc and went for the back first. I don't recommend doing that part.

What I feared worst was electrical stuff that was suppose to be turned off and surprise it weren't. You light up my life. I hate getting shocked.

Falling off roofs wasn't my favorite thing either now that I think on it.

05-08-2014, 06:28 PM
Well there's 3 of us then. Dorangolv sent me a link to a Clapton video when he figured it out. Thanks. :)

I knew what it was about as soon as saw the Clapton avatar. My 19 year old Grandson Anthony has been called a prodigy by a lot of people in town because of his guitar talents and his Blues band "Crosscutt". He graduates from high school this month and he is already creating quite a fan base with his music.

05-08-2014, 07:58 PM
Another boring one... First initial, nickname, number I wore for baseball.

05-08-2014, 09:31 PM
b4--make that at least 4 of us. (another Clapton fan)
I've been told that I am somewhat accident prone--having sliced my wrist with a razor knife, broken an elbow, messed up a knee, fell off a 22 foot roof, etc, etc. Hence, Grizwold of Chevy Chase fame.

We must be kindred spirits. I tried to saw off the tips of my fret hand fingers. Now I can't really feel anything. They just tingle like they are asleep. Makes git pickin' kinda interesting.

Clapton is God.

05-08-2014, 09:33 PM
I knew what it was about as soon as saw the Clapton avatar. My 19 year old Grandson Anthony has been called a prodigy by a lot of people in town because of his guitar talents and his Blues band "Crosscutt". He graduates from high school this month and he is already creating quite a fan base with his music.

Good for him. Music is a great hobby/culture/lifestyle. I wish him well.

05-08-2014, 09:37 PM
Another boring one... First initial, nickname, number I wore for baseball.

I wore 19 for HS football. It's still a lucky number.

05-08-2014, 10:00 PM
I am left handed:rolleyes: And was 60 years old when I started lurking around forums:behindsofa:

'Course now that I'm Reetired, I'm a bigger pain in the forum:D

05-08-2014, 10:01 PM
I wore 19 for HS football. It's still a lucky number.

Love it, it's also the day I was born but I liked it for Dave Righetti of the Yankees and RB Eric Dickerson, when he played at SMU. I'm a Rams fan so I was psyched when they drafted him.

I tried to get it for football but had to settle for 22.

05-08-2014, 10:59 PM
Been using this same name for everything since around 1998....been a while and why change now. It's my initials and the year of MY first car. 1956 Chevy Belair Sports Sedan (4dr hardtop no posts)....of course I'm a bit younger than some so I picked that up at 16 in 1996.

05-09-2014, 07:56 AM
Live in Pattaya Thailand, like hand guns and no imagination. Didn't really want the whole world knowing my name. It's John by the way but figure the whole world isn't on gun forums :)

05-09-2014, 08:52 AM
We must be kindred spirits. I tried to saw off the tips of my fret hand fingers. Now I can't really feel anything. They just tingle like they are asleep. Makes git pickin' kinda interesting.

Clapton is God.
You and Tony Iommi, except he did cut them all off.http://kahrtalk.com/images/icons/icon12.gif

05-09-2014, 12:40 PM
u have never had a heart of gold. 10 karat maybe. I have candy wrappers with more gold than tha tthough...:amflag:

I never claimed to have a heart of gold you dolt. It was mom who had a heart of gold. I'm not so sure that I even have a heart. You in a jock strap? That kinda like putting a racing stripe on a Volkswagen ain't it?

05-09-2014, 12:43 PM
I thought it was pretty exciting and your the bravest man alive when you was on top of all that scaffolding with your hand on the tippy top of the church steeple.

I had goose bumps just looking at the photo.

The Rev was just trying to get closer to God up on the church steeple. One false step and he would have been. The man has nerves of steel. :)

05-09-2014, 12:52 PM
Live in Pattaya Thailand, like hand guns and no imagination. Didn't really want the whole world knowing my name. It's John by the way but figure the whole world isn't on gun forums :)

Hi ya, John. Glad that you finally came out of the closet, so to speak. I'll tell all of the guys on the other gun websites not to tell anyone your real name. It will be our little secret. :)

05-09-2014, 06:52 PM
Pretty easy for me first name and middle name. Back when I was young my fathers name was the same so in house they called me by my middle name but when I went to school they called me by my first name hum duel Identity perhaps. Now the only time I here Harry Lee is when the wife is really pissed off at me. Lucky that isn’t too often

05-10-2014, 06:50 AM
Gee thanks Muggsy. I always wanted to come out of the closet, but being straight (honest!) I never thought I'd get the chance. Also, I'm no good with secrets. I figure if you can't keep a secret and tell me then how the heck do you expect me to keep that same secret. Ah well, hello world, my name is John. :)


05-10-2014, 08:53 AM
My name was the online poker name I used for years when you could play online poker in the USA. Dan

05-10-2014, 11:50 AM
First used on a cigar forum. I like to take time, smoking gently, let the smoke linger and appreciate it.

05-10-2014, 04:07 PM
A fellow hunter gave it to me ,While other hunters are hunting hardwoods and boarders ,I would rather be deep in the pines.

