View Full Version : Have you ever had to use your gun?

05-26-2014, 10:57 PM
Not talking about taking a trip to the range, or even a hunting trip.

Just curious if any of you have had to actually draw, or fire your gun to defend yourself or another. I know the are a few LEO here so some of them may have.

Hoping I never have to use mine in that fashion but curious if anyone here has.

05-26-2014, 11:11 PM
These questions come up periodically on gun forums. Most people that have had to use their guns don't generally want to talk about it on the net.

05-26-2014, 11:23 PM
Not asking for any details by any means. Just was curious if any had. I know that most of us it is for the peace of mind and never want to have to use them. If no one replies that is all good. My hope is that none of us will be put into that situation

05-27-2014, 12:32 AM
I never have.. my daughter did.

Sheep dip showed up at her home.. ran his mouth and was on the way to the door.. she showed handgun and phone.. he wasn't worried about phone.. knew she had no minutes.. forgot that can still dial 911.. ran when he saw gun.. turned around in drive showing her the tag.. was a bit slow.. she got to watch the law catch him at the stop sign.. officer said she did the right thing..

05-27-2014, 05:47 AM
It would be ignorant to comment on a subject line this online. Your computer records often become a part of any criminal investigation and/or resulting civil suits.

05-27-2014, 05:48 AM
Car jacker (I think - as there was no road rage etc going on, and I was first @ light) came in through passenger window while I was at stop light. He got to stare at the business end of a 1911 45acp. He apologized profusely as he backed out and got into the pickup behind me. I couldn't get them to pass to get a plate number. Thankfully I didn't have to pull the trigger, which I would have if I saw a weapon or he continued into my vehicle. Surprised the crap out of me. This was like 20 years ago.

05-27-2014, 05:49 AM
Not bashful to say I held a man at gunpoint inside my house after he came into my kitchen and started rummaging through the drawers.

05-27-2014, 06:33 AM

05-27-2014, 07:15 AM
I held four juveniles at bay with a shotgun until the police arrived. The juveniles were caught vandalizing automobiles. I've never drawn my carry gun.

05-27-2014, 10:13 AM
I have never had to draw, but I did let someone see the outline under my shirt, which did the trick.

05-27-2014, 12:35 PM
Killed two coons in one of my home made box tree stands one day. When I climbed up and closed the door. I turned around one came at me, so I kicked it back. It scared the crap out of me and the coons. I drew my wife's 380 and fired 3 times to kill the two of them. One hole in the floor but one in each ****. There was no way for me to get out and the coons were just as trapped and surprised as I was. I would have been bit if I didn't protect myself. Otherwise, I would have given them space and they would have ran away. One of those things.

05-27-2014, 12:46 PM
Killed two coons in one of my home made box tree stands one day. When I climbed up and closed the door. I turned around one came at me, so I kicked it back. It scared the crap out of me and the coons. I drew my wife's 380 and fired 3 times to kill the two of them. One hole in the floor but one in each ****. There was no way for me to get out and the coons were just as trapped and surprised as I was. I would have been bit if I didn't protect myself. Otherwise, I would have given them space and they would have ran away. One of those things.

All rise. The dishonorable judge bawanna (hanging judge west of the Pecos) presiding. Give me a peppermint to settle my stomach.

I consider this justifiable homicide, clear cut self defense. The defendant is free to go.

Court adjourned.

05-27-2014, 03:59 PM
Not as a civilian but when I was a Boarding Official did on many occasions, even unloaded some 50 cal. into a drug runner's boat.

05-27-2014, 04:03 PM
I had some guys playing games with me on the interstate in the wee hours of the morning, pulling up close behind and turning on their high beams, then passing and slowing way down, the last time I passed I turned on the dome light with a pistol in my hand pointing up at the roof, to show I was armed and tired of their game, I then heard rubber squealing as they slammed on the brakes, and was not bothered by them again.

05-27-2014, 04:33 PM
Not as a civilian but when I was a Boarding Official did on many occasions, even unloaded some 50 cal. into a drug runner's boat.

Dammit, you didn't invite me for the 50 cal. party!

Thats the kind of thing that keeps folks off my Festivus Card list!

05-27-2014, 05:31 PM
Sometimes just reaching into your pocket and eyeballing the bad guys
can cause a quiet deescalation of aggression.

Or so I've heard...

05-27-2014, 06:17 PM
Killed two coons in one of my home made box tree stands one day. When I climbed up and closed the door. I turned around one came at me, so I kicked it back. It scared the crap out of me and the coons. I drew my wife's 380 and fired 3 times to kill the two of them. One hole in the floor but one in each ****. There was no way for me to get out and the coons were just as trapped and surprised as I was. I would have been bit if I didn't protect myself. Otherwise, I would have given them space and they would have ran away. One of those things.

u mean Racoons:

dd anyone read where at a walmart in cllumbusk Indiana a middle age man mus thave dropped his loaded gun inside the store and it went off and hit a woman with a child in the cart. A sheriff happened to ber in there buying stuff and heard the shot and called for back up and then later on foundout what happened. The fella had a permit and said it fell out of his holster. No charges were filed as he had a ccw permit. My bet this will play out on the libjeral media stations. Would not be surprised to see wal mart even getting sued. I would sure like to know more about the type of gun etc, Makes one wonder if the older guy was fokking with his gun and it went off more so that dropping it and it going bang. anyways the women was not severly injured and luckily the child was not hit eiother, but this kind of stuff certainly isn't helpful to ccw owners either.

I am so sick of hearing ovber and over again this 143 page manifesto of the nut case out in komifornia:blah::blah::blah: Just feeds the next nut cases stomach when he readsof allthe notoriety this nut case ifs getting. Morn for the victims and give this nut case not one second of TV coverage. jSo he could n't get a ***** on and every gal in that area knew it, so he blames them:blah::blah::blah: There will be more:mad: He sure ruind a nice BMW that i for sure.:amflag: