View Full Version : New CW9 Initial Break In

06-07-2014, 09:45 PM
I picked up my new Kahr CW9 from Carter's Country in Houston on Monday. Over the next few evenings I cycled the action over 200 times, thoroughly cleaned it, and applied a coating of Ballistol oil on the internals.

This morning I finally had a chance to shoot it at the range. After reviewing some of the more negative videos about this model on YouTube, I was a little apprehensive as to how this pistol would perform. I had purchased the following ammo for this break in session:

Prvi Partizan 115 grain, FMJ, 100 rounds
Fiocchi 124 grain, FMJ, 100 rounds
Remington Golden Saber, 124 grain, JHP, 25 rounds
Hornady Critical Defense 115 grain, Flex Tip Expanding, 25 rounds

I alternated the FMJ rounds before shooting the hollow points, and I was very pleased with the performance of this gun. I fired all 250 rounds without any issues at all. No failures to feed, no jams, nothing. The pistol worked flawlessly.

I bought this gun in hopes of carrying it over the summer. My main carry gun has been a CZ75 Compact, which works great when I'm wearing jeans, but it is too heavy for shorts or lighter material pants.

The trigger on the CW9 leaves a lot to be desired when compared with the CZ75, but it is much more comfortable to carry, and with additional time at the range, I can easily become accustomed to it.http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/Hardshell_Redux/20140607_125851FNL_zpsd111ed24.jpg

06-07-2014, 10:09 PM
Welcome . Pocket carry edc cm9 for me. Has not been ammo sensitive. My CW45 a little more ammo picky but 100% with ammo it likes. Great picture.

06-07-2014, 10:15 PM
Excellent. It seems that many folks are having a trouble-free break in period with their new Kahrs. Having a pistol the size and weight of your new CW9 will make a huge difference while carrying vs your CZ. Very nice picture BTW. All tho there is something missing....

The CZ75 compact. I'm a big fan. Congrats on having two fine specimens.

06-07-2014, 10:44 PM
Actually, I also took the CZ with me to the range today........http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/Hardshell_Redux/20140607_130035_zpsd4d8fe2d.jpg

Bill K
06-08-2014, 06:49 AM
Welcome to the forum...

You got a good one, that's great!

06-08-2014, 10:36 AM
Actually, I also took the CZ with me to the range today........

Now that is an awesome picture! You should be proud Sir.

06-08-2014, 04:43 PM
I have 2 CW9s and a CM9. I followed all this forum's advice on gun/magazine prep and have never had a jam in any.:)

06-08-2014, 05:09 PM
That really sucks..................when this happens.................you should trade it right away, something must be wrong................250 rounds without trouble, ridiculous.;)

06-08-2014, 05:25 PM
I picked up my new Kahr CW9 from Carter's Country in Houston on Monday. Over the next few evenings I cycled the action over 200 times, thoroughly cleaned it, and applied a coating of Ballistol oil on the internals.

This morning I finally had a chance to shoot it at the range. After reviewing some of the more negative videos about this model on YouTube, I was a little apprehensive as to how this pistol would perform. I had purchased the following ammo for this break in session:

Prvi Partizan 115 grain, FMJ, 100 rounds
Fiocchi 124 grain, FMJ, 100 rounds
Remington Golden Saber, 124 grain, JHP, 25 rounds
Hornady Critical Defense 115 grain, Flex Tip Expanding, 25 rounds

I alternated the FMJ rounds before shooting the hollow points, and I was very pleased with the performance of this gun. I fired all 250 rounds without any issues at all. No failures to feed, no jams, nothing. The pistol worked flawlessly.

I bought this gun in hopes of carrying it over the summer. My main carry gun has been a CZ75 Compact, which works great when I'm wearing jeans, but it is too heavy for shorts or lighter material pants.

The trigger on the CW9 leaves a lot to be desired when compared with the CZ75, but it is much more comfortable to carry, and with additional time at the range, I can easily become accustomed to it.http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/Hardshell_Redux/20140607_125851FNL_zpsd111ed24.jpg

anutter gun to anutter gun. just not right for either. Ur kahr has the smoothest trigger system on thge market. Yes it is loooong by design, so get used to that, it is whgat it is. Ur CZ probaby has some type of external safety on it also. the safety of ur kahr is what is between ur ears. U had a great first round shoot to. so enjoy the gun, shoot close, its not a target gun, but it will save ur life as u will carry it more than any utter gun u own IMO. CZ is a gtreat gun just no\t foar to comare it to a kahr, for IMO a kahr out does the CZ in alot of ways , gonna find sumpin on every gun one likes and sumpin on every gun that you don't like. If they allwere the same then we would nly have one gun maker...

welcome abaord.:Amflag2: