View Full Version : LGS & my Gun

05-18-2014, 07:10 PM
I purchased another Kahr from a NY dealer. The LGS I've been using for transfers only carries the entry level Kahr's and mine was a K40. They all have said theyb have never seen or shot the K line.
They have been good in the past about calling me the moment my merchandise arrives.

My gun was shipped for a two day delivery and received on Saturady morning at 9:41 am. They were opened until 7:00pm on Saturday and 9 -5 today. I completely forgot to check USPS delivery confirmation, but 2 days without a call that my gun was in. I can't help but but a bit hacked.

Would you be? You bet I'll be at their door Monday morning to pick it up.

05-18-2014, 07:58 PM
Shops never seem as excited to unite you with your gun as you are. My transfer dealers know that I'm in a bad way during the waiting game.
The last gun I got he emailed and said he had it, would enter it in his book and I could pick it up in a couple hours.
I emailed back and told him to write fast I'd be there in 10 minutes.

It was on the counter waiting when I got there.

I would not be happy either, a few dealers I no longer deal with for such transgressions on my patience.

05-18-2014, 08:11 PM
Heck, they're probably all down at the range shooting it. :rolleyes:

P.S. I'd be irritated too.

05-18-2014, 09:05 PM
Heck, they're probably all down at the range shooting it. :rolleyes:

P.S. I'd be irritated too.

That's not far from the truth neither b4uqzme. I've been in shops where they are passing stuff around that they just got in for some poor schmuck.

I tell my shops that I don't want that to happen at all.

I don't want cylinders spun, hammers dropped or triggers tested until I'm there.
They need to look at the gun and get the serial and stuff but that's as far as they need to go.
I've told my main shop, I'm good with them checking it out but only on their side of the counter. If I'm there and somebody wants to fondle, that's a different deal, if they look worthy I got no problem.
I think it's gun etiquette.

05-18-2014, 09:10 PM
Cripes! That really happens? I just said it because it sounded so outrageous.

05-18-2014, 09:58 PM
Unless you told them to call you as soon as your gun arrived you don't have a gripe. You aren't their only customer and they may have been busy at the time. You didn't bother to confirm the UPS delivery, so you share in the blame.

05-18-2014, 10:01 PM
It happens a lot. I used to hang out in shops a lot years ago when they were on the way home from work. Sometimes several times a week.

I had an officer who recently went to another agency. He was a firearms instructor, still is far as that goes.
But I quit being around him if he went to a gun show. Just no etiquette. Pick stuff up without asking racking slides, doing his drills and such. Big no no to me, embarassing.

05-18-2014, 10:03 PM
That is exactly my thoughts. While never having had a top tier Kahr, it was playtime. The whole weekend?

And yes, this gun was purchased NIB, but what can you do. I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out if the barrel smells of fresh powder.

I am so pissed off, but if there is a problem, it becomes the sellers word against my former LGS. No excuse for not receiving a phone call.

My gun was fondled by the crew and the customers and later tried out. That is my worry.

05-18-2014, 10:12 PM
Unless you told them to call you as soon as your gun arrived you don't have a gripe. You aren't their only customer and they may have been busy at the time. You didn't bother to confirm the UPS delivery, so you share in the blame.

Excuse me for disagreeing with you, but Bullcrap. I have outright purchased guns from them, and have done a half dozen transfers with them this year alone. They know to call me the instant it arrives. I may not be their only customer, but I am a customer, and that is not good customer service. I pay them $35. to do simple paperwork and that's sometimes more than they make on a gun sale. No the onus is on them to call me, not me track them down.

It is substandard service not to make a 2 minute phone call over two days. I live in small town USA, not a major city. This is not Cabelas, this is a gun store/hardware store.

05-19-2014, 06:39 AM
Bad on them for not calling! Bad on you for not calling!

Let us know how it goes with the new gun. The K40 interests me but I'm a bit concerned it might be more than I want in the recoil department.

05-19-2014, 06:49 AM
If that's how you truly feel then you should stop doing business with them. Of course, if this was the first time they failed to please you in many transactions you might just cut them a little slack. As perfect as I am I still have an eraser on the end of my pencil. I thought that I had made a mistake once, but I was wrong. As far as I know there has only been one perfect man and he was hung on a cross. I just don't see this as a biggie, but that's just me. What a difference a day makes. (With apologies to Dinah Washington.)

marshal kane
05-19-2014, 07:36 AM
After getting a signed copy of their FFL to send to Buds gun shop, I asked my LGS if they could match or better Buds price and they said, "No, but I would be helping the local economy." Then I asked if it was their practice to call me when the gun came in. They told me it was on me to call them when the gun was supposed to arrive. I quickly got the message that if I wasn't buying from them, not to expect much service doing the FFL transfer. Needless to say, the next time I needed a FFL transfer, I went with a new dealer who called me as soon as the gun arrived and appreciated making the easy money.

