View Full Version : P250 anyone?

06-08-2014, 05:31 PM
Before I was very much sold on Kahr, I was about to buy a Sig und Sauerkraut P250 in .45ACP, sub-compact size.

Alas, pulling all the strings I could still pull, calling in some favors, there were no P250's being made in .45ACP in sub-compact flavor. Engineering hold, they said.

So, I happily got a Kahr PM-45. And another. And a PM-9j as well.

Now it seems, the P250 is being made, and is available in .45ACP, and the sub compact size.

I'm familiar with the P250..... its trigger is ok, not anywhere as nice as the Kahr trigger. But it holds a bunch of ammo in a compact size, about the size of a P-45, but thicker.


Any thoughts? I could get one.or.... possibly a KP-45, which is less expensive.

No particular need, but why pass on a nice .45ACP handgun, right?

06-08-2014, 05:52 PM
I looked at a P250 in 45 sometime ago, but as fond as I am of SIG's, I couldn't get past the loooong trigger pull. Too bad they didn't make it with the conventional SIG DA/SA. I would have jumped on that in a heartbeat.

06-08-2014, 05:54 PM
I had a P250C .45 it felt fantastic in my hand but just couldn't get used to the long pull, it was very accurate & never had a problem with any ammo.
as a matter of fact I used it to take my CC class, I would suggest finding 1 on a shelf & try it out for yourself.

06-08-2014, 05:58 PM
longer than a Kahr?

06-08-2014, 06:01 PM
longer than a Kahr?

Yes. Almost as smooth but longer.

06-08-2014, 06:07 PM

I guess I would have to try it. I've heard nothing but good about P250s otherwise. Can you get your hands on one for a test drive CJB?

I agree that DA/SA would be my preference. Am I correct thinking that Sig safety levers are also de-cockers?

06-08-2014, 06:30 PM
I've already tried one. The trigger is ok, but not as nice a Kahr.
And, I just found out that the P250 .45 sub-compact is a 6+1 handgun.

Screw it. I'd rather have a CW45

06-09-2014, 09:09 AM
I've already tried one. The trigger is ok, but not as nice a Kahr.
And, I just found out that the P250 .45 sub-compact is a 6+1 handgun.

Screw it. I'd rather have a CW45
Ditto...............................and I like Sig's.............

06-09-2014, 07:36 PM
Have had several P250's, still have a subcompact in 357 Sig.
Good trigger, but my daily carry is a PM9 or MK9.

06-09-2014, 08:12 PM
And I'm still squirmy - CW45 or CT45

I'm thining.... get the CW and add in the CT components