View Full Version : The Boberg went back to the factory

05-31-2014, 11:52 AM
I bet some of you have been expecting to see this. The darn thing had a problem that needed addressed.

It's not what you might be thinking. The grip screws rusted. I was going to get new stainless steel ones from the hardware store, but I received an email from Boberg, asking if I wanted to send the pistol in for to have the latest updates applied to it, free of charge, shipping paid both ways, so I sent it in. It was gone about 3 weeks to a month. For one of the processes they have to finish the batch of frames currently on the production line, and then set the machine up to do the upgrades and run a batch of pistols for upgrading. So the time they had it depended on when the machine became available. It says I have a new trigger, front sight, mag release, main spring, extractor springs, and mag springs. And the lift mechanism that moves the round up so the slide can chamber it, was modified to the latest standard. I can sure tell a new mainspring was installed, it's as stiff as it was when new. I'll have to do a break in on it, and get my 200 trouble free rounds before its back in the carry rotation.

They said the upgrades were totally optional, that the pistol would remain reliable whether I sent it in or not, but I figured why not, if they were paying for everything including the shipping.

They now have a .45 acp in the line. Now if I can get Uncle Bawanna to send me a $1k, I'll be set to order one. They also have the longer barrel version the XR9-L, which gives the pistol more conventional look, and has an accessory rail, with a 4.2" barrel.

05-31-2014, 12:59 PM
Well Tman I'm short about 960 bucks of that grand but the 40 is yours pal. I won't have enough fuel to make it to work by end of the week but I need a few days off anyhow.

Happy to help anyway I can.

05-31-2014, 01:02 PM
Gee, I wouldn't want you to miss all the fun at your job, so I think you should keep your $40. I do appreciate the offer though. :)

05-31-2014, 01:12 PM

05-31-2014, 01:50 PM
Thats a good sign. The fact they're offering customer's free upgrades to the guns, instead of just saying "gen 1 gun is lacking blah blah". Sounds like a stand up company. I wouldn't mind playing with one if they didn't cost so much...

05-31-2014, 02:43 PM
So, did they fix the grip screws? :)

05-31-2014, 04:26 PM
27 cents inbound....keep an eye on the mailbox. Glad to help! PM me if you don't get it by October 3.

06-01-2014, 05:46 AM
We have his and hers Bobergs and have not been contacted.
Perhaps they are taking them according to the date of manufacture.

We received our guns Oct. of 2012. Our serial numbers are less than 700.

Please let me know how the changes work out, and weather or not you would do it again.


06-01-2014, 07:07 AM
Tman or AIRret,
Seeing your posts, I went to the boberg web page and saw that the california version of the 9mm is a 25acp single shot.
That blows my mind.

06-01-2014, 08:51 AM
Gee, I wouldn't want you to miss all the fun at your job, so I think you should keep your $40. I do appreciate the offer though. :)

Colonel Why would you want to miss this?

06-01-2014, 09:35 AM
Tman or AIRret,
Seeing your posts, I went to the boberg web page and saw that the california version of the 9mm is a 25acp single shot.
That blows my mind.

You'd probably do more damage throwing the gun at the BG

06-01-2014, 10:16 AM
Why would anyone want a single shot .25 cal barrel with their Boberg 9mm?? Is there a big DEMAND for that in Kommifornia??


06-01-2014, 11:46 AM
100Percent, that is just crazy, WHY would anyone in their right mind spend that much for a single shot .25acp.

AirRet, you might want to send them an email, I think info@bobergarms.com is the email address for questions. Your gun may already include the upgrades. Or they may be going up the list from the bottom, by serial number and haven't got to you yet. Other than the new trigger and grips screws, I can't really tell much difference in the gun, other than it being very stiff, as it was when new. No doubt due to the new mainspring.

And yes they replaced the grip screws.

AirRet, When my daughters gun comes in, we will probably take them both to the indoor range and break them both in. So I'll probably have an update for you next weekend, if my daughter can make it into town. I want her to take the first shots out of it, so she can say she fired the first rounds out of her brand new gun.
The Boberg was test fired before it was returned, with no problems. I do hope the did something to keep the brass from hitting me in the forehead. I'm glad to see another Boberg owner on the forum. Have you had any problems at all? Do your empty mags eject from the gun, or do you have to pull them out as I have too? I figure is must be designed that way, or they would have fixed it. My serial number is under 200, so if they are going by serial number it may be awhile before they get to yours.

06-01-2014, 03:33 PM
Hey Tman, no our mags. do not eject…you have to pull them out.

