View Full Version : Wal Mart ammo

Rob K
05-18-2014, 08:43 PM
Went to Wal Mart today in Lexington, KY and found, finally, a good stock of .38, .40, .45, and 9mm ammo. Prices are right. Check it out.

05-18-2014, 08:52 PM
Thanks. I have started to notice the same. But it varies from store to store. So if your WalMart is empty, you might try another.

I've been buying all my shotgun (trap) shells there for awhile now.

05-18-2014, 10:33 PM
Walmart by me never has much in stock....by Gander and academy always do and so does "the pawn shop". They are classified as pawn shops but really it is 95% guns and ammo.

05-18-2014, 11:00 PM
The only ammo at Walmart these days, is whatever's in the chambers, magazines and cylinders of the weapons folks are carrying, doin' the Wally Walk.

05-19-2014, 06:20 AM
I've never had any success at our local Walmart or Dicks Sporting Goods, but I believe it is because I don't frequent it enough to catch their incoming and the hoarders scoop it up early. Perhaps they have figured out the shipment dates. I have had early success at Gander.

Longitude Zero
05-19-2014, 08:13 AM
For me WM is hit or miss. Academy is getting better although 22LR is still limited to 2 boxes per day per person and it is expensive.

05-19-2014, 11:45 AM
Limit is 2 boxes a day but there is never ANY ammo in the case!

05-19-2014, 02:34 PM
I have bought ALL calibers all throughout the "shortage" at Wally World. Yep, that includes 22 ammo of all brands. My last 550 Federal brick cost me about $23. Go to this website at the end of the day and check what is being received and should be on the shelves the following morning. Type in your state and caliber. If your local WW shows it in stock, click "force check" and ALL the calibers at that store will display. My local WW has a three box limit, but that is 1650 rounds of 22 if I am lucky. It is spotty sometimes but give it a chance. I hope it works for you, it has for me.
www.ammo-can.net (http://www.ammo-can.net)

05-24-2014, 11:06 PM
I haven't seen .22 or 9mm ammo at my local Walmart for a very, very long time. They have plenty of .40, some .45, and occasionally some .38.

05-25-2014, 01:35 AM
I don't camp out at stores for ammo. I am a real paying customer at a local pawn shop/gun store, they set what I want aside and call me to pick it up.

05-27-2014, 09:56 AM
Obviously you live in the right place. I go into Walmarts all over Georgia and N Carolina and they have had nothing but bare cases until the last couple of months. Their prices are no so high that i am buying all of my ammo online.

05-27-2014, 12:22 PM
Our wal mart now has 9mmin pretty good supply. 24$ for 100 WWB, I get 10% discount so I see no where tha tu can beat that price. They are still behindin the suply they use dto have but it is coing back. 22 ammo is still very sort supply. Fokk Gander mt, those badits getover 30$ for the exact same WWB 100 that wal mart sells.

The sporting goods person at our wal mart says every day they open up there is still people out there witing to go to the gun dept, so waslmart changed tgheir methods of stocking.it used to be they stocke dup at nite so when they opened what ammo they had wa son the shelf. now they put the ammo out on the shelf when ever it come sin on the trucks. which can be any time of the day, It has slowed down the waiters alot for sometimes in the morning there is no ammo at all and most hav eto get to the work place, but bny noon or so, ammo is starting to hit thge shelves. I think this is now a walmart nation wide policy to. 3 box limit still. Makes no sense sometimes. I can buy 3 boxes of 100WWB but only 3 boxes ofg 22 long rife 50 rounds..

05-29-2014, 06:53 AM
My experience lately is that Walmart's online inventory is pretty accurate - within a few hours.

If people are still lining up at 6:00 a.m. to get 22LR or 9mm, they could clean out a store within minutes and the online inventory seen on the web site will still show that the store has ammo, but barring that - the online inventory is usually accurate to the extent that if it says an ammo is in stock at a particular Walmart - the ammo has at least been there.

You can get a feel for when the ammo actually arrives by checking the web, and knowing when trucks arrive - or usually arrive.

I was checking my local Walmart for 9mm one night when all of a sudden it showed 115gr Winchester "Target" ammo in stock. I printed out the web page, drove over to the store and saw that there wasn't any Winchester in the ammo cabinet. I got the manager of the sporting goods department and she checked the truck and found that the ammo was still on the truck :)

05-29-2014, 09:27 AM
I get all of my ammo online.............no lines, no limits, delivered to my door. Pretty much stay away from Walmart, Gander, etc. Crooks I tell ya.

05-29-2014, 11:11 AM
I haven't been able to get 9mm ammo online for as cheap as I can buy it at Walmart.

Walmart was selling 100-round cartons of the 115gr Federal "Champion" ammo for $24.00 each.

I can't get a deal like that online and I use GunBot and AmmoSpy.

05-29-2014, 02:00 PM
I have bought ALL calibers all throughout the "shortage" at Wally World. Yep, that includes 22 ammo of all brands. My last 550 Federal brick cost me about $23. Go to this website at the end of the day and check what is being received and should be on the shelves the following morning. Type in your state and caliber. If your local WW shows it in stock, click "force check" and ALL the calibers at that store will display. My local WW has a three box limit, but that is 1650 rounds of 22 if I am lucky. It is spotty sometimes but give it a chance. I hope it works for you, it has for me.
www.ammo-can.net (http://www.ammo-can.net)

Thanks for the information…..I'll give it a try!

05-30-2014, 07:08 PM
I haven't been able to get 9mm ammo online for as cheap as I can buy it at Walmart.

Walmart was selling 100-round cartons of the 115gr Federal "Champion" ammo for $24.00 each.

I can't get a deal like that online and I use GunBot and AmmoSpy.
100 rounds of Federal is $26 and WWB $27 at the Walmarts around here, still the cheaper than pretty much everywhere online. Walmart is pretty high on .223/5.56 though. There's two Walmarts neaby, one has pretty much everything but .22. They always have a decent stock of 9mm of various brands. Pretty much always have WWB .380 for $22.50 for 50 rounds, sometimes UMC and Federal for $20/box. The other store never gets much 9mm and .380 but has everything else. One store has the 3 box limit on .22 only, the other got rid of the limit for a while then recently put it back on all ammo. I did manage to get three 225 round boxes of .22 a couple months ago. The employees said it was the first time they'd seen any come in for over a year.

05-30-2014, 09:51 PM
Here it is cheaper online. Here it is cheaper in the store. Walmart Here has it in stock. Walmart Here never seems to have it.
All you folks that are from "here" need to get your story straight.
There sure are a bunch of you from "here". Which state is "here" located? Most of you are not very proud of "Here" though because you don't show your location in your profile.
Sure wish I knew where "Here" is so I could avoid that place if they don't have any ammunition.