View Full Version : Another one

06-10-2014, 11:20 AM
CNN reporting an active shooter in a Troutdale Oregon High school....The reporter chick has repeated several times that the shots were from a "Semi Auto" firearm, like it matters....Stay tuned......Pray for the Police Officers, the injured and the innocents....

Note to self, Pick up some ammo on the way home....

New report, Shooter is dead....

06-10-2014, 12:02 PM
Some of the comments from the CNN web story...And the Anti's think we're the nuts...

Every day... Insane...
Declare NRA as a terrorist organization

More Guns = More Gun Violence

An average of 20 mass shootings every year since Columbine and no change whatsoever to our gun laws.

The NRA fueled the mentality that drove those two Indiana nuts to kill those cops in Las Vegas.

You know we keep hearing that, but yet, i still haven't seen a "happy" story regarding a gun yet, in all my 32 years of life.

You must be in a coma idiot...right wingers are the scourge of the country.

NRA is fully responsible for these shootings along with the shooters and their parents. NRA knowing how dangerous guns are still chooses to circulate as many as possible for profits and lowlifes like you support it.

The NRA successfully BLOCKED the universal background checks that could have prevented this "wack job" from easily buying a gun in a private sale.

One day your child or loved one will be a victim of gun violence. Then let’s see how you feel about the NRAs proliferation of guns
NRA uses their money and lobbyists to block every attempt at gun safety laws because they see it as an "assault on their freedom" even though liberal law makers are simply trying to make it more difficult for people like the "extremist patriots" like the guy in Las Vegas from legally obtaining guns. But, no, keeping them from getting guns is an assault on their freedom, somehow. Yet, innocent children, officers, citizens, etc getting killed by legal gun owners is somehow NOT an assault on freedom?

There are LOTS of people with rage issues out there. The NRA has armed them and CREATED the problem of BAD GUYS WITH GUNS.

Are you dense? The NRA supports those people with guns, all people with guns, including felons and the mentally ill. They don't care about people being killed. They just rely on simpletons like you to buy guns. They don't care if you kill or die they just want your money.

NRA Is fully responsible along with the shooters and their parents and lowlifes like you support them. You should all be quarantined and crushed.

__________________________________________________ ______________

This was only a sample of the comments people wrote in......These people are allowed to vote too....Scary....

06-10-2014, 12:15 PM
Here we go again with that little throw up a little bit in my mouth.

06-10-2014, 12:40 PM
When the gun was left in the toy aisle at the Target store the other day, there was much speculation that an anti left it there to cause a tragedy. Many said no, they wouldn't stoop so low. But that is exactly what Fast & Furious was - giving guns to violent criminals and expecting innocent people to be killed, for propaganda purposes. I put nothing past them.

06-10-2014, 12:43 PM
Oh, and remember that the percentage of Americans in jail or prison (i.e., ones we consider too violent to walk among us) is a mere 1% of the total population. The media covers them way out of proportion to what they deserve, in order to create a panic among the 99% of us who wouldn't hurt a fly.

06-10-2014, 04:23 PM
Still think we need armed good guys at schools? Was the NRA out of line when they suggested that?

06-10-2014, 05:44 PM
For what it's worth There was a report that A knew B and it was a grudge thing. Is there Gangs in suburban Portland? I smell a stink Bomb....

06-10-2014, 05:50 PM
There's gangs everywhere. We got gangs here in podunk Monroe.
A few common denominators I won't go into at this time. I'm still trying to fathom same sex marriage and legal marijuana.

06-10-2014, 10:05 PM
There is at least this being done. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/06/09/11-school-administrators-in-toppenish-to-carry-guns-for-added-level-security/

06-10-2014, 10:10 PM
Pres want to confiscate as they did in Australia

06-10-2014, 10:17 PM
There is at least this being done. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/06/09/11-school-administrators-in-toppenish-to-carry-guns-for-added-level-security/
about time all schools start considering this as an option

06-10-2014, 10:59 PM
Oh, and remember that the percentage of Americans in jail or prison (i.e., ones we consider too violent to walk among us) is a mere 1% of the total population. The media covers them way out of proportion to what they deserve, in order to create a panic among the 99% of us who wouldn't hurt a fly.

Heard a report on NPR today about a news source in Canada that will no longer publish facts about people who commit mass murder.


06-11-2014, 08:43 PM
Heard a report on NPR today about a news source in Canada that will no longer publish facts about people who commit mass murder.


I have thought this for years. If we don't give these idiots their 10 minutes of fame, maybe this will stop being the macabre fad it has turned into.