10-26-2015, 05:23 AM
i easily get noticed on other forums, hey your that guy on so & so-why yes i am.
some have figured it out & many have asked me for help that needs discussed via PM. :biggrin1:

10-26-2015, 09:01 AM
I got a call about a fight in a rural bar, and a crazy man had run everyone out of the bar and was in there alone.

Bar fights weren't usually my beat as a Highway Patrolman, but I was the only LEO available in the county right then.
Being forewarned by the patrons and bar owner about what was going on, I put on my riot helmet and grabbed a riot baton.

When I went in, he had a pool cue and we went to war. He was too drunk to be very dangerous but he weighed 295 and couldn't feel any pain.
I split his forehead open,(that really pissed him off) I broke his collar bone, and a couple of ribs, before he quit.

Iggy was a lone wolf mountain man type.
On the way to town, he said, "Damn, you're nasty with that stick!"

While he was in the hospital I was his only visitor.
When he was released from the hospital, I took him to court and to jail. He got 30 days.
I was his only visitor.

When he got out of jail, I took him back to his mountain.

When he treed the bar again, they called me.
He would be on the fight until I walked in
He would say "Aw hell, I can't fight you, you're my friend." He would grin and hold out his hands for the cuffs.
From then on when Iggy got into trouble, they would call me on or off duty and I would go get him.
Over the years we became good friends.

I told him if he got drunk and killed someone in a car wreck I would never forgive him.

One day I was called to investigate a wreck on the mountain. It was Iggy and he had run off the road and wrapped his car around a tree. He was pinned in the car. I crawled in the car with him.
He looked at me and said, "Chip, I didn't kill anyone else."

I said,"Yeh, Iggy, I know" and he died.

I was the only one at his funeral and I spread his ashes on his mountain.
People couldn't understand why I went to all the bother with someone like that.
All I could tell them was," Aw hell, Iggy was my friend."

10-26-2015, 09:23 AM
Damn Iggy, that's rough.

10-26-2015, 09:31 AM
Damn Iggy, that's rough.

....Sounded wonderful to me. :yo:

10-26-2015, 09:48 AM
A hot gal from Chile used to call me Alfonse. So....

10-26-2015, 12:00 PM
I got a call about a fight in a rural bar, and a crazy man had run everyone out of the bar and was in there alone.

Bar fights weren't usually my beat as a Highway Patrolman, but I was the only LEO available in the county right then.
Being forewarned by the patrons and bar owner about what was going on, I put on my riot helmet and grabbed a riot baton.

When I went in, he had a pool cue and we went to war. He was too drunk to be very dangerous but he weighed 295 and couldn't feel any pain.
I split his forehead open,(that really pissed him off) I broke his collar bone, and a couple of ribs, before he quit.

Iggy was a lone wolf mountain man type.
On the way to town, he said, "Damn, you're nasty with that stick!"

While he was in the hospital I was his only visitor.
When he was released from the hospital, I took him to court and to jail. He got 30 days.
I was his only visitor.

When he got out of jail, I took him back to his mountain.

When he treed the bar again, they called me.
He would be on the fight until I walked in
He would say "Aw hell, I can't fight you, you're my friend." He would grin and hold out his hands for the cuffs.
From then on when Iggy got into trouble, they would call me on or off duty and I would go get him.
Over the years we became good friends.

I told him if he got drunk and killed someone in a car wreck I would never forgive him.

One day I was called to investigate a wreck on the mountain. It was Iggy and he had run off the road and wrapped his car around a tree. He was pinned in the car. I crawled in the car with him.
He looked at me and said, "Chip, I didn't kill anyone else."

I said,"Yeh, Iggy, I know" and he died.

I was the only one at his funeral and I spread his ashes on his mountain.
People couldn't understand why I went to all the bother with someone like that.
All I could tell them was," Aw hell, Iggy was my friend."

Nice story. You don't hear about things like that much any more. Thanks for sharing.

10-26-2015, 12:15 PM
I live on an island so......

10-26-2015, 12:15 PM
So, I was tired of having to remake usernames for every different account I had when I was like 13.

My real last name is Barker and I was sitting with one of my friends and there was some conversations that I honestly remember almost nothing about.

It went something like this...

Last name is Barker -> Dogs bark
What else do dogs do? -> Drool
Drool is too short, add something too it.
I'm a guy -> Droolguy.

It's stuck ever since then and I have so many accounts with that username that I couldn't change it if I wanted too.

10-26-2015, 08:19 PM
I asked my three year old daughter if she had a name for the fly she had caught. She said it was called, "Ranchel."

10-26-2015, 08:44 PM
I was an avid striper fisherman on Lake Lanier, GA for a number of years, fishing 3 tournaments per month because I was in 3 different striper clubs. The first time I ever striper fished though I screwed up letting out an umbrella rig and ended up with a giant birds nest or backlash in the reel. My friend told everyone it was the worst backlash he had ever seen and that it took him 3 days to get it all cleaned up. Boy did he exaggerate a lot......it took only 2 days! Anyway, the name stuck. I could get only 7 letters on my GA license plate so shortened it to Baklash.

10-27-2015, 09:52 AM
The convicts would call their cells their "house". I used to tell them that's not their "house", it was mine.