View Full Version : Range report P380

06-11-2010, 09:35 AM
Hello group:

I'm new to the group and a new owner of a P380. I have several guns including a CW9 and a P380. I am also an Leo. I had a Ruger LCP and had to qualify with it for both on duty as a BUG and for off duty carry. I hated that gun. Always fired but couldn't get use to the trigger and it was a snappy gun that was not fun to shoot. Sold it after about 6 months of carry.

I went to the range yesterday with the Kahr. It was like butter. Fired 50 rounds of Blazer brass with out a problem. No FTF or FTE and no misfires. Then fired 50 rounds of Magtech with the exact same story. Both brands were 95 grains and FMJ. I couldn't be happier. Furthermore the gun was a pleasure to shoot. Smooth trigger and no problems with slide. In a nutshell, the gun was flawless. The only problem was I ran out of ammo....Should have brought at least 100 more rounds.

There was a guy next to me shooting the LCP. We traded weapons and needless to say he was jealous and I was thrilled when I reconfirmed that I had made the correct decision. I've read some people say save your money and get the LCP or that you could get two LCP's for the price of the P380 but I'm here to tell you that as an LEO I'd rather shoot the P380 and trust it as a BUG than the LCP. I will actually be using this both as a BUG on duty and as my everyday carry off duty.

I would say it is good to go as a BUG gun for me. I'll continue to throw bullets down range with it, and I'll post my results here. Right now getting different kinds of ammo isn't the problem for me it is the cost associated with buying it.

06-11-2010, 10:02 AM
Welcome. 380 is again scarce here in central NC and expensive when you can find it. I bought a box a month ago. It was lawman brand 95 grain fmj box of 50 for $28. I can buy a box of 9mm for $10 federal brand.

I have a LCP and like it and shoot ok with it. But I don't really carry it much since I got a PM9. I pocket carry the PM9 in a pocket stuffer holster. I also have a laser guard on it.

I paid $549 (~$578 with tax) for a new PM9 and $320 for the LCP. I bet you paid for your P380 close to what I paid for the PM9. I think the P380 is over priced since it costs about the same as a PM9. I would like to have a P380 but it should be priced lower than the PM9.

06-11-2010, 10:06 AM
Should have mentioned I did buy it for $525 new and ammo I paid $18.49 per box.

06-11-2010, 10:32 AM
I think the P380 is over priced since it costs about the same as a PM9.

I've heard this before and I simply don't understand it. Should guns be sold by the pound? Some may even argue that a miniaturized item should be even more expensive because it is harder to manufacture.

06-11-2010, 10:33 AM
I say what price love. If the P380 fits your need and your happy with the way it works for you the rest is only money. I don't totally agree that the 380 should be much cheaper than the 9 either, it's basically all the same stuff and takes the same effort to build with only a little shorter cartridge.
All Kahrs seem overpriced to me but thats the free world market at least for now. Kind of a walk or make payments scenario.
Welcome Hop, what part of the world to you reside in? I'm not a stalker hunting down lawmen or anything. I work with the lawmen here in Washington. Ok I'm an office puke but I'm also an armorer so I get to play with the good stuff which helps get thru the day with all this paperwork and computer nightmare stuff.

06-11-2010, 12:55 PM
Before I bought the P380, i too did shoot the LCP and I did not find it comfortable to shoot.

I have done the range work with my P380 as Kahr said and I would trust my life with it. Sure, it is costlier, but after some real hard 'soul searching' on which to buy, i bought the Kahr becaue of the confidence factor.

I truly believe that if you ever had to use a firearm to protect your life or the lives of your loved ones, it will not really matter how much money you spent when you made your purchase.

I too did not like the trigger on the Ruger and it seemed to point low for me. Plus I could not see any type of sight picture.

True, you may not need a sight picture at close distance, but who is the one that determines the distance in an actual confrontation.

I liked the P380 so much, that i have just purchased a CW 9 and i will give a report when I take it to the range.

06-11-2010, 01:58 PM
Ok everybody, just forget what I said about "cost." :roll:

I got the LCP before the P380 was out but I like my Pm9 more.

06-12-2010, 12:07 PM
To answer a few questions: I work in Utah. Ammo is still fairly cheap and available. Would I rather have a 40 over a 9mm, and a 9mm over 380 from a power stand point...obvious answer is yes. However, I find the PM9 to be just too big and yes even dare I say too heavy for pocket carry which is how I like to carry when not on duty. Thus I have options like Kel-tec, Ruger, Kahr and Sig P238 in 380 auto. I could go to a 32 auto and have a beretta tomcat thrown in the mix, but then again I am moving away from where I want to be. Anything is better than nothing and a well placed shot is still a man stopper with any caliber (I put down approximately 50 deer in the last 3 years with a .22cal, injured deer that have been hit by a car) My point is this the P380 is not in the same class as a PM9. Also, every person must decide for themselves if they want to carry a larger caliber with less concealability or a smaller caliber with greater concealability. For me I have chosen smaller because I find if I can't carry comfortable it is harder for me to want to carry at all. So for me it is pocket carry or hip carry. If I am going to hip carry while off duty, I will carry my Kahr CW9 or my service weapon which is a Springfield xd40. If I am going to pocket carry it is the P380.