View Full Version : Help this pistol packin' mama out! Will my Kahr accidentally discharge??

06-09-2014, 04:17 PM
I recently purchased the Kahr CW380 which has a very tight spring. I can only rack the slide to load a round about half the time because it is so difficult. I am considering carrying my CW380 with a round in the chamber to avoid having to chamber it if/when I need to draw. My only concern with carrying a round in the chamber is the possibility of an accidental discharge. I am not worried about the trigger being pulled accidentally; I am talking about it being bumped, etc. and discharging. Is it even possible for this to happen? If so, how likely? Thanks for the input!!!

06-09-2014, 04:22 PM
Perfectly safe to carry with a round chambered. Foolish not to even if your the winner of the strong momma competition for the last 6 years running.

I do encourage you to shoot it ALOT and hope the spring weakens some. With that and some practice you might be able to manipulate the slide better. You should be able to clear a jam etc which isn't gonna happen the way it is now it sounds like.

There's a drop safety incorporated so short of actually pulling the trigger, the gun is not gonna fire.

That being said, proper finger control and holster are still a must.

06-09-2014, 04:23 PM
And welcome to the forum. Glad you found us. Plenty of smart help here along with me and some of the other not so smart folks too.

06-09-2014, 05:03 PM
^^^ none smarter than the advice you just got from Bawanna. Welcome.

06-09-2014, 05:41 PM
Thank you for the welcomes! I can clear a jam but it takes a great deal of effort. I usually shoot about 50 rounds per week and will continue to do so to increase my proficiency and accuracy. I just ordered a hard holster that will completely cover the trigger so I think I will be very comfortable with the safety of my pistol while it is in the holster, even with a round in the chamber. I read somewhere that Kahr does not recommend that you slingshot the slide to load a round; in other words, a full magazine should be inserted, then she slide lock should be released to load a round. Is this accurate? Obviously it is easier for me to load up this way.

06-09-2014, 05:46 PM
That's the way they recommend it. After a time it will become easier and a properly executed sling shot will work. It will work now if applied properly.

But as you say in your instance the slide lock release is probably the best way to go.

50 rounds a week is perfect in my opinion too. Not overdoing it but gaining confidence and experience.

I don't get out much and I tend to shoot a whole lot when I do which is usually counter productive. After a couple hundred rounds the benefits generally decrease rapidly.

06-09-2014, 06:09 PM
Just out of curiosity, are you racking the slide properly? By that I mean with the heel of your off hand against the slide and all four fingers wrapped over the top of the slide. If not you might try that method. Grasping the rear of the slide between the thumb and index is not going to get the job done.

06-09-2014, 06:14 PM
I was under the impression that was not the safest way to rack the slide......? I can rack the slide much easier that way but I have been trying to use my thumb and index because I thought that was the proper way to do it.

06-09-2014, 06:28 PM
I was under the impression that was not the safest way to rack the slide......? I can rack the slide much easier that way but I have been trying to use my thumb and index because I thought that was the proper way to do it.

Here is some racking info from the Cornered Cat website

06-09-2014, 06:31 PM
I was under the impression that was not the safest way to rack the slide......? I can rack the slide much easier that way but I have been trying to use my thumb and index because I thought that was the proper way to do it.

You are new to handguns aren't you? The method that I described is the proper method of chambering a round. Carrying without a round in the chamber is far more dangerous to you than carrying with a round in the chamber. Carrying without a round in the chamber is the same as carrying an empty gun. Trying to load a round into the chamber while under the stress of an attack is a prescription for failure. Carry you gun in a holster that covers the trigger and keep that chamber loaded. If your gun is always carried loaded there will never be a question in your mind whether it's loaded or not. It will be. You need more training and trigger time.

06-09-2014, 06:42 PM
Heres a video for women on how to rack the slide


06-09-2014, 06:45 PM
I need more training and trigger time? Do you mean before I carry?? I prefer to not be treated like I am incompetent just because I am new. I don't think anyone ever reaches a point of not needing more practice.

I think the reason I have been directed to the slingshot method is to ensure my hand does not cover the ejection port. At the time I didn't know why I was told not to rack the slide that way.

Thank you, BEARDOG for that link!

06-09-2014, 06:51 PM
Thank you, SlowBurn! That video was also helpful!!

06-09-2014, 07:01 PM
Bawanna is correct that no bumps and jars and such are going to make your Kahr go bang. The striker is not tensioned fully, and, its locked from moving forward, and the surfaces that hold it in place are very robust for the task they do.

I have concern though, about your slide racking ability. Gun safety is more than just not having the gun go bang accidentally through unintended occurrance. A far greater part is safe handling of the firearm. And part of that is being able to chamber, and UNCHAMBER a cartridge without some sort of situational difficulty.

This is not a new thing for many women, and even some men. Part of using an autoloader is being able to rack the slide successfully. If the shooter lacks strength or manual dexterity to do so... there can be complications, some with regard to safety. When I taught safety, it was my opinion that the hammerless (or concealed hammer) revolver was the safest handgun for those with inadequate strength or dexterity. That is - because there is no need for "decocking" as they're all double action only. And because the push of a button to open a cylinder is easier than racking back a slide.