Since Buds emailed me when the gun was to arrive, I was prepared to make the call but was happy when my new dealer called first. Purchasing a gun is special to me so I stay on top of it as I'm sure you will in the future.

05-19-2014, 10:38 AM
Had my new S&W Sport sent to GT Distributors in Austin. a few months ago

They received it on a Monday (I had ordered it the previous Friday).

I called about picking it up and was told they had to "process the new shipment", then they would call me to pick it up.

They didn't call me until that Friday. :mad:

Then again, GT is a pretty large volume dealer and is busy much of the time.

But hey, a whole business week to "process the new shipment"?

Come on!

05-19-2014, 10:45 AM
Bad on them for not calling! Bad on you for not calling!

Let us know how it goes with the new gun. The K40 interests me but I'm a bit concerned it might be more than I want in the recoil department.

Yes it has a bit more recoil than a 9mm, but if I can handle the MK40, the K40 is really quite enjoyable to shoot.

05-19-2014, 10:55 AM
Had my new S&W Sport sent to GT Distributors in Austin. a few months ago

They received it on a Monday (I had ordered it the previous Friday).

I called about picking it up and was told they had to "process the new shipment", then they would call me to pick it up.

They didn't call me until that Friday. :mad:

Then again, GT is a pretty large volume dealer and is busy much of the time.

But hey, a whole business week to "process the new shipment"?

Come on!

That would have been the last transaction I had with them. I'd never cross their threshold again. It takes minutes to process and if you expressed your desire to pickup they should have handled it.

05-19-2014, 11:05 AM
One of the gun stores I deal with is courteous to leave it packaged until I arrive and allows me to open it. He calls the moment he receives it and I've left a few thousand with him.
The gun I purchased is mine. The dealer is simply the paperwork facilitator for which he receives a very fair amount for a couple of minutes of hitting the keyboard. It's not the relationship that has been the norm, but when I ordered it, he said he has never had a chance to play with the top of the Kahr line.
"How was business this weekend?" "Very slow because of the weather and the tourists are up opening their homes".
"So how come you never called me on Saturday morning when it came in?" "I don't know".
"So Bob, which gun was yours?" "The same one we taked about at length on Wednesday".
"Oh, I thought it was regular stock when it came in". I guess at 35 years old he's got old-timers.
(He's the owner and has 2 other employees) "Where is it, I wonder where they put it?"

Next time I order a gun, it will be with the one who respects my business.

05-19-2014, 11:13 AM
Oh and by the way, the K40 is not cheap. More important, exceptional customer service should be the norm, not the exception.

05-19-2014, 11:17 AM
Oh and by the way, the K40 is not cheap. More important, exceptional customer service should be the norm, not the exception.


05-19-2014, 12:32 PM
When my FFL receives a package he opens it to see if the shipment matches the invoice and that the article is intact. If it's a gun he field strips, cleans and function tests it for his customer. He then calls the customer to inform him that the gun has arrived and is ready to be picked up. When the customer comes to the shop he goes over how to safely load and unload the gun and covers the guns safety systems. If I experienced what the poster experienced I'd take it up with the FFL. I don't think that I'd air my dirty laundry on a website. Just sayin'.

05-19-2014, 12:57 PM
I would semi agree if it was a brand new gun and the dealer ordered it for the customer.

But when I buy a used gun or even new and I order it from someplace and I'm only relying on the FFL to transfer it to me, it's not his deal to inspect other than verify the serial number.
He's got no business taking it apart, even inserting the mag or cycling the action or my favorite installing the bolt if it's not attached.

Mine sometimes when I ask will leave the package intact and allow me to open. I sometimes want that, sometimes it don't matter.
It is important to inspect before you sign, so if it's not as described he can refuse it and send it back.

I also really don't have an issue with venting here as some dealers may actually learn something or be reminded of some customer service issues they have forgotten.

05-19-2014, 02:58 PM
Bad on them for not calling! Bad on you for not calling!

Let us know how it goes with the new gun. The K40 interests me but I'm a bit concerned it might be more than I want in the recoil department.

Nope. It depends on your tolerance and experience but the K40 is a sweet shooter for a smaller 40sw. Try it you'll like it.

