View Full Version : Anybody try these yet? (bullseyeholsters.com)

05-22-2014, 05:39 PM

Hey guys and gals,

Anybody try one of this company's products yet. I've been looking around for a kydex OWB for my TP9. I prefer OWB when I can get away w/ it and it's just hard to find a Kahr OWB kydex holster for the 4" guns. But in looking at their OWB, I'm also intrigued by their IWB w/ the single clip. It a MUCH smaller profile than most all of the hybrid pancake products out there. Prices are pretty darn low and their turnaround time is almost instant compared to the 6-8 week waits out there so many times.

So just curious if any Kahr owners are running them, have tried them, and what did you think?

05-22-2014, 06:20 PM
I haven't tried them, but don't care for a holster with a lot of screws or rivets. I like the simple designs of PJ Holster.

05-23-2014, 07:27 AM
For CCW, I don't like the noise and stiffness of Kydex. I prefer a silent draw, clip free and the soft feel of the Remora. But to each his own.