Not sure were you fall in the strength/dexterity department. I will say that some ladie's fingernails presented a problem for them. You'll need to do whats best for you and your present level of ability.

There is no shame, no slight or defamation for those who cannot rack the slide of some autoloaders. Its all just a matter of safe firearms handling.

And welcome aboard!

06-09-2014, 07:06 PM
muggsy you are right ( hey did I just say you are right?) my thought exactly, if you choose to carry a gun then make the gun ready to use. Always when carrying keep a round in the camber ready to use. The testing they do on the guns these days you can drop the off the roof of a house and they are still safe. Have been adding traction tape to the groves for some of the people I know that don’t have the hand strength and it has helped them


06-09-2014, 07:31 PM
I need more training and trigger time? Do you mean before I carry?? I prefer to not be treated like I am incompetent just because I am new. I don't think anyone ever reaches a point of not needing more practice.

I think the reason I have been directed to the slingshot method is to ensure my hand does not cover the ejection port. At the time I didn't know why I was told not to rack the slide that way.

Thank you, BEARDOG for that link!

I don't think they are treating you like you are incompetent because you are new. The folks on here are very confident and comfortable in their knowledge of Kahr weapons. Sometimes what is obvious to us, may come across different to you.

Practice. Practice. Practice, and carry with confidence.

Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk

06-09-2014, 08:13 PM
I need more training and trigger time? Do you mean before I carry?? I prefer to not be treated like I am incompetent just because I am new. I don't think anyone ever reaches a point of not needing more practice.

I think the reason I have been directed to the slingshot method is to ensure my hand does not cover the ejection port. At the time I didn't know why I was told not to rack the slide that way.

Thank you, BEARDOG for that link!

Welcome to the forum and don't let the know it all folk get to you.

I don't use the hand over the slide or whatever they call it these days method either. Never have, never will, and I've been carrying semi-autos for over 50 years. Kahrs, especially when new, respond less well to slingshot than most firearms. Kahr's recommendation is to chamber first round release from slide lock. Over time their guns will loosen up enough to reliably slingshot, but I wouldn't rely on it in crisis. As with any modern semi-auto, a round in the chamber is safe and best practice.

06-09-2014, 08:25 PM
Thank you, Itxi!

I was wondering if the spring would loosen over time. I knew the CW380 was known to have a very tight spring out of the box but did not know it would be THIS tight... it's rough.

Like I said, I am not uncomfortable carrying with a round in the chamber because I have a good holster on order that will completely cover the trigger. I was more concerned about the possibility of an accidental discharge. Like, if the gun gets bumped, or hit for some reason I wondered if it could go off.

06-09-2014, 08:33 PM
It is impossible for the gun to fire without pulling the trigger. The striker can't hit the primer without pulling the trigger.

If you carry in a purse have a separate pocket for gun and holster.

Enjoy and yes the spring will loosen up!

Congrats and shoot on sister.

06-09-2014, 08:35 PM
Don't let anybody here scare ya off mandapru. We're here to help and I offer you my protection.


06-09-2014, 08:38 PM
Happy to help, mandapru. It's not the spring, it's the close fit parts. This be a good thing. Give it a couple or three hundred rounds and it will will smooth out and slide easier. As Bawanna said first off, Kahrs have a zero chance of AD from being bumped, dropped, or thrown at a significant other. :angel:

Again, welcome!

06-09-2014, 08:53 PM
Thank you all for your input and kind comments. With the possibility of an accidental discharge being eliminated, I am completely comfortable carrying with a round in the chamber. :)

06-09-2014, 09:28 PM

06-09-2014, 09:44 PM
I have a few hundred rounds through my CW9 and manually racked it a lot as well it is definitely much easier now. Spend time practicing and get a holster that cover the trigger and your golden.

06-09-2014, 10:01 PM
Great advice from everyone. Just would like to further discuss safety and holsters. IMHO the pistol and holster could be considered as a single unit. The holster acts as a safety and the firearm cannot discharge while holstered. To complicate matters there is no one single best holster. Wardrobe, activity ,social setting ,just to mention a few would suggest more than one type of holster to be purchased. Yes, another expense, but I think most all us have taken the great holster search and have a drawer full. There are excellent reviews on youtube by women that go over multiple methods of carry for women. Also, much discussion on these pages on preferred methods of concealed carry, mostly by men. Do not hesitate to to ask questions or offer insight into your holster journey. Waistband( inside and out) ankle, thigh, vest, pocket, purse, flash-bang bra, shoulder undershirt vest, pouch, body-band. Single clip, double clip, clipless, tuckable, leather, elastic, kydex, band. 12:00, appendix, 3:00, 4:00 ,crossdraw. Welcome, a lot of help and fun on the Kahr forum.

06-10-2014, 12:59 AM
My wife has a difficult time with the slide on her CW9. Had to show her how to push with one arm and pull with the other with her hand over the top being careful to keep body parts out of the ejection port.

06-10-2014, 07:19 AM
I need more training and trigger time? Do you mean before I carry?? I prefer to not be treated like I am incompetent just because I am new. I don't think anyone ever reaches a point of not needing more practice.

I think the reason I have been directed to the slingshot method is to ensure my hand does not cover the ejection port. At the time I didn't know why I was told not to rack the slide that way.

Thank you, BEARDOG for that link!

Maam, I don't need any sensitivity training, but you do need more experience and "proper" training. No one is competent with a gun when they are first starting out and some never become competent, because of their attitude. I offered good sound advice. You can take it or leave it. No skin off my nose.

06-10-2014, 10:05 AM
First welcome to the forum. Second perhaps leaving the slide locked open with the mag removed for safety overnight for a few nights the slide may be easier to manipulate.
My wife is a very good shot with revolvers and has no issues with them at all but she doesn't like semi auto's because of the manual of arms required to operate them.
Good luck with your Kahr

06-10-2014, 10:18 AM
Mandapru, I recently posted my concerns about the CW380 as a viable option for my petite wife. After putting her hands on one, she decided she felt much more confident with a TCP. Confidence in your ability to run the gun is a HUGE part of self defense. In a critical situation something that was a little difficult before, will suddenly seem much harder. Here's the link to our discussions a few months back.


06-10-2014, 10:31 AM
Sometimes a little adrenaline also makes things that were hard before very easy.

Keeping in mind it's a self defense gun and not a cop gun I think it can be viable with regular practice.

I still maintain that most who look the elephant in the eye and have a malfunction will throw the gun and run, and maybe that's not a bad thing.

Do cut our new lady member some slack. She deserves it and we can use more around here.

06-10-2014, 01:35 PM
I have appreciated your input muggsy, but it is a little offensive to continue telling me that I need more training and practice, especially because I am doing as much as I can. I go to the range as often as I can or can find ammo, and I have spent money on safety and training classes. Even with the practice and training I have had I still consider myself "new" since I have only owned a firearm for a few months. I demonstrated sufficient competency to obtain a concealed handgun license so I think that's got to say something....?

Southerngunner, I have been storing my pistol with the slide locked open. I think it made a little bit of difference at first but not much.

Thank you for the link TenorTim, I'll check it out.

06-10-2014, 01:42 PM
Hi Mandapru and welcome to the club....Glad to hear things are going well with the new pistol...If you are still having problems racking the slide look into this product....gets good reviews from people with hand strength issues...


Good luck and again welcome to Kahr pisols and Kahrtalk

06-10-2014, 01:46 PM
Maam, I don't need any sensitivity training,

Yes you do. Lots I might add.

06-10-2014, 02:42 PM
Hi Mandapru and welcome to the club....Glad to hear things are going well with the new pistol...If you are still having problems racking the slide look into this product....gets good reviews from people with hand strength issues...

www.handi-racker.com (http://www.handi-racker.com)

Good luck and again welcome to Kahr pisols and Kahrtalk
wow now I have seen everything. How about a revolver instead?

06-10-2014, 03:50 PM
I have appreciated your input muggsy, but it is a little offensive to continue telling me that I need more training and practice, especially because I am doing as much as I can. I go to the range as often as I can or can find ammo, and I have spent money on safety and training classes. Even with the practice and training I have had I still consider myself "new" since I have only owned a firearm for a few months. I demonstrated sufficient competency to obtain a concealed handgun license so I think that's got to say something....?

Southerngunner, I have been storing my pistol with the slide locked open. I think it made a little bit of difference at first but not much.

Thank you for the link TenorTim, I'll check it out.

Let me put it to you this way, mandapru and maybe you'll understand. There isn't anyone on this forum who couldn't used more training and trigger time, myself included. Being new you need more than some of the others. I wasn't trying to be insulting or condescending. I was offering you my best advice. The others on this board who jumped down my throat should have known that. You I can forgive. I'm not a know-it-all, but I do know a lot. And a hell of a lot more than most. And that's just the way it is.

06-10-2014, 04:06 PM


06-10-2014, 04:21 PM
Let me put it to you this way, mandapru and maybe you'll understand. There isn't anyone on this forum who couldn't used more training and trigger time, myself included. Being new you need more than some of the others. I wasn't trying to be insulting or condescending. I was offering you my best advice. The others on this board who jumped down my throat should have known that. You I can forgive. I'm not a know-it-all, but I do know a lot. And a hell of a lot more than most. And that's just the way it is.
I love you Muggs.

06-10-2014, 05:02 PM
Mandapru, keep up the good [hard] work. Bawanna covered the basics and you already have the basics, a good quality gun, a holster that covers the trigger and the mindset to practice and learn. Welcome to the place.

06-10-2014, 09:38 PM



06-10-2014, 09:40 PM
I love you Muggs.

I've learned to tolerate you knkali. :)