View Full Version : Magazines

06-05-2014, 07:46 PM
I have been told several times that "officer" 1911 mags will fit the CW45. If true, I can buy these for $15-$20 each. Anyone with experience with this?

06-05-2014, 08:30 PM
Yes they have been known to work. Some require some minor tuning, others work pretty well out of the box.
My PM45 runs fine on Wilson 1911 mags, the 8 rounders. It sometimes balks on the officer size Wilsons. Still trying to figure that one out. Same mag, same follower, only difference might be a slight difference in spring tension.

GB had a pretty good handle on this and has a CW45.

He's put far more effort into the research and operation than I. I expect he'll be along shortly.

06-05-2014, 08:59 PM
I have had good luck with Metalform officers mags. Had to trim the top to clear the slide and they would not lock slide back. Fed good though. I now use the Metalform mags with Kahr springs and followers in my carry gun. This combo works great and locks the slide back. Chip McCormick officers mags worked also but wouldn't lock slide back. The main advantage is mags fit flush, no ugly plastic base sticking down.

06-06-2014, 01:19 AM
I have been told several times that "officer" 1911 mags will fit the CW45. If true, I can buy these for $15-$20 each. Anyone with experience with this?

Yes they have been known to work. Some require some minor tuning, others work pretty well out of the box.
My PM45 runs fine on Wilson 1911 mags, the 8 rounders. It sometimes balks on the officer size Wilsons. Still trying to figure that one out. Same mag, same follower, only difference might be a slight difference in spring tension.

GB had a pretty good handle on this and has a CW45.

He's put far more effort into the research and operation than I. I expect he'll be along shortly.
My impetus for using using Officer's/Compact 1911 magazines in my CW45 was a flush fit. What info/results I and others found in regards to this can be read here: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3317
It's along thread, so to be brief: I, like doublebarrel, use modified Officer's/compact magazine tubes with Kahr internals. I've never had an issue with this setup.

Some folks report that certain ACT-Mag magazines work without modification.
There are part numbers for these mags and a link to a thread about them here: http://www.kahrtalk.com/showpost.php?p=239788&postcount=322
