View Full Version : My LCR...

06-05-2014, 06:49 PM
So I have been carrying my kahr cw9 only for a long while now. I still shoot it as often as my other handguns to keep up on my skills. My kahr cw9 has the wolff spring and trijicon night sights. I also have two holsters, crossbreed and a remora. As the summer has gotten warmer I am really starting to dislike my crossbreed kahr combo. I ordered a Pj holster last week and I think that will cure my discomfort.

For now though I been loving my LCR. Been carrying it off and on lately and have really warmed up to it. Love the short grip and I can shoot the lights out with it. It is 15.9 oz loaded and is very comfortable to wear.

I still love my kahr and always will, just gotta get my OCD holster issue fixed and it will go back to my edc. But tomorrow I think I'll carry the LCR .38.

Just an update. Don't expect many responses considering this thread is mostly me rambling. If you have recently made changes of your carry or holster I wouldn't mind reading about it ;)


06-05-2014, 07:21 PM
I like my KLCR quite a bit also and probably average carrying it about once a week. Great little revolver!

06-05-2014, 07:28 PM
The Crossbreed is one fine holster, but due to it's size, tends to be a very warm carry. Bladetech makes some very good holsters for IWB for most guns.

06-05-2014, 07:37 PM
I like the looks of that holster.

I've toted a lot of different guns through the years and still/always come back to LW J-Frames carried IWB for casual, warm weather concealed carry. They ride light and well with zero print concerns and a speed strip or two, if wanted, disappear in the offside front pocket.

06-05-2014, 07:48 PM
I toted an SP101 most of the winter OWB. Then migrated back to the MK9/K40 OWB as it got warmer and now I'm IWB (just to minimize printing in lighter clothes). Weight doesn't bother me but I gotta admit the LCRx is calling. I am a big fan of Ruger revolvers. Nice rig.

06-05-2014, 07:58 PM
Love my CW40. love my .357 LCR, love my LCP (pocket carry) and now have an M&P Shield 9. Things are getting complicated.

06-06-2014, 08:55 AM
Been pocket carrying for a while and decided I needed a change and another option. Purchased a High Noon Centerfold IWB. Can't say enough good things about them. Nice leather, comfortable, cheap, good service. Carry at 2:00 position. So far, so good.

06-08-2014, 05:13 PM
LCRs are very nice. If they had been around when I bought my 642, I may have gotten the Ruger. Most LCRs that I have handled have pretty nice triggers for a DAO gun. Pocket carry is quite nice in the heat of the SE. My new CW380 has filled the niche when my wardrobe choice (jeans, etc) makes my little J-frame just a bit too bulky.

I'm glad that you are enjoying that wheelgun!