View Full Version : Barrel Hood Gap

05-20-2014, 12:34 PM
I now have two K40's. My new one has a gap on the barrel hood where it meets up with the end of the rear slide.

My first is tight and no gaps, but this new one is a cresent cut hole. Before I start using it, I wanted to ask if this is normal or at the very least safe?

Should they all fit completely with a gap or hole?

05-20-2014, 02:08 PM
Send pics to Kahr Service and ask them.

05-20-2014, 05:16 PM
I'm not sure but that could be a loaded chamber indicator.

05-20-2014, 08:04 PM

05-21-2014, 11:29 AM
The first 3 are of the K40 purchased on Monday.
The other 2 are of my 1st K40.

Big difference between the 2 of them. Please let me know what you think.

05-21-2014, 11:38 AM
SSHOOT THE FOKKERS!!!~ IMO its the front part of the breech \hat locks up, not that back portion. Fokk My PMJ9 looks like that. I actually never paid a bit of attention to it until u posted this, and now I still am paying zero attntion to it.

05-21-2014, 11:31 PM
There is no gap in either of my Kahr pistols. I'd have several concerns were it my gun. Like I said, send the pictures to to Kahr Service for their determination. Better safe than sorry.

05-22-2014, 12:26 AM
Yup, what Jocko said!

05-22-2014, 07:06 AM
Kahr emailed me back and told me it is normal.

I guess they meant to to say that it's normal that one day we fit them tight and others we leave a hole.

05-22-2014, 09:50 AM
Kahr emailed me back and told me it is normal.

I guess they meant to to say that it's normal that one day we fit them tight and others we leave a hole.
I'd get rid of it immediately. You need to get a new Les Baer, hand fitted, tight, beautiful......oh yeah, that's what you get with a $3000 firearm. A $500 firearm, not so much.................................

05-23-2014, 12:23 AM
A health dose of sarcasm is a good thing. They are a bit more than $500 new though.
I just wanted to make sure it was safe to shoot beretta. As I found out, so far so good.

Bill K
05-23-2014, 06:34 AM
I'm curious as to why such a noticeable difference. I just wouldn't have guessed that with CNC machining that amount of difference would show up when the parts were put together - one gun compared to another. Is it that there are two parts on either side of their allowable tolerance and then when put together you get that gap? Which is more the norm, what we see in the first 3 pics or what we see in the last 2 pictures? My PM9 is like what I see in the last 2 pictures.


05-23-2014, 06:53 AM
To those of you who never machined a piece on metal, tolerances are measured in thousandths of an inch. .001 is finer than the thickness of a human hair. If the barrel was at minimum spec and the slide at max spec you still shouldn't see a gap like that. Having said that we need to be our own inspectors when purchasing a product. I've ground metal to a tolerance of + or - .0001 on a curved surface. That's one ten thousandth of an inch.

05-23-2014, 10:43 AM
One of the most valuable things that I have learned by reading this forum for 3 years now is what muggsy stated. If the dealer won't let you inspect everything the way you want short of test firing move on. I have found out that kahrs guns can vary in some things even being the same model. My mk9 is slightly different in slide to frame fit & trigger pull/reset. Good thing is even though different they both function as designed.

05-23-2014, 12:21 PM
Kahr emailed me back and told me it is normal.

I guess they meant to to say that it's normal that one day we fit them tight and others we leave a hole.

I expected that response. ow shoot the fokker.:Amflag2:

05-23-2014, 12:39 PM
One of the most valuable things that I have learned by reading this forum for 3 years now is what muggsy stated. If the dealer won't let you inspect everything the way you want short of test firing move on. I have found out that kahrs guns can vary in some things even being the same model. My mk9 is slightly different in slide to frame fit & trigger pull/reset. Good thing is even though different they both function as designed.

now u done it. u have given <Muggsy such a big head now that he can't even live in his mobil home anymore. Com;liments are like dope to him, if u get my point.

