View Full Version : CW45 concern
05-26-2014, 02:11 PM
Hi, I am new. I tried searching the forums for what I am asking but wasnt sure how to phrase it and didnt get anything relevant. So I am starting a new thread.
My primary concern is my CW45 slide likes to push back about a 1/4 of an inch while I am carrying it IWB. I will pull my gun out to put it away and notice the slide resting back a little bit. I am afraid I will need to use it one day and it will be like this and not function properly. Is this valid and is there a fix?
I also noticed it would do this after firing, sometimes the slide would not fully go back in place between shots and would rest right here. No matter if shooting or from carrying, the slightest nudge puts its back where it needs to be.
See pic:
05-26-2014, 02:14 PM
How long have you had the gun? How many rounds have you put through it? Have you polished the feed ramp and barrel chamber? Have you lubed outer the website Kahr diagram?
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05-26-2014, 02:15 PM
I tried making it do this unloaded and it would not. Perhaps the cartridge in the chamber is at fault. Is this a barrel problem, a recoil spring problem, or what? Is this a known issue? Suggestions?
05-26-2014, 02:18 PM
How long have you had the gun? How many rounds have you put through it? Have you polished the feed ramp and barrel chamber? Have you lubed outer the website Kahr diagram?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
It has about 250 rounds through it. The feed ramp is mirror polished. Dont know about chamber. Looks, typical. No idea what you are talking about with last statement but the gun is well lubed and clean.
05-26-2014, 02:25 PM
Speak check. Lubed per website. Mine did the same. Ran more rounds through it so it eventually returns to battery every time. Maybe extractor catching? Some of the smarter brains will chime in. Magazine catching?
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05-26-2014, 03:10 PM
I would check my ammo first off. u could have rounds that are OAl TO LONG AND LODGING IN THE RIFLing a tad. Change ammo and retest, see if that helps any. gotta start somewhere. sasve those photos in case an ammo change does not solve the issue. U will nee d them to send to kahr in an email attn: Jay to show what is happening. Qite possable u have a bad set of recoil springs. U can polish on th back side of the extractor whithout taking the slide all apart. It could be hanging up on thgat extractor a tad which in time it should wear any burr smooth, but again. testit out. With the slide off the gun does a round slide up behind that extractor with bery little pressure??? U should have enough rounds out of the ugn to smooth things out I would think .
change ammo brand, shoot fmj ammo to test out.
I would polish the chamber if u can do it. It wont huyrt a darn thing.
U should witht he slide locked open be able to drop a round into the chamber, give it a tad psuh with ur finner and now see if it will fall out by itself. IT SHOULD DO IT EASILY
keep us posted.
05-26-2014, 03:28 PM
It does this with all ammo put into it. Federal Guard Dog, Hornady Zombie Max, PMC Bronze JHP, Corbon DPX, plus some more I cant recall.
It had an extraction problem a couple times when firing. The shell was hung going out and got smashed/caught as the slide went back forward with the top of the breach. Unsure if related. Everything seems to be in working order and undamaged. It stove pipes with big open JHPs, so I switched to guard dog and zombie max for carry.
05-26-2014, 10:16 PM
Sounds like my P45. Had the same problem with Failures To go into Battery. The slide would stop about 1/8" short of lockup. Used my offhand thumb to press it into battery before firing the next round. Sometimes it was REALLY stuck and I had to smack it hard with the palm of my offhand before it would click into place.
Had a bunch of FTF, FTE and FTB's for the first 750 or so rounds even after sending it to Kahr who fired 280 rounds through it. They couldn't duplicate the symptoms and returned it with no repairs of any kind.
Fiocchi ammo got stuck in the barrel rifling.
Barrel to slide fit was so tight it made an audible *snap* sound when pressed into place. I did A LOT of sanding with 450 and 650 grit Emory cloth on every surface that seemed to catch. Barrel hood, breech face, extractor, slide, everything.
Ran it "wet" as I was told by the gun store who sold it to me.
But the REAL reason for my problems was an intermittent trigger bar problem.
(Also check to make sure the spring is installed facing the right way. The open end should face out, the closed end butts against the guide rod flange. At the end of this video, you can see the guide rod start to poke out the front of the slide while my daughter is shooting:
05-27-2014, 01:02 AM
Sounds like my P45. Had the same problem with Failures To go into Battery. The slide would stop...
