View Full Version : Complacency and no situational awareness!

06-01-2014, 03:21 PM
This guy was very lucky!

P320 Entry: "I'll Only Be Out For A Few Minutes" | The Truth About Guns (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/06/daniel-zimmerman/p320-entry-ill-minutes/)

Locking your car doors is very important... even if you forget your EDC... and an EDC knife can be handy!


06-01-2014, 03:31 PM
Don't leave home without it. Always armed, always prepared.

06-01-2014, 04:03 PM
You never know when, where, why, how, who, what. Like Muggsy said...don't leave home without it. Good lesson and reminder wyntrout. Thanks for the post.

06-01-2014, 04:13 PM
Also consider hitting the gas, car in front of you or not.

06-01-2014, 04:33 PM
Question for members. I pocket carry. If I have my pants on,I am armed. For my activities both at work and at home this form of carry is best for me. The only time I feel at a disadvantage is when I am seatbelt buckled in a car. I have more than one carry gun and multiple holster types. Sometimes I am the driver and sometimes the passenger. I could use a car attached holster,but there would be times I would have to leave the pistol in the parked car. I can ankle carry, waistband carry, shoulder holster carry, pouch carry, etc. My problem would be at some destinations (work),or if I am a passenger, I would need to remove the holster while in the car but do not wish to flash the fact that I carry armed. I would still always have my pocket carry as my primary carry. Thanks for your suggestions.

06-01-2014, 04:53 PM
I carry IWB with a Cross Breed Mini Tuck for 4 of my larger Kahrs OR the P380 in a C.O.M. Kydex holster when I need easy on and off before dismounting. I use a worn Uncle Mike's IWB holster... soft... and put it in my pocket when I have to disrobe at the doctors' offices.

It IS a hindrance with a seat belt on, but I try to remain alert to my surroundings and drive with the windows up and the doors locked. I pull my shirt clear of the seat belt sometimes, but it's not optimal for a quick draw.

Situational awareness will give me time to lean away from the pistol and draw it... or clear it enough to do so if warranted by possible threats. I want my EDC on me at all times and not in the car if I get out to pump gas... another chance to screw up!


Longitude Zero
06-01-2014, 05:11 PM
Multiple lessons learned here. Have a gun, LOCK YOUR DOORS. If you are not the first car at the light leave enough room in front of you vehicle to escape or at least maneuver. This sounds more like HUA/lacking SI more than anything else.

06-01-2014, 05:18 PM
Just today, I got home from the grocery store and only then realized I wasn't wearing a side arm. When I opened the drawer when I keep keys/wallet/etc and saw my carry gun laying there. Like the man said...so used to it/comfortable I didn't notice the absence. Interesting.

06-01-2014, 05:38 PM
I try to check for everything before I leave the house... using both hands... mag, pistol, knife, wallet, keys, phone, lottery tickets... have forgotten the last two items a few times, but haven't forgotten my pistol in a few years!

I wear my P380 around the house so that I don't forget a gun when I go to the door or outside for a moment. I really forget that it's on my hip... IWB with UM soft holster... good for short pocket carry, too.


06-01-2014, 06:20 PM
thats ol age wyn, I try to do what ur saying to but I forget alot of it.

06-01-2014, 06:24 PM
OK good people. this soldier that we traded 5 prisners for,. Was this a good move on our part, ??? Alot of talk tha the might hav ejust walked away form his base yadda yadda. Have we now started a precedent here???

Just asking, i would want my son home, even if he did walk away from his base etc and be judged and tried here, but have we started sumpin that maybe will come and bite us in the ass..

06-01-2014, 06:57 PM
Question for members. I pocket carry. If I have my pants on,I am armed. For my activities both at work and at home this form of carry is best for me. The only time I feel at a disadvantage is when I am seatbelt buckled in a car. I have more than one carry gun and multiple holster types. Sometimes I am the driver and sometimes the passenger. I could use a car attached holster,but there would be times I would have to leave the pistol in the parked car. I can ankle carry, waistband carry, shoulder holster carry, pouch carry, etc. My problem would be at some destinations (work),or if I am a passenger, I would need to remove the holster while in the car but do not wish to flash the fact that I carry armed. I would still always have my pocket carry as my primary carry. Thanks for your suggestions.

Don't worry about flashing. Just take care of yourself.

06-01-2014, 08:01 PM
Thanks Wyn for keeping it real

06-01-2014, 08:10 PM
That "POW" seems to have planned joining the Taliban. We traded a traitor for 5 seasoned terrorist commanders... not a good precedence! The guy's dad seems a far out whacko, too, wanting the Islamists to kick our butts.

Meanwhile, The VA bosses are making our veterans wait and die so that the bosses can "earn" bonuses. They ought to go to prison!


Longitude Zero
06-01-2014, 09:46 PM
That "POW" seems to have planned joining the Taliban. We traded a traitor for 5 seasoned terrorist commanders... not a good precedence! The guy's dad seems a far out whacko, too, wanting the Islamists to kick our butts.

Meanwhile, The VA bosses are making our veterans wait and die so that the bosses can "earn" bonuses. They ought to go to prison!



06-02-2014, 10:05 AM
the guys who really get captured are missing their heads. The fact that this guy has been alive for so long says a lot. Just sayn

BTW his dad need a haircut.

06-02-2014, 10:29 AM
The Taliban held him for five years. I think that the federal government should hold him in a military prison for another twenty years for desertion. I believe in leniency. His old man looks like a Jihadist.