View Full Version : Mag-Jig Holster opinions ?

jg rider
05-26-2014, 01:24 PM
While drinking my first cup of coffee this morning and browsing, I found something that interested me
The wife carries her PM9 in a Remora IWB holster and loves it. I can't get comfortable with it. Feels like it's gonna slip down although it never does.

Well I found this holster. It interests me as a way to carry IWB. There doesn't seem to be very much info that I found about it.
Does any one here have one ?

This is what I found that I thought was worth looking at.





05-26-2014, 03:19 PM
Pretty interesting concept. I like it. Wondering though, from the video vs the review, I'd have to question the one thing that's pretty important to me...reholstering. The video it looks pretty collapsible whereas the review indicated no trouble re-holstering. In the end, it's leather, which is gonna soften and loosen up over time and it doesn't look all that 'hefty' around the mouth like a lot of high-end holsters do.

If you can re-holster easily, I'd stay give it a try. I like the idea! At that price, pretty easy to try it and either return it or dump into the holster shoebox in your closet.