View Full Version : The Constitution: A dangerous document

06-09-2010, 08:13 PM
Wilder Publications is now putting a warning label on the Constitution. Anyone want to bet that the Second Amendment is part of the reason they think it is outdated?

FOXNews.com - Publishing Company Under Fire for Putting Warning Label on Constitution (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/06/09/publishing-company-putting-warning-label-constitution/)

06-09-2010, 10:31 PM
For sure. I heard about this on one of the Fox programs. Congress pretty much ignores our founding documents and laughs about it hindering them from doing whatever they want. They can list almost anything under the commerce regulation powers.
Wilder ought to be boycotted out of existence.

06-10-2010, 12:28 PM
Maybe like one poster said it's meant as a wake up call. Otherwise boycott hell, burn that company to the ground. I can't imagine the size of the stones it took to put that warning on the most sacred of American documents. In any event, it took some cojones to do that.

06-10-2010, 01:44 PM
Since when does it require "stones" to be "PC" or to give in to the "PC Police"?
I think it's usually the opposite, but more likely, there are more than a few PC revisionist types there.
We have about two generations, now, of young adults brought up and educated in Government Schools... dumbed down to the lowest common denominator and taught the Progressive Revisionist history, rather than our nation's real beginning and why we had to fight for freedom from the British and continue to be strong enough to keep that liberty today. Too many have no real concept of what true liberty is. It's certainly not demanding and getting all of your needs fulfilled by an ever increasing central government whose aim is total control of every aspect of your life by making you dependent on the government for everything.
When Capitalism and the evil rich are gone, there will only be the government "elite" who will decide who works, who makes what, and if your productivity is enough to justify your continued existence.
But first, they have to disarm all of those pesky "citizens" and get beyond those inconvenient documents our forefathers wrote to protect us from such a tyrannical government as now looms over our future.

06-12-2010, 07:59 AM
Wynn, I agree with you to a point. My point went like this: perhaps what you are saying is what this publishing company is trying to get across. As for the giving in to the PC police, I don't think that is where they were going. I also said that if it is the case that this company is truly moronic like that, then a boycott would be to slow to get them to close their doors. I'm trying to hold hope that we are not lost here, if the publishers believe their little warning, then I fear for this great nation.