What did he pay u to say that???? Just sayin. I seem to remember the last guy that gtave Muggsy a compliment was banned by the moderatorws on the basis of stupidity. Just sayin Ol Muggsy is all right in ol jocko's book, but again I cannot read either, so utter than a sears and roebuck catalog in my out house, there are no books in our home. I don'
t call Playboy or Penthouse books and I have all 9843 issues of Playboy. Just sayin

05-24-2014, 06:28 AM
I have to admit that an occasional pat on the back has my head in the clouds, but a swift kick in the arse by Jocko brings me right back down to earth again. Thanks Jocko for always being their to cover my backsides. What a pal. :)

05-24-2014, 07:22 PM
I'm curious as to why such a noticeable difference. I just wouldn't have guessed that with CNC machining that amount of difference would show up when the parts were put together - one gun compared to another. Is it that there are two parts on either side of their allowable tolerance and then when put together you get that gap? Which is more the norm, what we see in the first 3 pics or what we see in the last 2 pictures? My PM9 is like what I see in the last 2 pictures.


I would have to say that while my K40 just in fact go "boom", theydo boast about the housing some of the most sophisticated CNC machinery in theindustry.
I don't expect perfection, but I would appreciate consistency, especially for the flagship line.

05-24-2014, 07:29 PM
Ya know... all three of my Kahr barrels show signs of handfitting. Not the best, but not awful file work on the hood.

05-24-2014, 07:31 PM
I would have to say that while my K40 does in fact go "boom", they do boast about the housing some of the most sophisticated CNC machinery in the industry.

I don't expect absolute perfection, but I would appreciate consistency, especially for the flagship line.

05-24-2014, 07:57 PM
I still love my Kahr's, but you would not see this variance on two Sig P229's.

And as BillK stated, I'd like to know which one is more consistently normal.

sas PM9
05-24-2014, 09:00 PM
I now have two K40's. My new one has a gap on the barrel hood where it meets up with the end of the rear slide.

My first is tight and no gaps, but this new one is a cresent cut hole. Before I start using it, I wanted to ask if this is normal or at the very least safe?

Should they all fit completely with a gap or hole?


The gap is a loaded chamber viewport?:rolleyes:

Has to be an error in manufacturing; may or not be problematic.


05-25-2014, 08:20 AM
IMHO, a gun with a barrel fit like that should be sold as a second or a blem. Kahr takes great pride in advertising their match grade Lothar Walther barrel and CNC machining. They market their guns as a premium product. Kahr should live up to the promise. It's up to we the consumer to hold them to that high standard.

05-25-2014, 08:21 AM
Right on, Muggsy.

05-25-2014, 09:44 AM
IMHO, a gun with a barrel fit like that should be sold as a second or a blem. Kahr takes great pride in advertising their match grade Lothar Walther barrel and CNC machining. They market their guns as a premium product. Kahr should live up to the promise. It's up to we the consumer to hold them to that high standard.

Thanks Muggsy!

05-25-2014, 12:02 PM
Here’s something that is interesting; it may be that they intended to have a crescent or half moon hole on the hood.

Out of the 4 steel framed Kahr’s that I own, I looked at the edge of where the hole is on mine.

My barrels, all 4 of them have a circular indentation at the edge. The metal is filed away to follow the edge of that indentation.

On the others, the metal is rough to the edge (material that goes past this circular “punch” mark).

What I still can’t understand is why Kahr customer servicedoesn’t know which way is up?

I’m sorry, I’m without a camera today or I would haveincluded a shot.

05-25-2014, 04:08 PM
My MK40 Elite
http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h134/DScholten/IMGP2888_zps0e93494d.jpg (http://s63.photobucket.com/user/DScholten/media/IMGP2888_zps0e93494d.jpg.html)

marshal kane
05-26-2014, 08:16 AM
That "hole" may not look the best but I don't believe it will give you any trouble. The base of a cartridge is where most of the brass is and also it's strongest point. I've experience many a case mouth split from constant reloading but I've never had the base of a cartridge split. I'd say take this up with Kahr if it really bothers you but that hole is really only cosmetic.

06-11-2014, 10:48 PM
While it my be part of the design or an overly zealous employee, so far it hasn't caused a problem with it's operation. It shoots as it should.

They are really good guns. The K40 is just about perfect for me, but I'm spending more time with my MK40 these days now that the weather has changed.

marshal kane
06-23-2014, 09:12 AM
That "hole" will most likely go unnoticed by anyone except for you. Shoot and enjoy your new pistol.