05-19-2014, 03:07 PM
Flieger, If I lit your fuse back there at post #3, I really apologize. Insensitive on my part. :o Dang, I've been using the "embarrassed" smiley a lot lately. I better start re-thinking my posts. Just sayin'.

05-19-2014, 03:19 PM
I think you're being too hard on Muggsy to be honest. I've never figured out how it's worth it to an LGS to do a transfer for $35. From a cost-efficiency perspective, they can't be making any serious money on it. They have to receive the gun from a carrier, and then log it into their books to make sure the Feds don't fine them or send them to jail, and then when you come to get it they have to take all your vital info and make sure they're satisfying whatever state requirements there might be. In addition to that they have to pay the wages of the person doing all that paperwork; and to top it all off, they have to worry about pissing somebody off because they failed to make a phone call as soon as they got their grubby little mitts on it. Every time I've had a gun shipped to an FFL, I've asked for the tracking info and I've followed that little sucker like I was tracking it on radar. And as soon as I knew it was in I called to double-check so I could head on down the first chance I got. To my mind, $35 buys you the paperwork ... PERIOD ... and you should be glad they're willing to do it for that. In your opening post you said you were hacked and asked if we would be too. As you can tell ... my answer is no, I wouldn't be. In the immortal words of jocko ... just saying.

05-19-2014, 03:39 PM
Log in to the record book, fill out purchase transfer form, NICS phone call, customer notification all totaled 10 to 15 minutes with a coffee break included.
That's over a 100 bucks an hour if you keep at it.
I think they make it bigger than it is to justify the 35 average fee, sometimes much more.

I have a dealer here that doesn't charge a transfer fee for LE or the NICS call..

Sadly I seldom use him, he doesn't do many transfers, his primary business is making the checkering tools I use. He likes to talk and I can't get in and pickup tools or a transfer in under 2 hours.

I pay as I'm just a civilian office puke but he offers for free anytime.

If I could hear I'd show the world how to run a gun shop, I really would.

I have time, I've decided not to run against Hitlery for president. We'll have to try and find somebody else I reckon.

05-19-2014, 03:42 PM
I stand corrected.

05-19-2014, 04:12 PM
No sir Rev, never corrected. I like to label it enlightenment but again there is no absolute in this scenario.

I hate paperwork but when you consider there's no inventory outlay, cept maybe a pen, the forms are supplied by that barbecue place the ATF, and you fill in the blanks and make a call, 35 bucks sounds like easy money to me.

If I had a shop that would be my most unfavorite task but it's still easy money.

Now I'm sure some shops are bitter because you didn't pay more money and buy the gun from them and if they are bitter they should just not do transfers. No law says they have to.
I try to buy locally, but most things I seek are used, old, different and most shops don't want to even help look for it so it's up to me.

I've even pointed out items on auctions, told my shop to just buy it, do the best they could, mark it up a bit and I'll come buy it from them. They usually don't want to do that either.

I think it's just a good business plan to try and make everyone happy, happy, happy.

05-19-2014, 04:13 PM
I have time, I've decided not to run against Hitlery for president. We'll have to try and find somebody else I reckon.

Darn! OK, when my campaign check arrives, just void it out will ya? Thanks.

05-19-2014, 04:31 PM
Well now maybe RevRay isn't the only one to stand corrected. We'll have to see how many zero's is on the campaign check, might change my mind. Politicians are allowed to do that right?

Actually I was hoping to run on a common sense platform and not have to campaign. Not sure there's enough folks with common sense left to be enough though. Might have to change strategy.

Awww how about a case of ammo in every pot. And pots will be for cooking not smoking.

05-19-2014, 04:48 PM
I think you're being too hard on Muggsy to be honest. I've never figured out how it's worth it to an LGS to do a transfer for $35. From a cost-efficiency perspective, they can't be making any serious money on it. They have to receive the gun from a carrier, and then log it into their books to make sure the Feds don't fine them or send them to jail, and then when you come to get it they have to take all your vital info and make sure they're satisfying whatever state requirements there might be. In addition to that they have to pay the wages of the person doing all that paperwork; and to top it all off, they have to worry about pissing somebody off because they failed to make a phone call as soon as they got their grubby little mitts on it. Every time I've had a gun shipped to an FFL, I've asked for the tracking info and I've followed that little sucker like I was tracking it on radar. And as soon as I knew it was in I called to double-check so I could head on down the first chance I got. To my mind, $35 buys you the paperwork ... PERIOD ... and you should be glad they're willing to do it for that. In your opening post you said you were hacked and asked if we would be too. As you can tell ... my answer is no, I wouldn't be. In the immortal words of jocko ... just saying.

