View Full Version : The Kimmer

05-20-2014, 01:49 PM
Kim Peterson was on the radio in Atlanta back in the 90's and was one of the best and absolutely the funniest talk radio hosts ever....Kim is real conservative patriot and a former Marine Corp Sergeant who served in Viet Nam and is a huge supporter of the Military, Wounded Warriors and Marine Corp "Toys for Tots"...:Amflag2:

His old station had the best ratings for drive time but was bought out by Clear Channel and went cheap and got rid of all the decent hosts which included Sean Hannity back in the 90's....That station now is an all spanish sports channel if that says anything so what comes around goes around......BUT

The Kimmers back on the air and streaming internet at 106.7 news radio in Atlanta from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm eastern time...If you are in front of your computer and can listen to his show give him a try but beware he's addicting...Give him a listen


05-20-2014, 04:06 PM
I never listened to GST after Neal left and went to WSB. His rating were far higher than Sean in the morning 'Drive Time'. That's the principle reason Sean went to NY, and it was the best thing that ever happened to him. He and Neal are still buddies.

05-20-2014, 05:05 PM
I still miss Neal Boortz in the morning drive but I'm reallly glad to see Kim Peterson is back on the air and can be heard over the net....Kim AKA "The Kimmer" is a real class act and always goes all out to support our Military and Law Enforcement....Back in the late 90's up to 2006 when WGST canned him and promptly went belly up the Kimmer afternoon drive time show was a real treat you could always count on to take your mind off a rough day....

He had and still does on the new show a guy named Jim Gossett who does the best voice impressions I've ever heard call the show prtending to be famous people on Kimmers "News Maker Line" bit and I swear some of those things were so funny I would have to pull off the road to keep from wrecking from laughing so hard....I'm really glad Kimmer is back on the radio and the net and am looking forward to more News Maker calls...

Remember Police Chief John Moose butchering those TV interviews back during the D.C. sniper shootings....Here is a News Maker call sample of Chief John Moose talking to Tom Brokaw done by Jim Gossett....Sheee Man, that's some funny stuff!!!


05-20-2014, 06:06 PM
Flush the lines.