View Full Version : I ordered the 8-rd mag for my CM9

05-23-2014, 10:31 PM
I ordered the K920, mainly because I got sick of loading 6 rounds at a time at the range, but also because I think it makes sense for a reload. I've heard the 7-round CM9 mags have problems but people have had good luck with the flat-baseplate 8-rounders.

It doesn't matter to me that it is going to stick way out pf the bottom of the gun.

I also lost the baseplate for my one magazine and got sticker shock when I found out Kahr charges $8.80 for them.

I imagine those could be mass-produced very easily for probably less than 40¢ each but - oh well

05-24-2014, 07:15 AM
It does make sense for reloads. Nobody every complained of having too much ammo.
Good job.

05-24-2014, 09:31 AM
I made the same (8 round) decision, Count. Makes me think you must be a genius! ;)

You've probably seen it, but if you have any problems with the 8 rounder, here is a thread about a mod someone did for reliability. It reminded me a bit of the broken follower trouble you had with your new gun... but on purpose! http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=17326

05-25-2014, 04:30 PM
I have had no issues with my 8 round mag and it is very easy to pocket carry.

05-25-2014, 09:26 PM
I've got two 7 rounders, though I find they'll pinch me sometimes. I just got some Pearce grip extensions for my two 6 rounders, and I think I may take some measurements and have someone 3D print me a custom baseplate/extension that closes the gap up a bit.

05-26-2014, 10:37 AM
I like the plane jane mags , NO extensions. My cm9 has been 100% reliable with the cw9 7 round mags and I have always always used the 8 rounder as back up. The extra length helps with mag changes if ever needed. My old stiff finger don't manipulate the short mags as well is in the past.

05-26-2014, 03:26 PM
I ordered the K920, mainly because I got sick of loading 6 rounds at a time at the range, but also because I think it makes sense for a reload. I've heard the 7-round CM9 mags have problems but people have had good luck with the flat-baseplate 8-rounders.

It doesn't matter to me that it is going to stick way out pf the bottom of the gun.

I also lost the baseplate for my one magazine and got sticker shock when I found out Kahr charges $8.80 for them.

I imagine those could be mass-produced very easily for probably less than 40¢ each but - oh well

if it please u, then that is all that matters. I personlly hate any extended magazine in any fokking gun. HadI wanted that I would have ordered a bigger gun, but again this is just my opinion and Muggsy and the colonel will tellyou that my opinion on this forum means nadda.

Just check it out for reliability.

I actually only load 5 rounds at the range in my PMJ9 mag,s as I hat eto try to shove that last round in,m .

I do think if u shoot an extended magazine expecially an 8 rounder out of a cm model that it will change ur grip alot compared to the flush fit smaller grip area. Just be aware of that and u should be OK.

Just shoot it like u stole it.

05-26-2014, 03:59 PM
if it please u, then that is all that matters. I personlly hate any extended magazine in any fokking gun. HadI wanted that I would have ordered a bigger gun, but again this is just my opinion and Muggsy and the colonel will tellyou that my opinion on this forum means nadda.

Well, in this case I agree with you, Jocko. I never use extended mags in any of my pistols. I got rid of the seven rounder for my PM9 w/o ever inserting it. I still use seven round mags in my full sized 1911 and my SIG P220 because that's how they were designed.

05-29-2014, 07:00 AM
Thanks for the link Hawkeye911.

And thanks for the comments.

I don't use extended mags on my pocket pistols, IMO it is silly to buy a pocket pistol and then turn it into a sub-compact by making it taller.

But some of the ranges I go to charge by the hour and I spend a lot of time loading a single 6 round mag over and over.

05-29-2014, 09:22 AM
Yeah, having that extra bullet or two, really saves time.............;):o I got rid of all my mags for all 6 rounders. Really don't care for extended mags. It's a carry gun, not a range gun.

05-29-2014, 11:08 AM
I bought two mags, and maybe I can have my kid load the empty mags while I'm shooting. :)

05-29-2014, 12:57 PM
I've got 18 mags for my CW40. When I'm finished at the range, I take 'em home to fill 'em up.:D:D

05-29-2014, 02:28 PM
I agree with all posts stating that the 6 rounders are best for carry. That's what I have in the MK9 when it's holstered (where size really matters). But backup mags are a different story and there I feel the extra rounds are worth it. Many have reported problems shooting extended mags so put them through their paces before you carry them.

05-29-2014, 06:54 PM
OK guys I’m the one that did that study on the mags and 9mm is a hard single stack because of the taper of the case. I had to build that jig to see what was going on. There where times when the clothes I was wearing I could use the larger mag. Some may say get a bigger gun but with a simple mag change you can get extra rounds, I also did work on the follower that made a big difference. So this is what I did and in the process i made my own mag grip


05-31-2014, 08:43 AM
I still don't totally understand your mod to the follower. Can you explain that?

05-31-2014, 12:07 PM
I just ordered a 8 round mag today for my cm9 i have 3 6 rounders now all have been flawless through 500 rounds hopefully the 8 round mag will run 100% to

05-31-2014, 06:53 PM
As you load more rounds into a single stack 9mm the top round and the second round have more space or play by cutting the back of the follower you force the front of the cartridge up improving feeding you will never get it all but you can improve it. Doing what I have done I can slow cycle the slide and camber a round, I just don’t like seeing things have to fight to get in place. Take this as you may but I want things to work smoothly. If you take 8 rounds of 9 mm and lay them on a table with no gaps you shall see they form a curve and that is why it’s such a fight with a single stack when you go to a double stack the problem goes away because of the side movement of the casings aline much better. The 9mm is a tapered cartridge even the 45 have a slight taper to it but not as bad. You can improve a 6 round mag feeding with a follower mod. You have to try it for yourself and find what works best for you but as myself I know I have 100% feeding with my 8 round mag. Once again look at the photos and I also found that the spring pressure to be too much that's when I started playing around with different spring lengths. I put my findings that have worked for me to help others so do as you will but I put alot of time testing and trying and this all works