RevRay, your an understanding kinda guy. Thank you for defending me.

I just want to remind everyone that while that gunsmith is handling your transfer, he isn't making any money selling his skills as a gunsmith which is far more lucrative endeavor than your transfer. Most of you go into his store, handle his wears, pick his brain and then buy from Grab-A Gun or some other on line website to save yourself a buck. You then have the nerve to complain about his level of service when he doesn't call you the instant that your new prized possession is delivered. Fie on you. Nothing requires the gun shop owner to handle your transfer. He is doing you a favor for a very nominal fee. You have a very strange way of thanking him. And that's all that I have to say on this issue.

05-19-2014, 05:00 PM
I didn't realize we were talking gunsmith here. That would be a horse of several different colors and that's an even tougher way to make a living unless you got a name established. Most folks won't pay enough for quality services.

Owning a gunshop does not make one a gunsmith.

I love your Gilda Radner attitude though, that's all I've got to say about that.

05-19-2014, 05:30 PM
Well now maybe RevRay isn't the only one to stand corrected. We'll have to see how many zero's is on the campaign check, might change my mind. Politicians are allowed to do that right?

Don't get your hopes up too high Colonel. I ain't no Ed McMahon.;)

05-19-2014, 05:34 PM
That's probably a very good thing. I'm pretty sure ole Hereeeeeeeeees Johnny crossed the river some time back.

Hear the Publisher Clearing House outfit has a ton of money though. Maybe they'll come ring my bell with one of them great big giant huge number checks.

Reminder to self, install door bell. Never had one.

05-19-2014, 05:41 PM
^^^^^ They prob'ly already been there but you just didn't hear them. See ya in a few. I'm off to the Home Depot.

05-19-2014, 05:51 PM
Flieger, If I lit your fuse back there at post #3, I really apologize. Insensitive on my part. :o Dang, I've been using the "embarrassed" smiley a lot lately. I better start re-thinking my posts. Just sayin'.

No worries at all. Use the smiley face.

Since we are on the subject of the horrific paperwork, since I'm in their system and have a CPL, all they need do is find me in their computer, plug in the gun info, no call needed for a background check, and within a couple of minutes it's done. I sign my copies and DONE.

If they have a customer at the counter, I yield until they are finished. This morning took less than 5 minutes to complete. And that was with taking. No, $35 for that is profit. Oh yes, they do have to open the box.
I am the one who buys the gun, arrange payment, make sure it's shipped, and REV, if you read my postings, this is probably the first time I didn't hang on the computer for the moment it arrived.
For what they truly have to do, the money is pure profit.
The very least I should expect, especially when he told me his shop was dead this weekend, was the courtesy of a phone call.

05-19-2014, 05:56 PM
Here they still have to call for a NICS number. We don't have to wait though long as you have a CPL.

05-19-2014, 05:56 PM
I'd like to know what a former gun store owner turned sheep herder and Senate candidate has to say abut this topic before casting my vote. Is there anyone out there who fits the bill?

05-19-2014, 05:59 PM
Not sure that would help, I don't think they had phones or pens for that matter back in those days. Pony Express maybe but that was very short lived.

Pencils maybe but if he writes like he types I'm sure no one could read it no how.

05-19-2014, 06:30 PM
I guess you're lucky that you don't live up by me.............you wait for your firearm, you wait for a call..................then you go to your FFL, and he let's you look the firearm over..........he never touches the firearm. If everything is ok, then he calls in your backround check, and then you leave. You wait 2 more days, you get a call, then you go back, and pick up your firearm. First, a waiting period, then, another waiting period. PIMA

05-19-2014, 07:09 PM

Wow....gun dealers around here don't really care to do transfers for the most part unless they don't have or can't get the gun you want. Like said earlier they have a lot of risk in todays world of ATF wanting to close gun shops down for any little infraction. I know 3 gun shops in the last 3 months that have lost their license over miner technicalities. :86:

05-20-2014, 03:30 AM
There's no doubt I will not find perfection or even anything close to it. I guess I miss the old days when merchants went out of their way to be the best in service.
Now a days I find that someone just does the basics, I'm writing reviews of god like results.

In retrospect, there are bigger problems to worry about these days.
My apologies to the forum for my rant and those good old days are gone. Now you're lucky to get the correct change from McDonald's.

05-20-2014, 05:10 AM
Or the right order at the drive through. :)