Recoil spring is installed correct and checked the trigger bar/slide interaction. All is good on that end. It doesnt appear to be getting caught under the slide and is pushed down everytime.
Anyone else have any ideas?
05-27-2014, 09:44 AM
While, my CW45 or CW9 do not exhibit this behavior (not returning to battery on it's own if the slide is eased back a small amount) my .45 XD-S, 9mm Shield, and Glock 19 do. This only happens with a round in the chamber and a loaded mag in place. The extra friction from the top round of the magazine is just enough to cause the issue. If I push on the XD-S's extractor so as to remove a little tension off the case rim, the slide will go into battery on it's own. One of these days. I might tweak the XD-S's extractor tension (I don't carry the Shield and the G19 has gotten better with use), but I don't really find it much of an issue. I'm careful when holstering any semiauto to make sure the slide is completely forward and most of my holsters have enough tension that they would drag the slide forward when drawing.
So my thoughts as to a "fix":
Have you disassembled the slide and cleaned/inspected the extractor parts (including the tunnel in the slide)?
There's a thread here where a member shortened the pin behind the extractor spring (lessening tension on the extractor) to fix a similar issue on his wife's CW9:
I'd also call Kahr and ask for their thoughts. I'm not saying they'll do so, but in the past they have sent out new recoil springs to folks having return to battery issues.
05-27-2014, 10:42 AM
While, my CW45 or CW9 do not exhibit this behavior (not returning to battery on it's own if the slide is eased back a small amount) my .45 XD-S, 9mm Shield, and Glock 19 do. This only happens with a round in the chamber and a loaded mag in place. The extra friction from the top round of the magazine is just enough to cause the issue. If I push on the XD-S's extractor so as to remove a little tension off the case rim, the slide will go into battery on it's own. One of these days. I might tweak the XD-S's extractor tension (I don't carry the Shield and the G19 has gotten better with use), but I don't really find it much of an issue. I'm careful when holstering any semiauto to make sure the slide is completely forward and most of my holsters have enough tension that they would drag the slide forward when drawing.
So my thoughts as to a "fix":
Have you disassembled the slide and cleaned/inspected the extractor parts (including the tunnel in the slide)?
There's a thread here where a member shortened the pin behind the extractor spring (lessening tension on the extractor) to fix a similar issue on his wife's CW9:
I'd also call Kahr and ask for their thoughts. I'm not saying they'll do so, but in the past they have sent out new recoil springs to folks having return to battery issues.
I am not entirely sure how to disassemble the slide. I will have to look into that. This would be good as I am pretty sure there is some grit trapped up around that button near the back of the slide that is pushed up when you pull the trigger which is causing my trigger to feel gritty during pull.
05-27-2014, 11:19 AM
I am not entirely sure how to disassemble the slide. I will have to look into that. This would be good as I am pretty sure there is some grit trapped up around that button near the back of the slide that is pushed up when you pull the trigger which is causing my trigger to feel gritty during pull.
There's a dis-assembly thread in the "Tech" forum:
Wear eye protection (several parts are under spring tension)
Make yourself a "Ripley Tool" see post #3 in that thread
Some folks like to do the dis-assembly inside a large, clear plastic bag on the chance a small part tries to take flight:eek:
There are also some helpful videos on you tube. IE, a search for "Kahr slide dis-assembly" turned up this:
Re-assembly by the same fella
05-27-2014, 12:35 PM
There's a dis-assembly thread in the "Tech" forum:
Wear eye protection (several parts are under spring tension)
Make yourself a "Ripley Tool" see post #3 in that thread
Some folks like to do the dis-assembly inside a large, clear plastic bag on the chance a small part tries to take flight:eek:
There are also some helpful videos on you tube. IE, a search for "Kahr slide dis-assembly" turned up this:
Re-assembly by the same fella
I think Greg has it. When/if you disassemble the slide check for any sharp edges on the extractor that may bite into the rim of the .45 case. Polish any rough or sharp edges you see and if you can polish the extractor (not removing material, just rough edges and polishing.) Also you can polish the breach face of the slide and make sure it's all smooth.
When you take the slide off you can try sliding a round under the extractor and up the breech face to see how smooth it is of if it wants to hang up. That may point you to something too.
I polished all internals and anywhere metal touches metal and my CW45 is smooth as glass now.
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