View Full Version : Hero Cat

05-28-2014, 04:12 PM
It is all over the news but just in case you haven't seen it:


05-28-2014, 04:18 PM
I am an animal lover to the max........................that dog needs to be shot in the head.

05-28-2014, 04:21 PM
That cat rocks!

05-28-2014, 04:24 PM
Thats some more BA cat alright...There is another video of the cat throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game (with a little help from his human) The cat makes a hell of a lot better throw than 50 cent did, at least the ball went in the general direction of home plate...

05-28-2014, 04:43 PM
In an earlier life I had a black cat. Called it CC. I translated to Comehere Cat, others said Cute Cat. Didn't really matter never came when you called it anyhow.
But it was a 1 man cat. It would sit on my lap, try to sleep on my head at night, just real friendly. But lord help anyone else especially male that tried to touch that cat. Had a friend was gonna make friends with that cat, I thought he was gonna bleed out trying to get that cat out from under the couch or under tables etc. He was ripped to rags on both arms and a couple good ones on the face.

I framed in an addition on the front of my first house and CC was sitting in the framed in window hole, no windows yet. A black lab walked underneath into the side yard. CC let it go but when it came back out and went to leave she jumped on that dogs back! It was like bronc riding out of the chute, that dog was like it got electrocuted or something. CC didn't get no where near the 8 second ride but rode a good 20 feet or better. Still chuckle about it.

05-28-2014, 05:46 PM
Reminds me of the cat we were owned by when I was a kid. Shandar had all her claws and was a cool cat. One Sunday while I was in High School, my two best friends were over watching the Bears with me. My buddy John is leaned back against the couch and the cat is on his chest. He's rubbing the cat and as the Bears get closer to the goal line, he is rubbing faster and faster. The cat is really liking this. Then Walter Payton breaks free for one of those awesome runs and John sits up, cheering. The cat freaks and digs all four sets of claws in to hang on. John's screaming, and my other pal, Andy yells "I got her!" and grabs the cat, ripping it loose from John's chest the hard way! I' don't remember if they won that game or not, but I will never forget that play!

05-28-2014, 09:04 PM
We had a tomcat that lived outside with our border collie a few years ago. It wasn't good for much, we didn't like each other too well at first either. He was the terror of all the dogs in the neighborhood though. He would jump on any dog that got on our property, they soon learned to give him a wide berth, did not matter how big a dog either, he would just jump on them with all 4 claws.

I never did really like him, but I came to respect him . Cats are pretty interesting animals.

05-29-2014, 07:48 AM
What is not to like about a fiesty furry ?ussy ;) cat