The following is our feed back on the Boberg XR9s;

Mine: I had issues the first couple of times out until I figured out how to run the gun. Apparently, at first I wasn't aggressive enough when loading the first round. Now I PUSH and Pull with both arms when I sling shot the slide! Since then I have had NO issues. I did install the 6.5lb spring and really enjoy the gun. I only carry it as a back up because I'm a little uncomfortable with the fact that the gun does not lock back on the last round.
Maybe I'm too careful but I prefer to keep my gun manipulations as similar as possible……. The gun not locking back gives me a "little" cause for concern.
I always carry one or two spare mags. and I practice changing them out, so
the fact that the Boberg doesn't lock back throws me.
I've found myself pausing too long at the range when the gun is empty!
I guess if it was my only gun it wouldn't be a problem, but thank the LORD I have many other guns.

My Husbands gun has had a few malfunctions (fail to feed and stove pipe) and for awhile (until he glued it) his hammer pivot pin was backing out (it's a set screw).

Neither one of us has had an issue with a bullet coming apart. We usually shoot WWB (in the Boberg) and have not tried any of our reloads. And, considering the mechanics of the gun I can understand the reasons they recommend factory ammo.

I will say one thing; the gun is the easiest to rack of any semi I've ever handled!!

I'm very much looking forward to your range report.

OOPS, I almost forgot! My Hubby rarely gets hit with brass from his Boberg.
I…..on the other hand get beat-up!! I thought that was because I became a lefty in 2011!
It is sooooo bad that if I don't wear a hat I'm cut about %50 of the time! War wounds!
The Boberg ejects the round so forcibly that several times the range officer thought we were running very hot hand loads.
When we shoot on public land (gravel pits) we have to set up a back stop behind us to knock down the brass so we can collect it to reload….it flys at least 25 feet.

06-01-2014, 05:08 PM
I am of the beliefe that being a lefty has something todo with betting hit by the brass. I being a lefty have had this to happen on my glocks alot, , not so much with my PMJ9 or my K9 but I can see how it can happen to lefty. Again if the boberg works OK accept it as such, It was never meant to be a range gun IMO;. If u carry it 24/7 and getting hit mayb ewith the brass in a SHITF situation thing aobut eh bad guy who is gettig hit wit what was on the end of that brass round at one time.. Jut sayin

I have never been attracted to the Boberg, so in all honesty, I felt what he did was a engineering feat but again why try to reinvent the wheel was my thougts to, but thats why I don't ow one and you own two..:Amflag2:

06-02-2014, 03:31 AM
I am of the beliefe that being a lefty has something todo with betting hit by the brass. I being a lefty have had this to happen on my glocks alot, , not so much with my PMJ9 or my K9 but I can see how it can happen to lefty. Again if the boberg works OK accept it as such, It was never meant to be a range gun IMO;. If u carry it 24/7 and getting hit mayb ewith the brass in a SHITF situation thing aobut eh bad guy who is gettig hit wit what was on the end of that brass round at one time.. Jut sayin

I have never been attracted to the Boberg, so in all honesty, I felt what he did was a engineering feat but again why try to reinvent the wheel was my thougts to, but thats why I don't ow one and you own two..:Amflag2:

I agree being a lefty is a big factor when it comes to getting hit with the brass.

And yes the bad guy would be getting the worst of it!

06-02-2014, 07:59 AM
For what it is........................too expensive.

06-02-2014, 11:09 AM
The slide doesn't lock back, because you have to pull the slide back to put the new round onto the lift plate. If the slide locked back, you'd have to release it, then pull it back again to move the round onto the lift plate, so it would get moved up into place for the slide to move it into the chamber.
I suppose they could have made it so the slide locked back when the mag was empty, with the next round already on the lift plate. Best thing to do is count the rounds, then when the last round is chambered switch mags. I know that seems a little much, but that's the only solution I've come up with. I too had a few rounds get hung up by not pulling the slide all the way back and the round getting hung up in the feed mechanism. Didn't take long to figure out to pull the slide all the way back when loading the first round. But I still really like the gun, despite is peculiarities. And most SD situations they say only 2-4 shots are exchanged. So hopefully it won't be a problem in a real life situation. I'm right handed and still got beaned on the head quite a few times by empty cases.

06-02-2014, 02:08 PM
Yes Tman, I still like the gun as well. It's in my carry rotation but usually as a back up.

What kind of SD round do you use with the Boberg. I use HST 124gr most of the time.