05-22-2014, 05:39 PM
Hey guys and gals,
Anybody try one of this company's products yet. I've been looking around for a kydex OWB for my TP9. I prefer OWB when I can get away w/ it and it's just hard to find a Kahr OWB kydex holster for the 4" guns. But in looking at their OWB, I'm also intrigued by their IWB w/ the single clip. It a MUCH smaller profile than most all of the hybrid pancake products out there. Prices are pretty darn low and their turnaround time is almost instant compared to the 6-8 week waits out there so many times.
So just curious if any Kahr owners are running them, have tried them, and what did you think?
Hey guys and gals,
Anybody try one of this company's products yet. I've been looking around for a kydex OWB for my TP9. I prefer OWB when I can get away w/ it and it's just hard to find a Kahr OWB kydex holster for the 4" guns. But in looking at their OWB, I'm also intrigued by their IWB w/ the single clip. It a MUCH smaller profile than most all of the hybrid pancake products out there. Prices are pretty darn low and their turnaround time is almost instant compared to the 6-8 week waits out there so many times.
So just curious if any Kahr owners are running them, have tried them, and what did you think?